riongull / react-interview-test

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NBA - ReactJS Interview

When you clone this repo, please create a new branch / PR for your changes. Feel free to name the branch as you please!

Thank you for taking the time to do this coding assessment. Don't stress too much about any one thing - just do the best you can with the time you're given! Please read the guidelines before getting started.

Assessment Guidelines:

  • The purpose of this assessment is to help us evaluate your application development coding skills.
  •   You will mostly be graded on the functionality & architecture of your code.
  • You will be partly graded on your UX/UI or visual design skills. Though we use styled-components, feel free to use that or replace them with whatever is your preferred styling method!
  • You are allowed to use any non-human resource. Ex:
    • Allowed: StackOverflow, Google, reference code on Github, etc.
    • Not Allowed: Chatting or calling your old boss, using the code of your friend who already took this assessment
  • You must use the skeleton project as the start for your code
  • Feel free to add any other external frameworks, libraries, or plugins you feel would help you best (current structure involves react, redux, and some styled-components)
  • Check out the API index at http://localhost:3008. Note that the api uses json-server:
  • Don't be overwhelmed - it's structured to have more steps than you are likely to complete in the 4-hour time frame. Try to do them in order, but you are allowed to skip steps if you get stuck.
  • Put the time that you start and end on the first line of Also, add any grading advice, disclaimers, brags, feedback, or anomalies you encounter along your way.
  • This is a git repo. Plesse try to commit often and add messages to your commits so we can more easily review your work.
  • Again, we added more steps than we expect you to finish! Don't be overwhelmed and get as far as you can in the 4 hours that you have. We will take into account the amount of time you took, the amount of experience you have in ReactJS, etc.
  • The webpack server and API server for the project can be run via npm start.

PART I - Basic Data Retrieval

  1. Modify the Card component to take props for the player's name, image, and team.
  2. GET the list of NBA players from http://localhost:3008/players and render a Card component for each of the players, using player data from the API as props.
  3. Use http://localhost:3008/teams to get the name of each person's home world. (Note that the embed functionality of json-server has been disabled so that this is necessary ).

PART II - Controlled Data Fetching

  1. Add pagination at the server level, loading no more than 10 results at a time (ref:
  2. Make the provided SearchBar component work as a filter on the player cards, acting on any of their attributes, filtering at the server level and still paginating the results(ref:

PART III - Saving to the server

  1. Add an edit button on the card that displays a form to edit all of the player's attributes except for team, that will be in a later step. (You can route to another page, display a modal, edit in-line, or do this any way you like).
  2. Add a Save button to the form that updates the person's attributes by making a PATCH request to http://localhost:3008/players/[the player's id goes here]. Note from the json-server documentation:

    A POST, PUT or PATCH request should include a Content-Type: application/json header to use the JSON in the request body.

  3. Create a component that renders a <select></select> element For the player's team. Pass in the list of teams from the API as a prop to create options for the select element. Use each team's id as the value like so <option value=29>Utah Jazz</option>. Make sure that this saves correctly to the server

PART IV - Favoriting Cards

  1. Add a favorite button to each card and a favorite count to the upper right hand corner of the screen. Clicking the button toggles favorited button state and increments/decrements the favorite count appropriately.
  2. Make the favorite state save each favorite to the json-server by POSTing to the http://localhost:3008/favorites endpoint. Note that the json-server is schema-less so we expect you to invent your own schema for the favorite records. Load favorited documents on the initial page render in order to appropriately render the favorite counter and button states on page load.

PART V - Drag and Drop

  1. When a user clicks on the favorite count, route to a page that displays all the favorite cards, miniaturized using css. Add a back button to go back to the main list.
  2. Add drag-and-drop functionality in order to sort the favorites in order. Display the order on above the card. Save the order to the http://localhost:3008/favorites endpoint in order to persist it and load the saved favorite order from the server.
  3. Update your code so that when a new card is favorited or unfavorited, that change is persisted to the server. New, unsorted favorites should be added to the end of the favorite list in order of when they were favorited (unless changed by sorting).



Language:JavaScript 54.2%Language:HTML 45.8%