ricovangenugten / Fuel-Cell-Bike-Controller

Controller for the UC Davis Fuel Cell bike

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the installation manual for the UC Davis Fuel Cell Bike controller code. This is an Eclipse project. It contains the Arduino Core Library and is therefore completely self contained, the Arduino IDE is not needed. All command line options are configured so that they are as similar to the Arduino IDE as possible creating equally small binaries.

 - On windows: install the usb-driver for your arduino, see http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows#toc4
 - Install avr-gcc
  - Windows: 
   - Install WinAVR from http://sourceforge.net/projects/winavr/files
   - copy avrdude.exe (arduino-xxxx\hardware\tools\avr\bin) and avrdude.conf (arduino-xxxx\hardware\tools\avr\etc) from the arduino application to winavr (WinAVR-xx/bin)
  - Mac OSX: Install CrossPack AVR from http://www.obdev.at/crosspack/
  - Linux: apt-get install avrdude binutils-avr gcc-avr avr-libc gdb-avr

 - Install Eclipse for C/C++ developers

 - Install Eclipse AVR plugin
  - Go to Help -> Install New Software
  - At Work with: fill in http://avr-eclipse.sourceforge.net/updatesite/, click Add
  - Check AVR Eclipse Plugin, click next and finish the installation

 - Import GIT repository
  - Make an account at github.com
  - Go to File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git
  - Click Clone
  - At URI: fill in https://github.com/ricovangenugten/Fuel-Cell-Bike-Controller.git
  - At Authentication fill in your github credentials
  - Click next, select all branches and finish the wizard
  - Check Import Existing Projects and finish the wizard

 - Build Arduino Core Library
  - Right click on the project and go to Project Properties
  - Go to AVR -> AVRDude and click New
  - Select the right programmer hardware (STK500v2 for the Arduino Mega 2560)
  - Specify the right port (On windows: COMx, see Device Manager. On mac osx/linuxL /dev/tty.x)
  - Select the right speed (115200 for the stk500v2)
  - Go to AVR -> Target hardware, click Load from MCU. If this works, uploading should work too.
  - Build the project by clicking the hammer icon

Now you should be good to go to edit code. The next steps are for building the code and uploading it

 - Go to the FuelCellBikeController project properties, go to AVR -> AVRDude and select the programmer configuration created before and click ok
 - Click on the FuelCellBikeController project and click the hammer icon to build it
 - Click on the AVR icon to upload the project



Controller for the UC Davis Fuel Cell bike


Language:C++ 62.8%Language:C 37.2%