rinatoyo / behavior-driven-shopping-list

BDD Client Side Shopping List

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Behavior Driven Shopping List

Fork and clone this project.
Goal: Create a working, single page app.

This project has 3 parts.

  1. The Shopping List BDD tests
  2. Building the Shopping List classes to make tests pass
  3. Rendering a shopping list to the browser

use http-server or live-server to test and run your app

1. The Shopping List BDD tests

Setup Mocha and Chai to run tests on your application in the browser.

├── public
│   ├── js
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── shopping-list-item.test.js
│   │   └── shopping-list.test.js
│   └── test.html
├── node_modules
│   ├── chai
│   └── mocha
├── README.md
└── package.json

Write tests for the shopping list application.
The tests should describe the following shopping list functionality:


  • ShoppingListItem is a class
  • ShoppingListItem has a property named name
  • ShoppingListItem has a property named description
  • ShoppingListItem has a property named isDone
  • ShoppingListItem has a constructor method that accepts 2 arguments, name and description
    • the constructor method sets the new instances name and description properties using the arguments passed in
  • ShoppingListItem has a method named check
    • calling the instance's check method will set it's isDone property to true
  • ShoppingListItem has a method named uncheck
    • calling the instance's uncheck method will set it's isDone property to false
  • ShoppingListItem has a method named render
    • calling the instance's render method will construct and return an html formatted string. the string content will be wrapped in <li> tags. <li class="completed_[is_done]"><span>[name]</span> <span>[description]</span></li>. example: <li class="completed_false"><span>Avocado</span> <span>Must be eaten immediately.</span></li>

hint: Use ES6 string templates for your render method


let someHtmlOutput = `<ul>
  <li class="completed_false">
    <span>Must be eaten immediately.</span>


  • ShoppingList is a class
  • ShoppingList has a property named items
  • ShoppingList has a constructor method that initializes items as an empty Array
  • ShoppingList has a method named addItem that accepts a single ShoppingListItem argument
    • invoking the addItem method by passing in a ShoppingListItem object should add that object to the items array
    • invoking the addItem method by passing in anything else that is not a ShoppingListItem object should immediately throw an error
  • ShoppingList has a method named removeItem that accepts a single ShoppingListItem argument
    • invoking the removeItem method by passing in a ShoppingListItem object (that exists in the items array) should remove that object from the items array
    • invoking the removeItem method with no parameters should remove the last item in the items list, if there are any items, else it does nothing
    • invoking the removeItem method by passing in anything else that is not a ShoppingListItem object (that exists in the items array) should immediately throw an error
  • ShoppingList has a method named render
    • calling the instance's render method will concatenate the result of calling render() on each item in this object's items array, wrapping it in a <ul> tags, and returning an html formatted string. ex: <ul>...[all the li elements from ShoppingListItem.render()]...</ul>


Standard html5 document Before the end of this body tag, include your test library dependencies and your test file. You should be able to run your tests with all tests failing, commit and push your work. browser setup.

2. Building the Shopping List classes to make tests pass

Create implementation files.

├── public
│   ├── js
│   │   ├── shopping-list-item.js
│   │   └── shopping-list.js
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── shopping-list-item.test.js
│   │   └── shopping-list.test.js
│   └── test.html
├── node_modules
│   ├── chai
│   └── mocha
├── README.md
└── package.json


Standard html5 document Before the end of this body tag, include your 2 shopping list scripts.


Create a class that defines ShoppingListItem.
ShoppingListItem will have all the properties and methods defined in the BDD spec above.


Create a class that defines ShoppingList.
ShoppingList will have all the properties and methods defined in the BDD spec above.

Once all tests pass, commit and push.

3. Rendering a shopping list to the browser

Create implementation files.

├── public
│   ├── js
│   │   ├── app.js
│   │   ├── shopping-list-item.js
│   │   └── shopping-list.js
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── shopping-list-item.test.js
│   │   └── shopping-list.test.js
│   ├── test.html
│   └── index.html
├── node_modules
│   ├── chai
│   └── mocha
├── README.md
└── package.json


Standard html5 document, include a single empty div element with an id of content
before the end of this body tag, include your 3 shopping list scripts.

Create a form that has 2 text fields, title and description.

Add a button element with the contents of "Add to Shopping List", and give it an id of addShoppingListItemButton. Add the id addItemForm to the input form.


Create an instance of ShoppingList.

Use addEventListener to add a click event handler to the addShoppingListItemButton that will run a function called addToShoppingList(event). http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onclick.asp or alternatively use addEventListener to add a submit event handler to the form.

Invoke the shoppingList object's render() method, and store the output to a variable. Write the resulting output html into the content div. http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_html_innerhtml.asp

// add item instructions

Create an addToShoppingList function that will read the value of the title and description fields, then create a new variable named newShoppingListItem that will store the result of constructing a new ShoppingListItem and passing in the values of title and description.

Invoke your shopping list's addItem by passing in your newShoppingListItem.

Re-render the shopping list.

Commit and push your work

4. Check and Uncheck shopping list items

Modify the ShoppingListItem render() method to include a checkbox input. Add an onchange event listener to this checkbox that will call a function named changeCheckedStatus(idx, checkbox) where 'idx' is the position (array index) of the ShoppingListItem, and 'checkbox' is the actual checkbox element. http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_checkbox_checked.asp



create a changeCheckedStatus function that accepts two arguments, idx and checkbox.
it will find a ShoppingListItem based on the idx passed in to the function.
determine if the checkbox that has been clicked, is now checked or not checked. http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onchange.asp
if the checkbox is checked, invoke the shoppingListItem object's check() method. if the checkbox is not checked,
invoke the shoppingListItem object's uncheck() method.

Commit and push your work.

5. Remove shopping list items

Modify the ShoppingListItem render() method to include a button element with the label x. Add a click event listener to this button that will call a function named removeItemButtonClicked(idx) where 'idx' is the position (array index) of the ShoppingListItem.



Create a removeItemButtonClicked function that accepts a single argument, idx.
It will find a ShoppingListItem based on the idx passed in to the function.
It will call the shopping_list instance's removeItem method, while passing in the found ShoppingListItem object as an argument. Then, re-render the shopping list.

Commit and push your work.

Stretch Goals

When you finish all of the items above, you can work on these additonal stretch goals.

  • Ask a TA or instructor for a code review.
  • When you check an item off on your shopping list, strike it out on the DOM.
  • Make it look like a shopping list app that you would want to use. Great creative with the UI and UX.


BDD Client Side Shopping List