rizarakhmat / BattleShip-on-Blockchain

BattleShip game implemented on Etherium Blockchain

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BattleShip game based on Blockchain

BattleShip game implemented with MerkleTree structure to prevent falsifications with results of ship coordinations.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to develop the Battleship game on Ethereum blockchain. The blockchain is exploited: • to guarantee that the initial choice of the ship locations made in the placement phase is not modified by a cheater after the placement phase; • to guarantee that the initial placement of the ships is valid; • to guarantee, at each turn, that a player does not cheat about the exact outcome of the previous torpedo shot made by their adversary (i.e. hit or miss); • to implement a rewarding system for winning players, through some tokens or cryptocurrency stored in the smart contract balance; • to define a penalty mechanism for cheating players and for players taking no action at a particular turn, so freezing the deposit of money in the smart contract.


• contracts: which contains the file BattleShipGame.sol with the solidity code; • src: which contains the front-end structure with index.html, js folder with the app.js and others javascript code and the css folder with style.css

User manual

To try out the project is needed Ganache, Truffle and Metamask as saw at laboratory lessons. So first of all is necessary to execute Ganache and start an appropriate workspace. The second thing to do is compile the contract, to do this in the P2P Project/migrations folder is necessary to run the command ”truffle migrate”. After this in the P2P Project folder to execute the code is possible to run ”npm run dev” and a browser page is opened automatically. Assuming to have already a network created on Metamask the only things to do is log in and choose an account. To use another account on the same network is necessary to open ”http://localhost :3001/” and disable all the synchronization settings. After this it is possible to open another browser page and go to ”http://localhost:3000/” being careful to change the account on Metamask.


BattleShip game implemented on Etherium Blockchain


Language:JavaScript 91.9%Language:Solidity 5.1%Language:HTML 1.7%Language:CSS 1.3%