rivvid / vue-multianalytics

A vue multianalytics plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A VueJS multianalytics tool


At Glovo we need to track a lot of events. And not in only one platform, but a few. That is why we needed vue-multianalytics, a simple plugin that allows you to track any event in multiple platforms at the same time.

This plugin has been inspired by the awesome library vue-ua, so a big thank you to it. If you want to just have Google Analytics, you should use vue-ua instead of vue-multianalytics.


A typical npm install vue-multianalytics -s will be enough to download it.

To start using it, you need to add the plugin in your main .js entry

import VueMultianalytics from 'vue-multianalytics'

let gaConfig = {
  appName: 'Test', // Mandatory
  appVersion: '0.1', // Mandatory
  trackingId: 'YOUR_UA', // Mandatory
  debug: true, // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)

let mixpanelConfig = {
  token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'

Vue.use(VueMultianalytics, {
  modules: {
    ga: gaConfig,
    mixpanel: mixpanelConfig


Once the configuration is completed, you can access the vue-multianalytics instance in your components like that :

this.$ma.trackEvent(params, excludedModules)


You can easily exclude modules from being fired by an event adding them to the excludedModules array. This is per-event based, so feel free to use them as you want

// this will exclude mixpanel from being fired
let excludedModules = ['mixpanel']
this.$ma.trackEvent(params, excludedModules)

// this will exclude both, mixpanel and ga from beign fired
this.$ma.trackEvent(params, ['mixpanel', 'ga'])

// this will exclude nothing from beign fired, all the modules will be triggered

VueRouter integration

vue-multianalytics can be integrated with vue-router to track each new screen view on router change.

To use this feature, you just need to pass your vue-router instance in the params property as vueRouter.

import VueMultianalytics from 'vue-multianalytics'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
const router = new VueRouter(...)

let mixpanelConfig = {
  token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'

Vue.use(VueMultianalytics, {
  modules: {
    mixpanel: mixpanelConfig
  routing: {
    vueRouter: router, //  Pass the router instance to automatically sync with router (optional)
    preferredProperty: 'name', // By default 'path' and related with vueRouter (optional)
    ignoredViews: ['homepage'], // Views that will not be tracked
    ignoredModules: ['ga'] // Modules that will not send route change events. The event sent will be this.$ma.trackView({viewName: 'homepage'}, ['ga'])

This feature will generate the view name according to a priority rule:

  • If you have defined a meta field in your route named analytics
const homeRoute = {
  path: '/home',
  name: 'home',
  meta: {analytics: 'ThisWillBeTheName'}
  • If you define a preferredProperty in your vue-multianalytics params, that params will be the used as screen name. Possible params are: name, path, fullPath.
  • If nothing is provided path will be used.

If you want to ignore some routes, just specify then in the ignoredViews param.

Custom Plugin

Usually you don't want to call directly the library, but call an interface first to manipulate the data before.

// Not a very good practice

if (a === condition1) {
  this.$ma.trackEvent({action: 'User click'})
} else {
  this.$ma.trackError({description: 'Fatal error'})

if (b === condition1) {
  this.$ma.trackEvent({action: 'User click'})

// Much better using an interface and handle the logic there. No code repeated, better understanding of the flow

// component1
// componen2

To do it so, you just need to create a mixin to act as an interface with the vue-multianalytics.


Just create a module that exports a function accepting as a parameter the analytics library:

export default function (multianalytics) {

  return {
    onUserClick (input) {
      if (input === true) {
        multianalytics.trackEvent({action: 'User click'})
      } else {
        multianalytics.trackError({description: 'Fatal error'})

You can define inside all the methods that you want and call all the library api from the parameter received.


You just need to pass the mixin as the third parameter when you initialize the plugin

import VueMultianalytics from 'vue-multianalytics'
import analyticsMixin from './analyticsMixin.js'

Vue.use(VueMultianalytics, {
  modules: {
    ga: gaConfig
}, analyticsMixin)


Everything is already set, you can now call your mixin methods from anywhere in your vue application using this.$mam (instead of this.$ma).

export default {
  data () {

  methods: {
    bannerClick (input) {



  * Dispatch a view using the screen name
  * params should contain
  * @param viewName

this.$ma.trackView({screenName: 'Homepage'})  

trackEvent({category = 'Event', action, label = null, value = null})

  * Dispatch a view using the screen name
  * params object should contain
  * @param category
  * @param action
  * @param label
  * @param value

this.$ma.trackEvent({category: 'Click', action: 'Homepage Click', label: 'Great', value: ''})  

addTransaction({id, affiliation = '', revenue = 0, shipping = 0, tax = 0, currency = 'USD'})

* Ecommerce transactions.
* ecommerce needs to be enabled in the module options (ecommerce = true)
* More info at https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce
* @param {long} id - Transaction ID. Required
* @param {string} affiliation -  Affiliation or store name
* @param {float} revenue - Grand Total
* @param {flat} shipping -  Shipping
* @param {float} tax - Tax
* @param {string} currency - Currency - https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/platform/features/currencies
  id: 1234,                     // Transaction ID. Required.
  affiliation: 'Acme Clothing',   // Affiliation or store name.
  revenue: 11.99,               // Grand Total.
  shipping: 5,                  // Shipping.
  tax: 1.29                     // Tax.

addItem({id, name, sku, category, price = 0, quantity = 1})

* Ecommerce transactions.
* ecommerce needs to be enabled in the module options (ecommerce = true)
* More info at https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce
* @param {long} id - Transaction ID. Required
* @param {string} name -  Product name. Required.
* @param {string} sku - SKU/code.
* @param {string} category -  Category or variation.
* @param {float} price - Unit price.
  id: 123,
  name: 'Fluffy Pink Bunnies',    // Product name. Required.
  sku: 'DD23444',                 // SKU/code.
  category: 'Party Toys',         // Category or variation.
  price: '11.99',                 // Unit price.
  quantity: '1'  


* Ecommerce transactions.
* ecommerce needs to be enabled in the module options (ecommerce = true)
* Sends the transaction


* Ecommerce transactions.
* ecommerce needs to be enabled in the module options (ecommerce = true)
* Clears the transaction


  * Identify
  * @param userId - The userId to identify with
  * @param options -

this.$ma.identify({userId: 12345, options: {newUser: true}})  


  * Reset the user & clears storage



  * Set an alias
  * @param alias



  * Set a username
  * @param name



  * Set some user properties
  * @param properties

this.$ma.setUserProperties({userId: '12345', name: 'John'})  


  * Set some user properties, but only once
  * @param properties

this.$ma.setUserPropertiesOnce({userId: '12345', name: 'John'})  


  * Set some properties to be sent in every event
  * @param properties

this.$ma.setSuperProperties({platform: 'Mobile'})  


  * Set some properties to be sent in every event
  * @param properties

this.$ma.setSuperPropertiesOnce({platform: 'Mobile'})  


Currently, supported modules are the following

Google Analytics

Name: ga Config:

appName: 'Test', // Mandatory
appVersion: '0.1', // Mandatory
trackingId: 'YOUR_UA', // Mandatory
ecommerce: true, // Enables ecommerce support (optional)
debug: true // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)

Supported Events: trackView, trackEvent, trackException, addTransaction, addItem, trackTransaction, clearTransactions, setUsername, trackTiming


Name: mixpanel Config:

token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'
config: {} // Initial mixpanel config
debug: true // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)

Supported Events: trackView, trackEvent, setAlias, setUsername, setUserProperties, setSuperPropertiesOnce, setSuperProperties, setSuperPropertiesOnce

Facebook Pixel

Name: facebook Config:

token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'
debug: true // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)

Supported Events: trackView, trackEvent


Name: segment Config:

token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'
debug: true // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)

Supported Events: trackView, trackEvent, setAlias, setUserProperties, setSuperProperties


  • Demo ๐Ÿ‘
  • Further integration with mixpanel ๐Ÿ‘
  • Ecommerce support ๐Ÿ‘
  • New events: registerSuperproperties, alias, timedEvents
  • New modules: segment, appboy, kissmetrics?
  • Tests


A vue multianalytics plugin

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%