rkavalap / NightWatchTest

A test tool suite for Selenium testing using Nightwatchjs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Test automation framework for End to End UI Test testing using NodeJS, Nightwatch, Typescript, Selenium for testing locally and Sauce Labs.


To proceed you need a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine, and:

  1. node installed. (4.* LTS release)

  2. npm installed (usually installed along with node). After installing nodejs, the version shipped by nodejs for 4.* LTS release is very old and needs to be upgraded to the latest version (3.*). To install npm

        npm install npm -g
  3. If tests are to be executed on Sauce Labs, Sauce labs Username and API Key for the user

  4. Copy of this repository using Git or from a browser

        git clone https://github.com/rkavalap/NightWatchTest 
  5. From the copy of the source i.e NightWatchTest directory

        npm install

    Install's all the dependent packages for this project under node_modules folder.

##To clean & compile source:

    npm run build

##To Execute Test:

To execute individual test suite (single file of test cases) use the "-t" argument and path of the test case under build output folder and "--env" argument.

    node node_modules/nightwatch/bin/runner.js -t buildOutput/javascript1.js --env devtest-chrome-win8

To execute multiple test cases you can use --tag argument to nightwatch. Each test suite needs to have tag attribute defined.


There are two kinds of environment/configs in this project:

  1. The default config is defined in defaults.json5, which all other configs inherit from.
  2. Dynamically configurations are generated by combining each of the top-level objects in capabilities.json5 and deployments.json5.

###Config Merging

When nightwatch starts, it's passed configuration that is gathered or generated by nightwatch.conf.js. The generation does these things:

  1. Loads defaults.json5, which contains the base configuration.
  2. Generates what nightwatch refers to as an "environment" (a configuration object within test_settings), for each combination of objects in capabilities.json5 and deployments.json5. The generated environments are like devtest-chrome-win8.
    • deployments are things like devtest or CI. Configs here are available to all generated environments with the same deployment (i.e. devtest-chrome-win8 but not ci-chrome-win8).
    • capabilities are selenium settings (i.e. the -chrome-win8 part). Configs here are available to all generated environments with the same capability (i.e. devtest-chrome-win8 and ci-chrome-win8, but not devtest-ie10-win7).
  3. Loads any settings in configs/, and applies them also as environments under test_settings.

##Project source Layout:

  • tests - Contains all the UI test scripts.
  • globalsmodule.js - Nightwatch globals module file
  • gulpfile.js - Build file (compilation from ts to js using Gulp)
  • nightwatch.conf.js - config file for nightwatch
  • package.json - dependent nodejs packages used for this project installed under node_modules directory
  • typings - Created on execution of build. Provides intellisense support for Nightwatch framework.


VS Code

Experience should be similar to Visual studio and other IDE's supporting Typescript Intellisense.



A test tool suite for Selenium testing using Nightwatchjs

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 85.0%Language:TypeScript 15.0%