rkandil / ShoppingCart

This is a sample to show how you can create a shopping cart in Angular 2/4

Repository from Github https://github.comrkandil/ShoppingCartRepository from Github https://github.comrkandil/ShoppingCart


  • In order to install to run the application, make sure you have Angular environment set environment properly set up.
  • go to the root of the product and run npm install
  • make sure that you have json-server up and running. For more details: follow the instructions of the json-server here: https://github.com/typicode/json-server
  • run the json-server against the uploaded file: databaseShopping.json
  • run the application be running ng serve against the root of the application


This is a sample to show how you can create a shopping cart in Angular 2/4


Language:TypeScript 77.0%Language:HTML 14.5%Language:JavaScript 5.9%Language:CSS 2.7%