rinov / Showcase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Basic Overview

Showcase is a UIView based view to display any views in the frame, like you display figures in a shelf or showcase.


  • Protocol based - Type-safe for view and model, does not require overriding any special view.
  • Looping - Loop first cell to last cell or last cell to first cell being reused.
  • Paging - Can enable showcase cell size paging.
  • Layout - Customize your own layout.


Add the following to your Podfile:


target 'TargetName' do
 pod 'Showcase'

Add the following to your Package.swift:

github "h-yuya/Showcase"

How to Use

Configure UIView in the storyboard and set custom class to Showcase storyboard

First, make a view you want to display and model are needed for configuration of the view conform to ReusableView and ReusableModel protocol.

import UIKit
import Showcase

struct ColorModel: ReusableModel {
    let color: UIColor
    init(color: UIColor) {
        self.color = color

final class ColorView: ReusableView {
    typealias Model = ColorModel
    func configure(with model: ColorModel) {
        backgroundColor = model.color
    override func awakeFromNib() {

private extension ColorView {
    func configureAppearance() {
        layer.cornerRadius = 30
        clipsToBounds = true
  • typealias Model

    • Model is a model to configure the view
    • typealias it to any model conforming to ReusableModel .
  • func configure(with model: Model)

    • As its name suggests, configure the view with Model

Second, configure showcase in the ViewController.

import UIKit
import Showcase

final class ColorViewController: UIViewController {
    // UIView is the super class of Showcase
    @IBOutlet fileprivate weak var showcase: Showcase!
    fileprivate let colors: [UIColor] = [.red, .green, .blue, .yellow, .gray]
    override func viewDidLoad() {

private extension ColorViewController {
    func configure() {
        let models = colors.map(ColorModel.init(color:))
        showcase.layout.direction = .horizontal
        showcase.layout.itemSize = .init(width: 300, height: 300)
        // registered view is able to be used for resetting showcase.
        showcase.register(byNibName: ColorView.self)
        // Type-safely reset the showcase. You can call this method any number of times.
        // views used for resetting must be registered before resetting.
        showcase.reset(ColorView.self, models: models)
        // The type is used as the identifier for reuse

Everything has done. Let's watch the demo.

simple_horizontal simple_vertical

Do you want to do paging with each view sizes?? OK, add just showcase.isPagingEnabled = true before resetting.

simple_horizontal_p simple_vertical_p


Showcase have a layout property. You can design your layout easily. These are all properties layout has.


  • direction: LayoutDirection => .horizontal or .vertical
  • itemSize: CGSize => item size
  • lineSpacing: CGFloat => spacing between each cell
  • path: PathProtocol => path, view's orbit drawn by scrolling
  • transform: TransformProtocol? => view's shape is transformed by scrolling

The Speciality is path and transform property.

Definition & Feature of PathProtocol and TransformProtocol

public protocol PathProtocol {
    func normalizedPath(withCoordinate value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
public protocol TransformProtocol {
    func transform(withScrollingRate rate: CGFloat) -> CATransform3D
  • Normalized coordinate
  • Can create your own designed path, conforming to PathProtocol

Above, the blue-green area shows the frame of showcase. path, transform is normalized as

  • The upper boundary of showcase = -1
  • The lower boundary of showcase = 1
  • The left boundary of showcase = -1
  • The right boundary of showcase = 1

x-axis, y-axis are same direction as UIKit's coordinates' direction.


Showcase provides 4 types of path.

  • DefaultPath - moves on the x-axis, or y axis
  • CircularPath - moves on the circular orbit
  • WavePath- moves wavy
  • LinearPath- moves linearly

and, 3 types of transform

  • TransformRotate - rotation transform
  • TransformScale - scale transform
  • TransformScaleRotate - rotation and scale transform


This DefaultPath is the default path of showcase.

public final class DefaultPath: PathProtocol {
    public func normalizedPath(withCoordinate value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        return 0
    public init() {}

Here, x is the x, y-coordinate when the showcase.layout.direction == .horizontal, .vertical. The normalizedPath return 0 for all inputs. This indicates views are move on the axis, because 0 is on the axis in the normalized coordinate.

CircularPath & TransformRotate

CircularPath can be used for circular orbit.

public final class CircularPath: PathProtocol {
    public var normalizedRadius: CGFloat = 1
    public var normalizedOffset: CGFloat = -1
    public var offsetAngle: CGFloat = 0
    public var angle: CGFloat = .pi / 2
    public func normalizedPath(withCoordinate value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        let theta = value * angle
        return normalizedRadius * cos(theta - offsetAngle) + normalizedOffset
    public init() {}
public class TransformRotate: TransformProtocol {
    public var startRate: CGFloat = 0.2
    public var rotateAngle: CGFloat = 2 * .pi
    public func transform(withScrollingRate rate: CGFloat) -> CATransform3D {
        let canRotate = abs(rate) > startRate
        let optimizedRate = (rate + (rate < 0 ? startRate : -startRate))
        return CATransform3DMakeRotation(canRotate > rotateAngle * optimizedRate : 0, 0, 0, 1)
    public init() {}

Here, the range [-1, 1] is converted to [-.pi / 2, .pi / 2]. After that, the cos() value of the range shows the circular coordinate. When you use this path, create this path and replace layout.path with the value in the configuration function.

For TransformProtocol, [-1, 1] is the range of rate of scrolling. Apply it to the parameter you want to change with scrolling, here rotation angle is it. Replace layout.transform on using.

Before showing example, I'll change the above configuration.

    //fileprivate let colors: [UIColor] = [.red, .green, .blue, .yellow, .gray]
    fileprivate let colors: [UIColor] = [.red, .green, .blue, .yellow, .gray, .purple, .orange, .cyan]

func configure() {
    let models = colors.map(ColorModel.init(color:))
    let path = CircularPath()
    let transform = TransformRotate()
    transform.startRate = 0.4
    transform.rotateAngle = 8 * .pi
    showcase.layout.direction = .vertical
    showcase.itemSize = .init(width: 100, height: 100)
    showcase.layout.path = path
    //showcase.layout.transform = transform
    showcase.register(byNibName: ShowView.self)
    showcase.reset(ShowView.self, models: models)

circle_vertical circle_vertical_rotate

WavePath & TransformScale

WavePath can be used for wavy orbit.

public final class WavePath: PathProtocol {
    public var normalizedAmplitude: CGFloat = 0.5
    public var normalizedOffset: CGFloat = 0
    public var offsetAngle: CGFloat = 0
    public var angle: CGFloat = .pi / 2
    public func normalizedPath(withCoordinate value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        let theta = value * angle
        return normalizedAmplitude * sin(theta - offsetAngle) + normalizedOffset
    public init() {}
public class TransformScale: TransformProtocol {
    public var startRate: CGFloat = 0.8
    public var normalizedMinimumScale: CGFloat = 0.5

    public func transform(withScrollingRate rate: CGFloat) -> CATransform3D {
        let transformedRate = transformRange(withType: .centerPeak, rate: rate)
        let canScale = transformedRate < startRate
        let optimizedRate = max(transformedRate + (1 - startRate), normalizedMinimumScale)

        return CATransform3DMakeScale(canScale ? optimizedRate : 1, canScale ? optimizedRate : 1, 0)

    public init() {}

The range[-1, 1] is converted to [-.pi / 2, .pi / 2], like CircularPath. Applying sin() function to input x, the orbit moves wavy. Just change the above path and transform, like

let path = WavePath()
path.normalizedAmplitude = 0.5
path.angle = .pi

let transform = TransformScale()
transform.normalizedMinimumScale = 0.2

showcase.layout.path = path
showcase.layout.transform = transform

wave_vertical wave_vertical_scale

LinearPath & TransformScaleRotate

LinearPath can be used for linear orbit.

public final class LinearPath: PathProtocol {
    public var normalizedGradient: CGFloat = -0.5
    public var normalizedInversePosition: CGFloat?
    public func normalizedPath(withCoordinate value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        switch normalizedInversePosition {
        case .some(let inverse):
            return value < inverse ? -normalizedGradient * value : normalizedGradient * (value - 2 * inverse)
        case .none:
            return normalizedGradient * value
    public init() {}
public class TransformScaleRotate: TransformProtocol {
    public var transformRotate: TransformRotate = .init()
    public var transformScale: TransformScale = .init()

    public func transform(withScrollingRate rate: CGFloat) -> CATransform3D {
        return CATransform3DConcat(transformRotate.transform(withScrollingRate: rate), transformScale.transform(withScrollingRate: rate))

    public init() {}

LinearPath moves views linearly. Here, if you set normalizedInversePosition, the move will be inversed. So the movement will be like V. Just change the above path and transform, like

let path = LinearPath()
path.normalizedInversePosition = 0.3
path.normalizedGradient = 0.8

let rotate = TransformRotate()
rotate.startRate = 0.4
rotate.rotateAngle = 8 * .pi
let scale = TransformScale()
scale.normalizedMinimumScale = 0.2
let transform = TransformScaleRotate()
transform.transformRotate = rotate
transform.transformScale = scale

showcase.layout.path = path
showcase.layout.transform = transform

linear_vertical linear_vertical_rotate_scale

Like here, transforms comformed to TransformProtocol can be concated with same scrolling rate.


  1. Use ReusableView and ReusableModel to display views in showcase
  2. Do you want to do paging with each cell size? Just use showcase.isPagingEnabled = true
  3. Do you want to move views like you imagine? Showcase provides 4 different type of path.
  4. If you create your own path, use PathProtocol and design it.
  5. And TransformProtocol make view transformed.
  6. Showcase is much customizable for direction, itemSize, lineSpacing, isPagingEnabled, path, transform


Showcase is released under the MIT License.


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 91.2%Language:Ruby 6.9%Language:Objective-C 1.9%