rjagerman / Monubit

Monubit - TU Delft Contextproject for the monument registry

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This document contains information on how to configure Monubit so it runs on your webserver.

  1. Notes for SIG

Monubit is build on the Symfony2 framework. As such our code exists in the following directories:

  • ./src/*
  • ./python/*

All other code is part of the framework and can be excluded from the analysis.

  1. Requirements

To run Monubit you will need a web server capable of running the Symfony2 framework. To use the search system, a working python 2.7 installation is necessary. This means we require the following:

  • An HTTP server (Apache for example).
  • PHP 5.4 or higher.
  • MySQL or a similar database management system.
  • Composer (script included in the root directory).
  • Python 2.7

For python, we require the following libraries:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Gensim
  • PyYAML
  • MySQL-Python

Furthermore, we recommend you install the following, even though it is not required to run the application:

  • A PHP bytecode cache (APC v3.13+ or XCache).
  • The PHP intl package.
  • A command line interface with basic linux command functionality. This means that if you are running windows we recommend you install conemu (terminal emulator) and cygwin (linux functionality).
  1. Cloning from git

You have to clone this git repository into a directory of your webserver. Usually you will want to clone it into htdocs so that the /Monubit/web/ folder can directly be accessed by the browser, however other valid configurations do exist.

  1. Checking your System Configuration

Before starting, make sure that your local system is properly configured for the Symfony2 framework.

Open the cloned repository's root directory in a command line and execute the following:

php app/check.php

If you get any errors, fix them before moving on.

  1. Installing vendor scripts

Symfony requires the basic parameters file before it can run commands. Run the following command in the command line to copy the default configuration parameters file:

cp ./app/config/parameters.yml.dist ./app/config/parameters.yml

Before you can use Monubit you will have to install and update all of its dependencies. Assuming you have composer installed, simply run the following command in the command line from the root of your cloned repository:

php composer.phar install
  1. Configuring your database information

Now open your web browser and browse to the configuration script to enter your database information:


Follow all the steps there and your application should be configured correctly.

  1. Creating the database

You can create the database for Monubit by executing the following command:

php app/console doctrine:database:create

To load all the tables and schemas, run the following command:

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

We included an extract of the monument registry database as an .sql file, named monubit.sql. You can load this database into MySQL to fill the software with all the current monuments.

  1. Running the python search indexer

To run the python search indexer, browse to the python directory with your console

cd python

Run the indexer by executing the following command:

python -m monubit.search.indexer
  1. Done!

You can now start using Monubit at the following URL:


To run the project in the development environment for better debugging tools, start Monubit at the following URL:

  1. Running tests

All tests are created in PHPUnit, so you need a PHPUnit distribution to run them. The phpunit.xml file is located in the /app directory. To run the tests, execute the following:

phpunit -c app

To run the code coverage you will need to have XDebug installed. To run the tests with coverage, execute the following:

phpunit -c app --coverage-html cov/

The python modules have doctests, which automatically run when you execute the module. To get more extensive output use the -v flag.


Monubit - TU Delft Contextproject for the monument registry

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 82.6%Language:JavaScript 10.5%Language:Python 6.9%