rizar / actor-critic-public

The source code for "An Actor Critic Algorithm for Structured Prediction"

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Running the tests gives a segmentation fault.

shivamvats opened this issue · comments

@rizar I followed the instructions in README to run the tests. However, I am getting seg faults for all the tests I tried. My guess is that code is not getting the correct data. Are there additional steps I need to take to properly set the run time paths?

By "tests", do you mean the content of "tests" folder, or do you mean the actual experiments? The former was included in the repository by mistake and should be deleted.

I am sorry for the confusion. I mean the actual experiments billion words and ted used in the paper.

  1. source env.sh.
  2. cd exp/billion_words
  3. $LVSR/bin/run.py train autoencoder3 configs/autoencoder3.yaml
  4. cd ../ted
  5. ./create_dataset.sh (I first set the path to MOSES)`
  6. $LVSR/bin/run.py train ted12 config/ted12.yaml


Using gpu device 0: GeForce GTX 960M (CNMeM is enabled with initial size: 90.0% of memory, cuDNN not available)    
Segmentation fault

Hold on, did the step 3 work for you? You should've downloaded the data first. I will add the instruction on how to download the data today.

I did download the data (I put it in lvsr/datasets though).

I still get the same error after putting the data in FUEL_DATA_PATH. I am surprised to see a seg fault with Python. Are you using C wrappers in your code? From fuel's docs, it seems that it needs data as a .hdf5 file. Does it need to be converted to fuel's format?

Also, in the configs for ted the data filename is set as TED/de-en/ted.h5 (I would expect it to be ted.h5).


I figured out the issue. Importing fst is leading to a seg fault. I tried reinstalling pyfst and openfst but it doesn't work. The code should work without fst, right?

Thanks a lot for your prompt help! :)
Would it be possible for you to give me a rough estimate of the training time? I am using a GTX 960, with 4GB memory.