riyakushwaha / Interview-Preparation-Java

This repositiory contains easy to hard level Java codes that one must practice to excel in Technical Interviews.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains codes on all DSA concepts in Java Language.


  1. Anagrams
  2. ArrayManipulation
  3. BinarySeachTree: Height & OrderLevelTraversal
  4. Bitwise AND
  5. Comparator
  6. FraudNotification
  7. FrequencyCount
  8. HourGlassSum
  9. MarkAndToys
  10. MergePoint: LinkedList
  11. MinSwap
  12. NewYear
  13. RansomNote
  14. Regex
  15. TwoStrings

PepCoding Java Foundation

  1. AllOcurrenceRecusrion
  2. AnyBaseAddition
  3. AnyBaseMultiplication
  4. AnyBaseSubtraction
  5. Array Inverse
  6. ArraySubset
  7. BaseToBaseConversion
  8. BenjaminBulbs
  9. CeilAndFloor
  10. FirstOccurrence
  11. GetSubsequence
  12. KeypadCombination
  13. LastOccurrenceRecursion
  14. MatrixMultiplication
  15. MatrixSpiralTraversal
  16. MatrixWaveTraversal
  17. Pattern1
  18. Pattern2: CodeVita Question
  19. Pattern3: Square - Diamond
  20. Pattern4: Number Valley
  21. Pattern5: Arrow
  22. PowerByRecusrion
  23. PrimeFactors
  24. ShellRotateMatrix
  25. ASCIIDiff
  26. WPattern


  1. ArrayShrink


  1. MaxLength: LongestIncreasingSubArray
  2. ArrayLeader


  1. PivotArray: PivotIndexInArray
  2. TwoSum
  3. MissingNumber
  4. MonotonicArray


  1. BinarySearch
  2. BubbleSort
  3. ButterflyPattern
  4. CountingSort
  5. Diamond: Pattern
  6. InsertionSort
  7. MergeSort
  8. PascalTriangle
  9. QuickSelectAlgo
  10. QuickSort
  11. RadixSort
  12. SelectionSort
  13. TowerOfHanoi


This repositiory contains easy to hard level Java codes that one must practice to excel in Technical Interviews.


Language:Java 100.0%