rikez / teravoz-challenge

Project containing Teravoz Mocked API... (In Progress)

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Teravoz Challenge

Task 1 - Proud of

There are actually three applications I feel proud of myself for developing/taking part of. First of them, "Data Driven" project at Hypnobox. This one I won't be able to show, but it was a huge challenge, because of the quality, fastness, and high-end technologies me and a colleague used. It is a macro reporting application with more than 180 reports used for consultant to real estate Headers Company.

Second one, was at Hypnobox as well. It was a integration with Emobi service, adding proposal features in the CRM, for brokers with its clients. It was a challenge and I'm proud of due to the hardship to accomplish and deal with Emobi unstable services. At the end, many real estate companies provided plenty of positive feebacks.

Last one is attached to the e-mail I sent. It was a freelance I've done with a friend. It may be the most challenging and effective application I have made. This application is a generic checkout that integrates with Woocommerce, Pagseguro and Salesforce. I'm proud of that because of the code quality, client conversions, client feedback, high-end technologies used.

Back-end: NodeJS (Typescript) Front-end: VueJS (Server-side rendering with Nuxt.js), Databases: Redis, MySQL

How is it used

Crescimentum creates many landing pages at unbounce, that makes A/B testing. Then, they spread every landing page link all over the web, facebook, instagram, webinars.

The interesting thing is: They are able to create variations in woocommerce, to sell with a variety of discounts and dates, depending on landing page.

To check this application in production as well, go to http://lp.crescimentum.com.br/app/home/ , and click on "Garantir Ingresso".

Task 2 - Ashamed of

It is the application I sent you attached to e-mail as well. I feel ashamed of that because of the code quality, the lack of documentation, patterns,and everything. It is my mom's website. As a consequence it is in my queue of demands for refactoring.

There is another application I feel ashamed of. It is an internal tool at Crescimentum. It is currently working, however, I can't maintain that due to the poor documentation and lack of understanding of what I did. As a consequence it is almost refactored (not in production yet). It uses AngularJS(1) and NodeJS, check an example at http://app.crescimentum.com.br/#/inscricao/Fundamentos/LF-FL---32.

Task 3 Challenge

Teravoz API Client Mocked Project.

  • A call center would receive a call and a receptionist was going to start the call by delegating this client to a certain queue (returning clients or new ones).
  • It was required to consume every event calling a webhook.

Solution Ideas

  • I decided to take advantage of NodeJS EventEmitters for that kind purpose. Why? With those observables, I could control the flow of a call.
  • In terms of persistence, it was kind of complex, because I decided to use filesystem itself. It was a great experience with data structure and NodeJS FS Library though.  * I could not understand so well the challenge on github, so that I mocked the Dialer Teravoz API. Later on, Saroka changed the README.md, it made me think of other possible solution, so I added external calls as well.
  • For the webhook, I launched an API that renders a dashboard (using EJS) showing calls and current events, and an extra route /webhook to receive every event emitted by the call, and emit through socket.io to front-end /events.
  • For testing purposes, there were no surprises. Using, mocha to run tests, chai/nodejs for assertion. I tested all the persistent and utilitary modules.

How does it work?

Using Environment Options

Copy src/config/env.example.json -> src/env.json
.env in the root folder may contain a property ENV=(DEV|PROD|TESTING), copy .env.example -> .env.
    "PORT":"API PORT",


NodeJS Version : 8.9.4

  • npm install
  • npm test

Use two screens for testing (Recommended) - Notebook plugged in a Monitor Screen.

Receive Call Mode Steps.

  1. Open a terminal, start api with command npm run api.

  2. Open browser at http://localhost:{PORT}/events

  3. Open another terminal, start the call with command npm run call, and interact with the console.

  4. You will see information of the events being logged in console.

  5. Check events at http://localhost:{PORT}/events

  6. Finally, check the following urls http://localhost:{PORT}/calls

Dialing Mode Steps.

use localhost:{PORT} or for production testing

  1. Open a terminal, start api with command npm run api.

  2. Open browser at http://localhost:{PORT}/events

  3. Make a POST request to http://localhost:{PORT}/v1/api/dial, no parameters are passed, because it already has pre-selected list of numbers.

  4. You will see information of the events being logged in console.

  5. Check events at http://localhost:{PORT}/events

  6. Finally, check the following urls http://localhost:{PORT}/calls

Deploy ?

  • I have deployed the api. It is available at

You will only be able to see a list of calls in dialing mode ( check steps above ).

You can see current events list by changing env.json WEBHOOK_URL to locally.

Task 4 - Feedback

The challenge proposed motivated me to use everything I know about NodeJS. In spite of it is a complex challenge, I could accomplish it well. It was a great experience to take part of.

I had no knowledge on phone operations in IT. It made me go through the whole Teravoz docs for a better understanding and application design.

The only drawback I see is that if you are currently working, you may not be able to focus on it.

I hope you guys enjoy the app above.


Project containing Teravoz Mocked API... (In Progress)


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