Rishabh Agarwal's repositories


This project was initially developed in Java as part of the Computer Applications subject of ICSE 2013 exams.



A python library for automated exploratory data analysis



This repo is my personal website project. It has also been made available as a template.



Multisim file of a circuit designed to check for voltage of battery to be charged or discharged using Op-Amp.



This project was built as a part of the engineering curriculum of Third Year. It uses multiple concepts and technologies like image processing, machine learning, raspberry pi coding, hardware considerations like motors and overall design of the whole system so as to enable the capturing of image till dropping of fruit in the correct basket. In the repository you will find, the final code used to implement the system, an image showing the design of the body, a working video, a powerpoint presentation of the project and the final report submitted for marking.



This project was done as a part of the Advanced Data Science Capstone project which is a part of a specialization on coursera by IBM. The data has been taken from 4 sources and saved in to dataframes. These are then processed and cleaned as per the requirement. Various models have then been applied to get the best result for classification of news. A deep learning approach using neural networks has also been attempted as part of my learning experience.

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This is the capstone project for IBM Data Science course on Coursera.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0