riege / github-pages-build

Workflows and layouts to build GitHub pages from a Riege Software GitHub repository. GH Pages at https://riege.github.io/github-pages-build

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Workflows and layouts to build GitHub pages from a Riege Software GitHub repository


This repo provides a reusable workflow for GitHub Actions to be used to build and deploy GitHub Pages content from a GitHub repository. This repo also provides a general layout with disclaimer, license, imprint etc.


GitHub Pages offer a wide range of options in general. Within Riege Software, our main use of GitHub Pages is for public technical detail documentation for our clients, typically for interfaces and/or APIs from/to our products.

The basic scenario is a private Riege Software repository which provides some public information via GitHub Pages.

Repositiory settings

The repository in question needs to be enabled for GitHub Pages.

Go to repository Settings, then on left side in section Code and automation select Pages. Set

  • GitHub Pages visibility to Public (not required if repository is already public)
  • Build and deployment to GitHub Actions


Basic simple scenario with one docs folder

The most simple scenario is a repository which contains a top level docs folder containing a markdown file index.md plus optionally more content.

To use the reusable workflow, create a file .github/workflows/pages.yml in the repository with the following content:

name: Deploy static content to Pages

  # Runs on pushes targeting the default branch
    branches: ["main"]
      - 'docs/**'
      - '.github/workflows/pages.yml'

  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
  contents: read
  pages: write
  id-token: write

    uses: "riege/github-pages-build/.github/workflows/pages-generate-from-docs-dir.yml@main"

Summary for your repository:

  • Enable GitHub Pages in repositiory settings. This requires administration permissions.
  • Create top level docs folder in repository.
  • Create a file index.md with the docs folder.
  • Create a file pages.yml within direcory .github/workflows in repository as above.
  • Commit and push to the repository.
  • Consider adding the topic ghpages to the About section on the main GitHub page of your repository. This would add an easy method to search for our organisational repositories which use this reusable workflow with the same layout via the link https://github.com/search?q=org%3Ariege%20topic%3Aghpages&type=repositories

Check the repository workflow Actions. There should be an action publishing the GitHub Pages.

More complex scenarios

  • More complex scenarios than just supporting markdown from one docs folder is possible, but not (yet) supported by github-pages-build.
  • In theory every other complex scenarios can be covered by building an pages.yml based upon pages-generate-from-docs-dir.yml with individial enhancements.
  • Another typical case is to copy some resources from underneath the src repository folder into a subfolder of docs/ and referring it from .md files. Especially for this scenario it is possible to provide a from-folder-path and a to-folder-path. Currently, 2 sets are supported (from1 and to1, from2 and to2). This repository itself demonstrates how it works by the following usage. Another common combination example is from1: src/main/resources/schemas and to1: schemas and the .md file using links to schemas/some-filename.xsd.


This repository also acts as an example, see docs/index.md and result on https://riege.github.io/github-pages-build

This repository uses from1 and to1 for demonstration purpose:

    uses: "riege/github-pages-build/.github/workflows/pages-generate-from-docs-dir.yml@main"
      from1: img
      to1: demo-img


Workflows and layouts to build GitHub pages from a Riege Software GitHub repository. GH Pages at https://riege.github.io/github-pages-build

License:Universal Permissive License v1.0


Language:HTML 98.2%Language:SCSS 1.8%