ringowang / audius-claim-distribution

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Audius Claim Distribution

This repo contains the contract to do token claim distribution for a set of users by precomputing the merkle root hash, indices and proofs for all users before loading that hash on chain.

How to use

There are two pieces of information that the migrations depend on and both are set in contract-config.js, the tokenAddress and merkleRoot. tokenAddress is the address for the ERC-20 Audius token and the merkleRoot instructions are given below.

Generating the merkle root and the JSON file

This Uniswap repo (https://github.com/Uniswap/merkle-distributor) contains the contract that we vendored in this repo. It also contains scripts to convert a json array of [{ "address": <address>, "earnings": <integer wei amount>, "reasons": '' }] into the merkle object. In order to generate that object:

  1. In the scripts/ folder run python csv_to_json.py to convert our csv with columns wallet and tokens to a uniswap script compatible [{ "address": <address>, "earnings": <integer wei amount>, "reasons": '' }] array.
  2. In the merkle-distributor repo under scripts/ run tsc to generate the node.js files.
  3. Run node generate-merkle-root.js -i allocation_output.json >> allocation_merkle_output.json to get the merkle object
  4. Run node verify-merkle-root.js -i allocation_merkle_output.json against the output merkle json object to verify it's validity.
  5. Once the validation passes, the object is finalized and the merkle root hash can be used

Mainnet artifacts

All data for claim distribution on mainnet is in ./mainnet-artifacts/

  1. dataset-query.sql - this query was run against an Audius discovery provider to generate the user token claim data set, stored at claim-dataset.csv. It can be reproced against any discovery provider that has indexed up to blocknumber of 17782488 against POA mainnet. This blocknumber is visible in the dataset as max_blocknumber.
  2. merkle-input.json - contains a JSON-formatted array of { "address", "earnings", "reasons" } entries. Generated from step 1 above: python scripts/csv_to_json.py ./mainnet-artifacts/claim-dataset.csv ./mainnet-artifacts/merkle-input.json
  3. merkle-output.json - contains the full merkle tree, including its root hash. This hash is used in the AudiusClaimDistributor contract constructor. Generated from step 3 above - node scripts/generate-merkle-root.js -i ./mainnet-artifacts/merkle-input.json >> ./mainnet-artifacts/merkle-output.json


Thanks to the Uniswap team for open-sourcing this scalable mechanic!




Language:JavaScript 85.5%Language:Solidity 8.6%Language:Shell 3.6%Language:Python 2.4%