rinaldodev / cos-fleetshard-1

The cos-fleetshard-operator responsible for provisioning and managing connectors instances on a cluster.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • requirements:

  • define the following env vars:

    • COS_BASE_PATH → base URL for the managed connector service control plane

    • KAS_BASE_PATH → base URL for the managed kafka service control plane


      I use direnv with the following set-up

      export OCM_CONFIG=$PWD/.ocm.json
      export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/.kube/config
      export COS_BASE_PATH=https://cos-fleet-manager-cos.rh-fuse-153f1de160110098c1928a6c05e19444-0000.eu-de.containers.appdomain.cloud
      export KAS_BASE_PATH=https://api.openshift.com
  • retrieve your ocm-offline-token from https://qaprodauth.cloud.redhat.com/openshift/token using the _kafka_supporting account

    • follow the steps on that page to download and install the ocm command-line tool, then run the ocm login with the provided token

local installation


This is an example installation that consists in:

  • 1 sync

  • 1 camel connector operator

  • 1 debezium connector operator

  • set-up minikube

  • install images

    eval $(minikube --profile cos docker-env)
    ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests=true -Pcontainer-build
  • install the service

    kubectl apply -k etc/kubernetes/manifests/overlays/local

    If the previous command ends with an error like error: unable to recognize "etc/kubernetes/manifests/overlays/local": no matches for kind "IntegrationPlatform" in version "camel.apache.org/v1", then run the following:

    kubectl apply -f etc/kubernetes/manifests/overlays/local/camel-k/integration-platform.yaml

    At this point, operators and sync are deployed in the redhat-openshift-connectors, but they are not running as replica is set to 0 by default because some resources have to be configured.

    Point to the cos namespace

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=redhat-openshift-connectors
    ➜ kubectl get deployments -n redhat-openshift-connectors
    NAME                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    camel-k-operator                   1/1     1            1           2d3h
    cos-fleetshard-operator-camel      0/0     0            0           6s
    cos-fleetshard-operator-debezium   0/0     0            0           5s
    cos-fleetshard-sync                0/0     0            0           4s
    strimzi-cluster-operator           1/1     1            1           2d3h
  • configure pull secret

    In order to use private image on quay a pull secret need to be crated:

    • copy the content of rhoas-pull-docker to a local file

    • create a pull secret:

      kubectl create secret generic addon-pullsecret \
          --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=${path of rhoas-pull-docker} \
  • create cluster and configure secrets

    This section expects you to have cos-tools/bin in your PATH, but you may also just run the scripts from inside the bin directory.


    This creates a new cluster for you on the fleet manager, remember to delete it once done.

    SUFFIX=$(uuidgen | tr -d '-')
    create-cluster-secret $(create-cluster "$USER-$SUFFIX" | jq -r '.id')

    When you’re done you may query for created clusters with get-clusters and delete it with delete-clusters <cluster id>.

  • scale deployments

    kubectl scale deployment -l "app.kubernetes.io/part-of=cos" --replicas=1
  • uninstall the service

    kubectl delete -k etc/kubernetes/manifests/overlays/local

local development

You may want to use quarkus:dev for local development, or if you want to run connected to a local fleet-manager. In this case, do the following:

  • stop running containers

    Scale to 0 the components you want to run locally. For e.g., if you want to run the sync:

    kubectl scale deployment cos-fleetshard-sync --replicas=0
  • check env vars

    If you are also running the fleet-manager locally, you need to change COS_BASE_PATH accordingly:

    export COS_BASE_PATH=<your_fleet_manager>
  • make sure secret is correct

    If you change the COS_BASE_PATH variable, you need to recreate the cluster secret:

    create-cluster-secret <your-cluster-id>
  • run using local profile

    Use the local maven profile to run the application. It will use quarkus:dev under the hoods, use an available port, set our namespace, and also import properties values from kubernetes secrets and configmaps:

    mvn -Dlocal



Although this section expects you to use a completely new kubernetes cluster, you may also just stop camel-k-operator and strimzi-cluster-operator and run the tests if you are an experienced user.

  • set-up minikube

    # you may need to tune this command
  • install CRDs

    # install custom resources
  • run tests

    ./mvnw clean install



The cos-fleetshard-operator responsible for provisioning and managing connectors instances on a cluster.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 83.4%Language:Gherkin 9.0%Language:Groovy 4.7%Language:Mustache 2.5%Language:Shell 0.4%