rjmcdonald83 / sauce

Middleman template with Haml, Compass, and CoffeeScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Middleman template with Haml, Compass, and CoffeeScript. Comes ready with IE conditional classes, HTML5Shiv, body classes, jQuery (official CDN), LiveReload, and pretty URLs.

Installing / Updating

# Clone the repo as a Middleman template
git clone git@github.com:nikiliu/sauce.git ~/.middleman/sauce

# Update to latest version
cd ~/.middleman/sauce/; git pull


# Scaffold a project using Sauce
middleman init [my_project] --template=sauce

# Optionally remove default README and Git repository
cd ~/.middleman/sauce/; rm -rf README .git/

# Fire up a local development server (LiveReload equipped)
bundle exec middleman server

# Build a production-ready version of your app
bundle exec middleman build

File Structure

|_ source/
|  |_ images/
|  |  |_ sauce.png             # Sauce logo
|  |
|  |_ javascripts/
|  |  |_ shared/               # For any CoffeeScript classes, etc.
|  |  |_ vendor/               # For any third-party plugins
|  |  |
|  |  |_ _main.coffee          # Main JavaScript functionality
|  |  |_ application.coffee    # Imports all scripts
|  |
|  |_ layouts/
|  |  |_ _doctype.haml         # Partial containing DOCTYPE and IE conditional classes
|  |  |_ _icons.haml           # Partial containing application icons
|  |  |_ _meta.haml            # Partial containing meta tags
|  |  |_ main.haml             # Main layout
|  |
|  |_ stylesheets/
|  |  |_ shared/
|  |  |  |_ _colors.scss       # Color definitions
|  |  |  |_ _fonts.scss        # Font definitions
|  |  |  |_ _ie.scss           # IE styles
|  |  |  |_ _media.scss        # Media queries
|  |  |  |_ _mixins.scss       # Custom mixins
|  |  |  |_ _variables.scss    # General variables
|  |  |
|  |  |_ vendor/
|  |  |  |_ normalize.css      # Normalize
|  |  |
|  |  |_ _main.scss            # Main app styles
|  |  |_ application.scss      # Imports Compass and all stylesheets
|  |
|  |_ favicon.ico              # Sauce favicon
|  |_ index.haml               # Homepage
|_ .gitignore                  # Git ignore
|_ config.rb                   # Middleman configuration
|_ Gemfile                     # Dependencies
|_ Gemfile.lock                # Last verified dependencies
|_ Rakefile                    # Rake tasks
|_ README.md                   # This README

Adding New Pages

To create a new page, simply create a new .haml file in the source/ directory. The default index.haml begins with the following lines:

title:   Welcome to Sauce
layout:  main
classes: home

title gets translated directly to the <title> tag in the layout, layout selects which layout to use for the page, and classes is a list of classes, separated by a space, the <body> tag will have.

Sauce utilizes Middleman's pretty URL plugin, which will convert every new page file to have its own pretty URL. Example: newpage.haml can be seen at /newpage.

Publishing to gh-pages

Sauce includes middleman-gh-pages. If not using a custom CNAME, uncomment the relevant lines in config.rb before publishing.

# Publish a build to the gh-pages branch on GitHub
bundle exec rake publish


Middleman template with Haml, Compass, and CoffeeScript.


Language:CSS 71.4%Language:Ruby 21.8%Language:CoffeeScript 6.8%