riplaboratory / catkin_ws

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ROS Topics

Topic Name Message Type Description
/autoQ1 std_msgs/Float64 The output desired for autonomous mode for the front right thruster. Set from -100 to 100.
/autoQ2 std_msgs/Float64 The output desired for autonomous mode for the front left thruster. Set from -100 to 100.
/autoQ3 std_msgs/Float64 The output desired for autonomous mode for the back left thruster. Set from -100 to 100.
/autoQ4 std_msgs/Float64 The output desired for autonomous mode for the back right thruster. Set from -100 to 100.
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs/Diagnostic Array collect information from hardware drivers and robot hardware to users and operators for analysis, troubleshooting, and logging.
/Q1 std_msgs/UInt16 The output force of the front right thruster in lbf. Range from -55 to 55.
/Q2 std_msgs/UInt16 The output force of the front left thruster in lbf. Range from -55 to 55.
/Q3 std_msgs/UInt16 The output force of the back left thruster in lbf. Range from -55 to 55.
/Q4 std_msgs/UInt16 The output force of the back right thruster in lbf. Range from -55 to 55.
/rosout rosgraph_msgs/Log Standard ROS topic for publishing logging messages.
/rosout_agg rosgraph_msgs/Log Aggregated feed of messages published to /rosout.
/tf_static tf2_msgs/TFMessage and transform on this topic is considered true at all times
/time_reference sensor_msgs/TimeReference Measurement from an external time source not actively synchronized with the system clock.
/vel geometry_msgs/TwistStamped Velocity output from the GPS device. Only published when the device outputs valid velocity information. The driver does not calculate the velocity based on only position fixes.
/voltMain std_msgs/Float64 Volatage monitoring system.
/wamvAftCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvAftCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvAftCam/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Compressed transport subtopic
/wamvDownCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvDownCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvDownCam/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Compressed transport subtopic
/wamvFrontCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvFrontCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvFrontCam/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Compressed transport subtopic
/wamvGps sensor_msgs/NavSatFix GPS Lon Lat Alt and covariance from nmea_navsat_driver package; remapped fromg /gps/fix
/wamvImu/data sensor_msgs/Imu Filtered orientation, accelerations and angular rotations: orientation is specified as a quaternion. remapped from imu/data.
/wamvImu/mag geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped Filtered magnetometer data from sensor. provided as 3D orientation in X,Y,Z. remapped from imu/mag
/wamvImu/rpy geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles for sensed orientation: angles are specified in radians. remapped from imu/rpy
/wamvImu/temperature std_msgs/Float32 Temperature of sensor device in degrees centigrade. remapped from imu/temperature
/wamvMmrCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvMmrCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvPortCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvPortCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvPortCam/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Compressed transport subtopic
/wamvStarboardCam/usb_cam/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Height, width distortion model; Matricies: D, K, R, P; binning_x, binning_y, roi parameters
/wamvStarboardCam/usb_cam/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image The image topic for the USB camera. Uncompressed image
/wamvStarboardCam/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Compressed transport subtopic



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