rikaix / jquery.transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery

Home Page:http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit

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jQuery Transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery

jQuery Transit is a plugin for to help you do CSS transformations and transitions in jQuery.

Refer to the jQuery Transit website for examples.


Just include this script after jQuery. Requires jQuery 1.4+.

<script src='jquery.js'></script>
<script src='jquery.transit.js'></script>


You can set transformations as you would any CSS property in jQuery. (Note that you cannot $.fn.animate() them, only set them.)

$("#box").css({ x: '30px' });               // Move right
$("#box").css({ y: '60px' });               // Move down
$("#box").css({ translate: [60,30] });      // Move right and down
$("#box").css({ rotate: '30deg' });         // Rotate clockwise
$("#box").css({ scale: 2 });                // Scale up 2x (200%)
$("#box").css({ scale: [2, 1.5] });         // Scale horiz and vertical
$("#box").css({ skewX: '30deg' });          // Skew horizontally
$("#box").css({ skewY: '30deg' });          // Skew vertical
$("#box").css({ perspective: 100, rotateX: 30 }); // Webkit 3d rotation
$("#box").css({ rotateY: 30 });
$("#box").css({ rotate3d: [1, 1, 0, 45] });

Relative values are supported.

$("#box").css({ rotate: '+=30' });          // 30 degrees more
$("#box").css({ rotate: '-=30' });          // 30 degrees less

All units are optional.

$("#box").css({ x: '30px' });
$("#box").css({ x: 30 });

Multiple arguments can be commas or an array.

$("#box").css({ translate: [60,30] });
$("#box").css({ translate: ['60px','30px'] });
$("#box").css({ translate: '60px,30px' });

Getters are supported. (Getting properties with multiple arguments returns arrays.)

$("#box").css('rotate');     //=> "30deg"
$("#box").css('translate');  //=> ['60px', '30px']

Animating - $.fn.transition

$('...').transition(options, [duration], [easing], [complete])

You can animate with CSS3 transitions using $.fn.transition(). It works exactly like $.fn.animate(), except it uses CSS3 transitions.

$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 });
$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500);                         // duration
$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 'fast');                      // easing
$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500, 'in');                   // duration+easing
$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, function() {..});             // callback
$("#box").transition({ opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3 }, 500, 'in', function() {..});  // everything

You can also pass duration and easing and complete as values in options, just like in $.fn.animate().

  opacity: 0.1, scale: 0.3,
  duration: 500,
  easing: 'in',
  complete: function() { /* ... */ }


Since you can't easily programatically test transitions, you'll need to build the site, open the test suite in your browser, and visually inspect if all transitions work as they should.

Build the site using rake build, then open site/_output/test.html. This builds the minified JS and tests it.


Move.js (recommended!)

  • Pros: no jQuery dependency, great syntax.
  • Cons (at time of writing): no iOS support (doesn't use translate3d), some IE bugs, no 3D transforms, no animation queue.

jQuery animate enhanced

  • Pros: transparently overrides $.fn.animate() to provide CSS transitions support.
  • Cons: transpalently overrides $.fn.animate(). No transformations support.

jQuery 2D transformations

  • Pros: Tons of transformations.
  • Cons: No CSS transition support; animates via fx.step.

jQuery CSS3 rotate

  • Pros: simply provides rotation.
  • Cons: simply provides rotation. No transitions support.


© 2011, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.

jQuery Transit is authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from it's contributors. It is sponsored by my startup, Sinefunc, Inc.


Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
