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List of Research Internships for Undergraduate Students

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Research Internship for Undergraduates

This is a non-exhaustive list of opportunities available to Undergraduate students. Many of these positions are only focussed towards Indian students.

I am making this list as an attempt to fill the void of any such open source list. Your contribution is vital to keep the list up-to-date for future students to use. Hence it's a humble request to each user to contribute any new opportunity you discover and update the old ones. Without updation, the web-links will break, and the list will become redundant! I'll make sure that any such modification in the README.md raised as an issue will be timely reviewed and added.

The following are some global research internship positions:

  1. MITACS Gloablink, for research positions in Canada.(Done)
  2. DAAD Wise Scholarship, for research positions in Germany (Done)
  3. Research fellowship at ETH Zurich(31 December)
  4. Max Planck Institute for Software Systems(31 December)
  5. CRUISE Program by Georgia Tech University (31 December)
  6. IPAM UCLA, RIPS Program
  7. Summer at EPFL(15 Nov)
  8. Robotics Institute for Summer Scholars, CMU (Starts 1 Dec)
  9. SPIKE @ UNIST, Summer Program for Internship and Korean Experience(31 Jna)
  10. NTHU Summer Internship Program(31 Dec)
  11. Santa Fe Institute Summer Research Experience(6- Jan)
  12. UROP International, RWTH Aachen(15 Jan)
  13. MTBI Summer Program, Arizona State University(31 jan)
  14. Summer Undergraduate Research fellowship program, Rockfeller Institute(31 Feb)
  15. CERN Summer Student Program
  16. CERN OpenLab for Computer Science Undergraduates
  17. ISternship Summer Student Program, IST Austria (31 Jan)
  18. CalTech SURF Program(Feb 22)
  19. TIGP-IIP, Academia Sincia, Taiwan(28 Feb)
  20. Agmen Scholarship, University of Tokyo(31 Jan)
  21. IVISP, HKUST (only for senior year undergraduates + postgraduates)
  22. Space Astronomy Summer Program, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
  23. UNSW Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Internship
  24. OIST Research Internship Program, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology(15 Nov)
  25. SURP, CUHK(25 Feb)

The following are some research internships for Indian students:

  1. S.N. Bose Scholarship, sponsored by IUSSTF
  2. Shastri Research Student Fellowship by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute(30 Nov,Dec 27)
  3. Viterbi India Program, sponsored by IUSSTF and USC Viterbi
  4. Khorana Program for Scholars, sponsored by IUSSTF
  5. NTU-India Connect, sponsored by NTU
  6. Charpak Global Scholarship, funded by French Embassy in India
  7. Indian Student Internship Program at NTHU
  8. IBM Blue Mix Research Internship
  9. IBM Extreme Blue (limited to IITs and NITs)
  10. LIGO IndiGo at CalTech, funded by US NSF(4 Feb)
  11. SPARK, IIT Roorkee
  12. IIITD Summer Intersnhip, IIIT, New Delhi
  13. Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2018, IISc, IAS, INS
  14. Quantitative Research Summer Internship, WorldQuant India
  15. IITB Research Internship Award, IIT Bombay
  16. IITK SURGE Program, IIT Kanpur


List of Research Internships for Undergraduate Students