rinatoyo / knex-shopping

Shopping cart project with Express.js and Knex.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Knex Shopping


We will be building a RESTful, JSON resource API shopping cart application! This project will be entirely back-end, meaning we can test all of our endpoints through Postman app.

Requirements / Tools

  • PostgreSQL (via docker-compose)
  • Node.js / Express.js
  • Knex.js (built-in library methods)

ENV file

Make sure your .env file is created and has relevant values for all the keys.


We will be building and utilizing 3 relational tables - Users, Products and Carts tables. Create a UML diagram on table relations and have it reviewed by intructor or TA.


Column Type
id Serial (increments)
email String (255)
password String (255)
created_at Date (timestamp)
updated_at Date (timestamp)


Column Type
id Serial (increments)
title String (255)
description Text
inventory Integer
price Decimal(8, 2)
created_at Date (timestamp)
updated_at Date (timestamp)


Column Type
id Serial (increments)
user_id Integer (FK - ref. Users)
products_id Integer (FK - ref. Products)
created_at Date (timestamp)
updated_at Date (timestamp)


Node.js / Express Setup

  1. Fork and clone and initialize with npm.
  2. touch server.js in root of project.
  3. Install the following via npm
    • express
    • body-parser
    • knex & knex cli
    • pg
  4. Setup bare-bones express server with body-paser middleware in server.js, listening on port 3000.
  5. mkdir routes in the root of your project.
  6. Create route files in routes directory.
    • touch routes/users.js
    • touch routes/products.js
    • touch routes/carts.js
  7. Mount endpoints in server.jsrelated to route file.
    • routes/users.js --> http://localhost:3000/users
    • routes/products.js --> http://localhost:3000/products
    • routes/carts.js --> http://localhost:3000/carts

Knex setup

Follow along with the below instructions for setting up knex.js. You can also refer to the knex setup gist for a more in-depth explanation.

  1. knex init in root of project and create your enviroment configuration.
  2. Create migrations and seeds using the knex cli.
  3. Run migration and seed scripts using the knex cli.


Use the built in knex.js query methods to perform CRUD operations on our DB. Reference the knex.js documentation for usage! All endpoints should accept either x-www-form-urlencoded or raw JSON via Postman and respond with JSON.


  • GET - /users/:user_id

    • Find a user using req.params.user_id.
      • If user_id not found, respond with { message: 'User not found' }
      • If successful, respond with user object.
  • POST - /users/login

    • Log a user in.

    Example request body payload:

        "email": "jesse@devleague.com",
        "password": "password"
    • Find a user by req.body.email and check existing password against req.body.password.
      • If email not found, respond with JSON { "message": "User not found" }
      • If passwords don't match, respond with JSON { "message": "Incorrect password" }
      • If successful, respond with user object.
  • POST - /users/register

    • Register a new user in the database.

    Example request body payload:

        "email": "jesse@devleague.com",
        "password": "password"
    • Find a user in the db using req.body.email.
      • If email already exists, repond with JSON { "message": "User already exists" }
      • If successful, respond with posted user object from db.
  • PUT - /users/:user_id/forgot-password

    • Update an existing users password.

    Example request body payload:

        password: 'updatedpasword!'
    • Find a user by req.params.user_id and update their password with req.body data.
      • If successful, resond with JSON { "message": "New password created!" }.
  • DELETE - /users/:user_id

    • Delete an existing user.
    • Find a user by req.params.user_id and remove.
      • If user_id not found, respond with JSON { "message": "User ID not found" }.
      • If successful, respond with JSON { "message": "User id: [user_id] successfully deleted" }.


  • GET - /products

    • Fetch all products from db.
      • If successful, respond with all products.
  • GET - /products/:product_id

    • Find single product using req.params.product_id.
      • If product_id not found, respond with JSON { "message": "Product not found" }.
      • If successful, respond with product object from db.
  • POST - /products/new

    • Create a new product.

    Example request body payload:

        "title": "Brand new product!",
        "description" : "Super brand new!",
        "inventory": 1,
        "price": 100.99
    • Insert req.body data into db.
      • If any required field is missing from request body, responds with JSON { "message": "Must POST all product fields" }.
      • If successful, respond with posted product from db.
  • PUT - /products/:product_id

    • Update an existing product.

    Example request body payload:

        "title": "Brand new updated product!",
        "description": "Slight brand new!",
        "inventory": 4,
        "price": 100.98
    • Find product by using req.params.product_id and update with new req.body data.
      • If successful, respond with JSON { "message": "Product: [product_id] has been updated" }.
  • DELETE - /products/:product_id

    • Find a product using req.params.product_id and remove.
      • If product_id not found, respond with JSON { "message": "Product id: [product_id] not found" } .
      • If successful, respond with JSON { "message": "Product id: [product_id] successfully deleted" }.


  • GET - /carts/:user_id

    • Find all products associated to a user, using req.params.user_id, through the Carts table.
      • If successful, resond with all products associated to user_id.
  • POST - /carts/:user_id/:product_id

    • Insert into Carts table with req.params.user_id and req.params.product_id valid foreign keys.
      • If successful, respond with JSON { "success": true }.
  • DELETE - /carts/:user_id/:product_id

    • Remove row from db where columns user_id and product_id match req.params.user_id and req.params.product_id.
      • If successful, respond with JSON { "success": true }.

Stretch Goals

Create a Purchases/Ledger table to track purchases by user_id.
GET /purchases/:user_id - Return purchases by user id
GET /purchases/:user_id/:year/:month/:day - Return all purchases made before the given year, month, day
POST /purchases/:user_id/:product_id - Create purchase, should decrement inventory of product
DELETE /purchases/:user_id/:product_id - Delete purchase, should increment inventory of product

Example Purchases/Ledger Table

Column Type
id Serial (increments)
user_id Integer (FK - ref. Users)
products_id Integer (FK - ref. Products)
created_at Date (timestamp)


Shopping cart project with Express.js and Knex.js