ricocf / guider

Performance Analyzer

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Table of contents


Guider is an integrated performance analyzer.
It provides most of the functions required for measuring, analyzing, testing and verifying system performance. Even now, its functions and usability are expanding.

The features of Guider are as follows.

  • Monitoring
  • Profiling
  • Tracing
  • Visualization
  • Control
  • Logging
  • Test
  • Util

Guider pursues characteristics as below.

  1. Easy to use: just run without any setting and installation
  2. Measure correctly: count, time in from us, size in from byte
  3. Provide all features: various functions for analysis and experiment
  4. Submit the report in detail: show as much information as possible
  5. Visualize through the browser: visualization output in svg format

It supports almost all platforms based on the Linux kernel as shown below.

  • Android
  • distro (Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint, Arch Linux, ...)
  • ccOS (Connected Car Operating System)
  • webOS
  • Tizen
  • GENIVI Development Platform (GDP)
  • Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) Platform
  • Windows (Limited)
  • macOS (Limited)


$ python3 guider/guider.py top -a

[Top Info] [Time: 4588832.570] [Inter: 1.0] [Ctxt: 314463] [Life: +0/-0] [IRQ: 26606] [Core: 40] [Task: 498/625] [Load: 0/0/0] [RAM: 125.7G] [Swap: 4.0G]
           [Cycle: 8.3G / Inst: 5.7G / IPC: 0.69 / CacheMiss : 13.7M(23%) / BrcMiss: 25.7M(1%) / Clk: 38.7G / MinFlt: 358 / MajFlt: 0]
  ID   |  CPU(Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)|MemAvl( Per/ User/Cache/Kern)| Swap( Per/ In/Out)| PgRclm  | BlkRW | NrFlt | PrBlk | NrSIRQ | PgMlk | PgDirt |  Network   |
Total  | 10 %( 1 / 6 / 0 / 0 )|124649(  96/  453/ 5690/1787)|    0(   0/  0/  0)|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   | 15889  | 4616  |   20   |    2K/0    |
Core/0 |100 %(66 /34 / 0 / 0 )|###################################################################|   powersave   |  0-0   |  24 C | 2874 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/1 |  7 %( 0 / 6 / 0 / 0 )|####                                                               |   powersave   |  0-1   |  22 C | 2307 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/2 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-2   |  23 C | 2165 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/3 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-3   |  22 C | 2170 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/4 | 22 %( 0 /21 / 0 / 0 )|##############                                                     |   powersave   |  0-4   |  20 C | 2763 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/5 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-8   |  24 C | 2160 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/6 | 33 %( 0 / 0 / 0 /32 )|######################                                             |   powersave   |  0-9   |  19 C | 2194 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/7 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-10  |  17 C | 2160 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/8 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-11  |  23 C | 2158 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/9 |  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  0-12  |  18 C | 2164 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/10|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-0   |  21 C | 2907 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/11|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-1   |  18 C | 2903 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/12| 11 %( 9 / 1 / 0 / 0 )|#######                                                            |   powersave   |  1-2   |  22 C | 2927 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/13|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-3   |  17 C | 2904 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/14|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-4   |  21 C | 2903 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/15|  7 %( 0 / 6 / 0 / 0 )|####                                                               |   powersave   |  1-8   |  19 C | 2912 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/16|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-9   |  24 C | 2925 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/17| 87 %( 0 /86 / 0 / 0 )|##########################################################         |   powersave   |  1-10  |  24 C | 2907 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/18|100 %( 0 /100/ 0 / 0 )|###################################################################|   powersave   |  1-11  |  20 C | 2914 Mhz [1171-3515]|
Core/19|  0 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|                                                                   |   powersave   |  1-12  |  21 C | 2894 Mhz [1171-3515]|
     Process (    PID/   PPID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)| VSS( RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk(  RD/  WR/NrFlt)| SID | USER | FD | LifeTime|       Parent        |
      screen (   2451/      1/   1/C  0)| 100( 66/ 34/  0)|  11(   6/  0/  2/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)| 2451|peacel|  64|53d:00:22|           systemd(1)|
         yes (1341199/1340350/   1/C  0)|  99(  0/ 99/  0)|   5(   0/  0/  0/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)| 2452|peacel|  64| 00:00:03|          vi(1340350)|
kworker/u80: (1341030/      2/   1/C  0)|  90(  0/ 90/  0)|   0(   0/  0/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|  root|  64| 00:15:46|          kthreadd(2)|
kworker/u80: (1340705/      2/   1/C  0)|  26(  0/ 26/  0)|   0(   0/  0/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|  root|  64| 02:04:59|          kthreadd(2)|
kworker/u80: (1340966/      2/   1/C  0)|  21(  0/ 21/  0)|   0(   0/  0/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|  root|  64| 00:20:56|          kthreadd(2)|
                               [ TOTAL ]| 344.0(  72/ 271)|RSS:   1G / Swp:    0)| 0.0(   -/   -/    0)|      Yld: -|       Prmt: -|            Task: 498|
     [Z]bash ( 820918/ 820917/   1/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)|   0(   0/  0/  0/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -|   -| 3d:06:10| tmux: server(820917)|
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -R 5 -o
$ cat guider.out

[Top Summary Info]
 IDX  |          Interval           | CPU |   Avl/User/Cache   |  BlkRW  | Blk | SWAP | NrPgRclm  | NrFlt | NrCtx  | NrIRQ  |  NrTask  | Core | Network  |
    1 |        START -   497231.500 |  98 |  124442/962/3854   |   0/0   |   0 |    0 |    0/0    |     0 |    631 |  10660 |  482/701 |  40  |  2K/156  |
    2 |   497231.500 -   497232.520 |  98 |  124440/963/3854   |   0/0   |   0 |    0 |    0/0    |     0 |    646 |  10506 |  482/701 |  40  |  1K/104  |
    3 |   497232.520 -   497233.540 |  98 |  124440/964/3854   |   0/0   |   0 |    0 |    0/0    |     0 |    741 |  10562 |  482/701 |  40  |  2K/104  |
    4 |   497233.540 -   497234.570 |  98 |  124440/964/3854   |   0/0   |   0 |    0 |    0/0    |     0 |    629 |  10489 |  482/701 |  40  |  1K/104  |
    5 |   497234.570 -   497235.590 |  98 |  124440/964/3854   |   0/0   |   0 |    0 |    0/0    |     0 |    699 |  10602 |  482/701 |  40  |  2K/208  |

[Top CPU Info] (Unit: %)
    COMM     (  PID  / PPID  / Nr / Pri)| Min/Avg/Max  |      1      2      3      4      5 
   [CPU]     (      -/      -/   -/   -)|  98/98.0/98  |     98     98     98     98     98 
  FahCore_a8 (  55469/  55465/  41/C 19)| 384/387.0/389|    384   3898   3898   3860   3883 
      guider (  55767/   9591/   1/C  0)|   1/1.6/3    |      1      1      2      3      1 

[Top RSS Info] (Unit: MB)
    COMM     (  PID  / PPID  / Nr / Pri)|  Max  |      1      2      3      4      5 
 [FREE/MIN]  (      -/      -/   -/   -)|124440 | 124442 124440 124440 124440 124440 
  FahCore_a8 (  55469/  55465/  41/C 19)|   548 |    548    548    548    548    548 
      guider (  55767/   9591/   1/C  0)|    34 |     33     34     34     34     34 
$ python3 guider/guider.py ttop

[Top Info] [Time: 194025.590] [Interval: 1.0] [Ctxt: 4995] [Life: +0/-0] [OOM: 0] [IRQ: 1879] [Core: 8] [Task: 333/1188] [Load: 3.1/1.9/0.9] [RAM: 62.8G]
  ID   |  CPU(Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)|  Avl(Diff/ User/Cache/Kern)|  Swap(Diff/ In/Out)| PgRclm  | BlkRW | NrFlt | PrBlk | NrSIRQ | PgMlk | PgDrt  |  Network   |
Total  |  3 %( 1 / 0 /23 / 0 )|59874(  -3/ 3110/15153/ 355)|     0(   0/  0/  0)|   0/0   |  0/5  |   0   |   2   |  313   | 1607  | 939290 |    0/0     |
          Thread (  TID/  PID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)|  VSS(RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk(  RD/  WR/NrFlt)| Yld | Prmt | FD | LifeTime|       Process       |
          guider ( 8160/ 8160/   1/C  0)|   3(  2/  0/  0)|   66( 33/  2/  6/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    1|     0|2048| 00:00:02|         guider(8160)|
 gnome-terminal- ( 4864/ 4864/   4/C  0)|   1(  0/  0/  -)|  627( 57/  0/ 40/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -| 128| 2d:05:52|gnome-terminal-(4864)|
            Xorg ( 1525/ 1525/   2/C  0)|   1(  0/  0/  -)|  431( 84/  0/ 48/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -| 128| 2d:05:53|           Xorg(1525)|
                               [ TOTAL ]|     5(   2/   0)|RSS: 174M / Swp:    0)| 0.0(   -/   -/    0)|      Yld: 1|       Prmt: 0|              Task: 3|
[D]kworker/u16:0 ( 7784/ 7784/   1/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)|    0(  0/  0/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -|   -| 00:07:07|                    -|
         [D]pool ( 8024/ 2450/  13/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)| 1025( 82/  1/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -|   -| 00:04:31|                    -|
  [D]usb-storage ( 7825/ 7825/   1/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)|    0(  0/  0/  -/  -)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    -|     -|   -| 00:06:38|                    -|
# python3 guider/guider.py utop -g yes -H

[Top Usercall Info] [Time: 82094.260000] [Interval: 1.001784] [NrSamples: 955] [yes(7202): 28%(Usr/27%+Sys/0%)] [SampleTime: 0.000100]
 Usage  |                                                                 Function [Path]                                                                 
  35.6% | _IO_file_xsputn@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                  
           100.0% |  <- fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils] <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
  17.8% | fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                   
           100.0% |  <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils] <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
  16.1% | __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                
  14.7% | memcpy@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                           
           100.0% |  <- _IO_file_xsputn@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils]
                     <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
  12.3% | strlen@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                           
           100.0% |  <- fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils] <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
   3.0% | _IO_file_write@GLIBC_2.17 [/lib/libc-2.24.so]                                                                                                   
           100.0% |  <- ??[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- _IO_do_write@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- _IO_file_xsputn@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
                     <- fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils]
                     <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
# python3 guider/guider.py systop -g yes -H

[Top Syscall Info] [Time: 82043.230000] [Interval: 1.000940] [NrSamples: 634] [yes(7202): 5%(Usr/4%+Sys/0%)] 
 Usage  |                                                                 Function [Count]                                                                
 100.0% | write [Cnt: 634, Tot: 0.830203, Avg: 0.001309, Max: 0.005875, Err: 0]                                                                           
           100.0% |  <- ??[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- _IO_file_write@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
                     <- _IO_do_write@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- _IO_file_xsputn@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
                     <- fputs_unlocked@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so] <- ??[/usr/bin/yes.coreutils]
                     <- __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.17[/lib/libc-2.24.so]
# python3 guider/guider.py btop -g a.out -H

[Top Breakcall Info] [Time: 4542869.660] [Interval: 1.001] [NrSamples: 994] [a.out(1219772): 7%(Usr/0%+Sys/6%)] [guider(1219775): 97%]
 Usage  | Function [PATH] <Interval>
  16.7% | __mempcpy_sse2_unaligned_erms [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 166, Avg: 0.005994, Min: 0.002999, Max: 0.012299]
           100.0% |  <- _IO_new_file_xsputn[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- __vfprintf_internal[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- printf[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
  16.7% | _IO_new_file_xsputn [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 166, Avg: 0.005997, Min: 0.002988, Max: 0.012302]
           100.0% |  <- __vfprintf_internal[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- printf[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
  11.2% | __strchrnul_sse2 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 111, Avg: 0.008974, Min: 0.006034, Max: 0.012381]
           100.0% |  <- __vfprintf_internal[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- printf[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
   5.5% | close@GLIBC_2.4 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 55, Avg: 0.017763, Min: 0.017895, Max: 0.018863]
           100.0% |  <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
   5.5% | __vfprintf_internal [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 55, Avg: 0.017764, Min: 0.017838, Max: 0.018741]
           100.0% |  <- printf[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
   5.5% | _IO_file_overflow@GLIBC_2.2.5 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 55, Avg: 0.017764, Min: 0.017924, Max: 0.018732]
           100.0% |  <- _IO_new_file_xsputn[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- __vfprintf_internal[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- printf[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
                     <- asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd
                     <- printPeace2[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- printPeace[/home/peacelee/test/a.out] <- main[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                     <- __libc_start_main[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <- _start[/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
# python3 guider/guider.py pytop -g iotop -H

[Top Pycall Info] [Time: 7469667.000] [Interval: 1.003] [NrSamples: 283] [iotop(2943070): 13%(Usr/10%+Sys/2%)] [guider(2943073): 53%] [SampleRate: 0.001]
 Usage  | Function [PATH] <Sample>
  56.9% | WAIT(poll@GLIBC_2.2.5) [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 161>
           100.0% |  <- run[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- run_iotop_window[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- wrapper[/usr/lib/python3.8/curses/__init__.py] <- run_iotop[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <lambda>[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- main[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <module>[/usr/sbin/iotop] <Cnt: 161>
  10.2% | parse_proc_pid_status [/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/data.py] <Cnt: 29>
           100.0% |  <- get_cmdline[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/data.py] <- format[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- get_data[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- refresh_display[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- run[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- run_iotop_window[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- wrapper[/usr/lib/python3.8/curses/__init__.py] <- run_iotop[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <lambda>[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- main[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <module>[/usr/sbin/iotop] <Cnt: 29>
   4.6% | read@GLIBC_2.26 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so] <Cnt: 13>
            76.9% |  <- parse_proc_pid_status[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/data.py] <- get_cmdline[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/data.py]
                     <- format[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- get_data[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- refresh_display[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- run[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- run_iotop_window[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- wrapper[/usr/lib/python3.8/curses/__init__.py]
                     <- run_iotop[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- <lambda>[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- main[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- <module>[/usr/sbin/iotop] <Cnt: 10>
            23.1% |  <- get_cmdline[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/data.py] <- format[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- get_data[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- refresh_display[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- run[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- run_iotop_window[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- wrapper[/usr/lib/python3.8/curses/__init__.py] <- run_iotop[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <lambda>[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- main[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <module>[/usr/sbin/iotop] <Cnt: 3>
   4.2% | format [/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <Cnt: 12>
           100.0% |  <- get_data[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- refresh_display[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- run[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- run_iotop_window[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- wrapper[/usr/lib/python3.8/curses/__init__.py] <- run_iotop[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <lambda>[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py] <- main[/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/iotop/ui.py]
                     <- <module>[/usr/sbin/iotop] <Cnt: 12>
# python3 guider/guider.py ftop -g nginx

[Top File Info] [Time: 497555.620] [Proc: 41] [FD: 2,047] [File: 87] [CPU: 95%(Usr:54%/Sys:41%)] (Unit: %/MB/NR)
    Process      ( ID  / Pid / Nr / Pri)| FD |                                                   Path                                                    |
           nginx ( 1348/ 1333/   1/C  0)|  49| SOCKET: 42   NORMAL: 3   DEVICE: 2   EVENT: 2   PIPE: 0   PROC: 0                                         |
                                        |  49| /var/log/nginx/error.log (0, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CLOEXEC)                                                 |
                                        |  48| socket:[32124]                                                                                            |
                                        |  37| socket:[32102]                                                                                            |
                                        |  36| anon_inode:[eventfd]                                                                                      |
                                        |  35| anon_inode:[eventpoll]                                                                                    |
                                        |  34| socket:[32073]                                                                                            |
                                        |   8| socket:[32074]                                                                                            |
                                        |   7| socket:[20935]                                                                                            |
                                        |   6| socket:[20934] (TCP:                                                                    |
                                        |   5| /var/log/nginx/access.log (0, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CLOEXEC)                                                |
                                        |   3| socket:[32046]                                                                                            |
                                        |   2| /var/log/nginx/error.log (0, O_WRONLY)                                                                    |
                                        |   1| /dev/null (0, O_RDWR)                                                                                     |
                                        |   0| /dev/null (0, O_RDWR)                                                                                     |
# python3 guider/guider.py stacktop -g syslog

[Top Info] [Time: 7176163.830] [Interval: 1.0] [Ctxt: 2914] [Life: +13/-12] [IRQ: 5103] [Core: 24] [Task: 328/435] [RAM: 63876] [Swap: 65491] (Unit: %/MB/NR)
           [Cycle: 2G / Inst: 3G / IPC: 1.34 / CacheMiss: 6M(34%) / BranchMiss: 4M(0%) / Clock: 23G / MinFlt: 53,257 / MajFlt: 0]
  ID   | CPU (Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)| Mem (Diff/ User/Cache/Kern)| Swap (Diff/  I/O  )|NrPgRclm | BlkRW | NrFlt | NrBlk | NrSIRQ | NrMlk | NrDrt  |  Network   |
Total  |  6 %( 3 / 1 / 0 / 0 )| 4913(-204/  974/56824/1165)|  0   ( 0  /  0/0  )|   0/0   | 0/42  |   0   |   0   |  3713  |   0   | 90901  |   2K/13K   |
     Thread      (  TID/  PID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)|  Mem(RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk( RD / WR /NrFlt)| Yld | Prmt | FD | LifeTime|     WaitChannel     |
        rsyslogd ( 2702/ 2702/   4/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)|  244(  5/  0/  2/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    0|     0|  64| 1K:22:40|poll_schedule_timeout|
                                   100% | poll_schedule_timeout+0x43/0x70 <- do_select+0x711/0x7f0 <- core_sys_select+0x196/0x280 <-
                                          SyS_select+0xa6/0xe0 <- entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath+0x1a/0xa5
        rsyslogd ( 2779/ 2702/   4/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  -)|  244(  5/  0/  2/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    0|     0|  64| 1K:22:40|poll_schedule_timeout|
                                   100% | poll_schedule_timeout+0x43/0x70 <- do_select+0x711/0x7f0 <- core_sys_select+0x196/0x280 <-
                                          SyS_select+0xa6/0xe0 <- entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath+0x1a/0xa5
        rsyslogd ( 2780/ 2702/   4/C  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  244(  5/  0/  2/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|  116|     0|  64| 1K:22:40|      do_syslog      |
                                    99% | do_syslog+0x446/0x4c0 <- kmsg_read+0x3f/0x50 <- proc_reg_read+0x3d/0x60 <- __vfs_read+0x23/0x110 <-
                                          vfs_read+0x91/0x130 <- SyS_read+0x41/0xa0 <- entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath+0x1a/0xa5
# python3 guider/guider.py ptop -g yes

[Top Info] [Time: 7181955.420] [Interval: 1.0] [Ctxt: 121] [Life: +0/-0] [IRQ: 1947] [Core: 24] [Task: 317/424] [RAM: 63876] [Swap: 65491] (Unit: %/MB/NR)
  ID   | CPU (Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)| Mem (Diff/ User/Cache/Kern)| Swap (Diff/  I/O  )|NrPgRclm | BlkRW | NrFlt | NrBlk | NrSIRQ | NrMlk | NrDrt  |  Network   |
Total  |  5 %( 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 )| 3783(   0/  875/58078/1140)|  0   ( 0  /  0/0  )|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   |  2023  |   0   |   0    |   1K/3K    |
    Process      (  PID/ PPID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)|  Mem(RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk( RD / WR /NrFlt)| Yld | Prmt | FD | LifeTime|     WaitChannel     |
             yes (22371/ 9085/   1/R 90)|  99( 99/  0/  0)|    8(  0/  0/  0/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    0|     0| 256|  1:34:11|       RUNNING       |
                                        | [Cycle: 2G / Inst: 6G / IPC: 2.82 / CacheMiss: 11K(98%) / BranchMiss: 26K(0%) / Clock: 972M / MinFlt: 0 / MajFlt: 0]
# python3 guider/guider.py mtop

[Top Info] [Time: 1144292.910] [Inter: 1.0] [Ctxt: 739] [Life: +0/-0] [IRQ: 10740] [Core: 40] [Task: 509/725] [Load: 38/38/38] [RAM: 125.7G] [Swap: 4.0G]
           [N0-DMA     > diff:       0 / free:  15.5M / high:  32.0K / low:  20.0K / managed:  15.5M / min:   8.0K / present:  15.6M / spanned:  16.0M ]
           [N0-DMA32   > diff:       0 / free:   1.9G / high:   4.6M / low:   2.8M / managed:   1.9G / min: 956.0K / present:   1.9G / spanned:   4.0G ]
           [N0-Device  > diff:       0 / free:      0 / high:      0 / low:      0 / managed:      0 / min:      0 / present:      0 / spanned:      0 ]
           [N0-Movable > diff:       0 / free:      0 / high:      0 / low:      0 / managed:      0 / min:      0 / present:      0 / spanned:      0 ]
           [N0-Normal  > diff:   -3.9M / free: 113.4G / high: 318.7M / low: 191.9M / managed: 123.9G / min:  65.1M / present: 126.0G / spanned: 126.0G ]
  ID   |  CPU(Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)|  Avl( Per/ User/Cache/Kern)|  Swap( Per/ In/Out)| PgRclm  | BlkRW | NrFlt | PrBlk | NrSIRQ | PgMlk | PgDrt  |  Network   |
Total  | 98 %(97 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|12417(  96/ 1117/ 7915/1739)|     0(   0/  0/  0)|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   | 12975  | 4613  |   67   |   2K/52    |
    Process      (  PID/ PPID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)|  Mem(RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk( RD / WR /NrFlt)| Yld | Prmt | FD | LifeTime|     WaitChannel     |
 FahCore_a8 ( 214159/ 214155/  41/C 19)|3792(3791/  0/  -)|3219( 548/ 14/ 13/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)| 1197|fahcli|  64| 00:20:54|FAHCoreWrapper(214155|
                           MEM(STACK/1) | VSS: 132.0K / RSS:  48.0K / PSS:  48.0K / SWAP:      0 / HUGE:    0 / LOCK:     0 / SDRT:      0 / PDRT:  48.0K|
                            MEM(FILE/6) | VSS:  20.4M / RSS:  13.2M / PSS:  10.7M / SWAP:      0 / HUGE:    0 / LOCK:     0 / SDRT:      0 / PDRT:  92.0K|
                             MEM(ETC/3) | VSS:  20.0K / RSS:   4.0K / PSS:      0 / SWAP:      0 / HUGE:    0 / LOCK:     0 / SDRT:      0 / PDRT:      0|
                          MEM(ANON/165) | VSS:   3.1G / RSS: 539.7M / PSS: 539.7M / SWAP:      0 / HUGE:    0 / LOCK:     0 / SDRT:      0 / PDRT: 539.7M|
                               MEM(SUM) | VmPeak: 4.0G, VmHWM: 548.6M, VmData: 948.2M, HugetlbPages: 0, RssAnon: 535.5M, RssFile: 13.2M, RssShmem: 0     |
# python3 guider/guider.py ntop

[Top Info] [Time: 186473.960] [Interval: 1.0] [Ctxt: 7865] [Life: +0/-0] [OOM: 0] [IRQ: 4229] [Core: 8] [Task: 328/1171] [Load: 0.5/0.3/0.3] [RAM: 62.8G]
  ID   |  CPU(Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)|  Avl(Diff/ User/Cache/Kern)|  Swap(Diff/ In/Out)| PgRclm  | BlkRW | NrFlt | PrBlk | NrSIRQ | PgMlk | PgDrt  |  Network   |
Total  |  1 %( 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|59939(  -2/ 3054/ 6429/ 350)|     0(   0/  0/  0)|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   |  1661  | 1607  |  343   |  652K/9K   |
                Network                  |                        Receive                        |                       Transfer                        |
      Dev        |          IP           |   Size   |  Packet  |  Error   |   Drop   | Multicast |   Size   |  Packet  |  Error   |   Drop   | Multicast |
         docker0 | |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
            eno1 | |   665.9K |      475 |        0 |        0 |         1 |    12.0K |      168 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
 enx201601190a25 | |       48 |        1 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
              lo |    |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
          virbr0 |                       |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
      virbr0-nic |                       |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
       [ TOTAL ] |                       |   666.0K |      476 |        0 |        0 |         1 |    12.0K |      168 |        0 |        0 |         0 |
# python3 guider/guider.py disktop

[Top Info] [Time: 262411.830] [Inter: 1.0] [Ctxt: 802] [Life: +0/-0] [IRQ: 10675] [Core: 40] [Task: 481/700] [Load: 38/38/38] [RAM: 125.7G] [Swap: 4.0G]
  ID   |  CPU(Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)|  Avl( Per/ User/Cache/Kern)|  Swap( Per/ In/Out)| PgRclm  | BlkRW | NrFlt | PrBlk | NrSIRQ | PgMlk | PgDrt  |  Network   |
Total  | 98 %(97 / 0 / 0 / 0 )|124431(  96/  994/ 3531/1733)|     0(   0/  0/  0)|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   | 11620  | 4613  |   70   |    1K/0   |
          DEV           |BUSY| AVQ | READ  | WRITE |   FREE(   DIFF)|USAGE| TOTAL |  AVF  |   FS   |                 MountPoint <Option>                 |
/dev/sda2               |  0%|    0|      0|      0| 670.6G(      0)|  28%| 937.4G|  57.6M|  ext4  | / <rw,relatime>                                     |
/dev/loop4              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  30.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/snapd/9279 <ro,nodev,relatime>                |
/dev/loop5              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  70.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/lxd/16922 <ro,nodev,relatime>                 |
/dev/sda1               |  0%|    0|      0|      0| 503.0M(      0)|   1%| 510.0M|      0|  vfat  | /boot/efi <rw,relatime>                             |
/dev/loop1              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  55.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/core18/1885 <ro,nodev,relatime>               |
/dev/loop2              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  70.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/lxd/16894 <ro,nodev,relatime>                 |
/dev/loop0              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  55.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/core18/1880 <ro,nodev,relatime>               |
/dev/loop3              |  0%|    0|      0|      0|      0(      0)| 100%|  30.0M|      0|squashfs| /snap/snapd/8790 <ro,nodev,relatime>                |
/run/snapd/ns           |  0%|    0|      0|      0|  12.6G(      0)|   0%|  12.6G|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /run/snapd/ns                                       |
/run/user/1004          |  0%|    0|      0|      0|  12.6G(      0)|   0%|  12.6G|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /run/user/1004 <rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime>           |
/sys/fs/cgroup          |  0%|    0|      0|      0|  62.9G(      0)|   0%|  62.9G|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /sys/fs/cgroup <ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec>             |
/run                    |  0%|    0|      0|      0|  12.6G(      0)|   0%|  12.6G|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /run <rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime>              |
/run/lock               |  0%|    0|      0|      0|   5.0M(      0)|   0%|   5.0M|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /run/lock <rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime>         |
/dev/shm                |  0%|    0|      0|      0|  62.9G(      0)|   0%|  62.9G|  15.7M| tmpfs  | /dev/shm <rw,nosuid,nodev>                          |
# python3 guider/guider.py wtop -g yes

[Top Info] [Time: 7176629.490] [Interval: 1.0] [Ctxt: 195] [Life: +0/-0] [IRQ: 2688] [Core: 24] [Task: 327/434] [RAM: 63876] [Swap: 65491] (Unit: %/MB/NR)
           [Cycle: 2G / Inst: 6G / IPC: 2.75 / CacheMiss: 202K(19%) / BranchMiss: 325K(0%) / Clock: 23G / MinFlt: 4 / MajFlt: 0]
  ID   | CPU (Usr/Ker/Blk/IRQ)| Mem (Diff/ User/Cache/Kern)| Swap (Diff/  I/O  )|NrPgRclm | BlkRW | NrFlt | NrBlk | NrSIRQ | NrMlk | NrDrt  |  Network   |
Total  |  5 %( 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 )| 4719(   0/  856/57152/1149)|  0   ( 0  /  0/0  )|   0/0   |  0/0  |   0   |   0   |  2410  |   0   |   2    |   1K/5K    |
    Process      (  PID/ PPID/  Nr/ Pri)| CPU(Usr/Ker/Dly)|  Mem(RSS/Txt/Shr/Swp)| Blk( RD / WR /NrFlt)| Yld | Prmt | FD | LifeTime|     WaitChannel     |
             yes (22371/ 9085/   1/R 90)|  99( 99/  0/  0)|    8(  0/  0/  0/  0)|   0(   -/   -/    0)|    0|     0| 256|  0: 5:25|       RUNNING       |
                             (1)[STACK] | SIZE:   0M / RSS:   0M / PSS:   0M / SWAP:   0M / HUGE:  0M / LOCK:   0K / SDRT:   0K / PDRT:   8K / NOPM:   0K|
                                        |  WSS: [   8K] ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K
                              (4)[FILE] | SIZE:   7M / RSS:   1M / PSS:   0M / SWAP:   0M / HUGE:  0M / LOCK:   0K / SDRT:   0K / PDRT:  40K / NOPM:2048K|
                                        |  WSS: [   1M] ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M ->    1M
                               (3)[ETC] | SIZE:   0M / RSS:   0M / PSS:   0M / SWAP:   0M / HUGE:  0M / LOCK:   0K / SDRT:   0K / PDRT:   0K / NOPM:   0K|
                                        |  WSS: [   4K] ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->     0 ->     0 ->     0 ->     0 ->     0 ->    4K ->    4K
                              (5)[ANON] | SIZE:   0M / RSS:   0M / PSS:   0M / SWAP:   0M / HUGE:  0M / LOCK:   0K / SDRT:   0K / PDRT:  48K / NOPM:   0K|
                                        |  WSS: [  48K] ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K ->    4K
# python3 guider/guider.py btrace -g a.out -H

         _start/0x55e321d151ee [/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
           __libc_start_main/0x7ffb520af0b3 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
             main/0x55e321d15478 [/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
               printPeace/0x55e321d15451 [/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                 printPeace2/0x55e321d15392 [/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
                   asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfas/0x55e321d152e2 [/home/peacelee/test/a.out]
0.000384             read@GLIBC_2.26/0x7ffb52199130(-0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000391             close@GLIBC_2.4/0x7ffb52199970(-0x1,0x0,0xffffffffffffff80,0x0,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000398             printf/0x7ffb520ece10(0x55e321d1600a,0x9,0xffffffffffffff80,0x0,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000405               __vfprintf_internal/0x7ffb521019e0(0x7ffb522746a0,0x55e321d1600a,0x7fff41688b40,0x55e321d1600a,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000412                 __strchrnul_sse2/0x7ffb5213c820(0x55e321d1600a,0x25,0x7fff41688b40,0x55e321d1600a,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000420                 _IO_new_file_xsputn/0x7ffb5211a750(0x7ffb522746a0,0x55e321d1600a,0x3,0x55e321d1600a,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000426                   __mempcpy_sse2_unaligned_erms/0x7ffb52146d00(0x55e322290330,0x55e321d1600a,0x3,0x55e321d1600a,0x0,0x5) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000432                 _itoa_word/0x7ffb520e6760(0x9,0x7fff41688af8,0xa,0x55e321d1600e,-0x1,0x3) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000439                 _IO_new_file_xsputn/0x7ffb5211a750(0x7ffb522746a0,0x7fff41688af7,0x1,0x55e321d1600e,0x0,0x3) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000446                   __mempcpy_sse2_unaligned_erms/0x7ffb52146d00(0x55e322290333,0x7fff41688af7,0x1,0x55e321d1600e,0x0,0x3) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000452                 __strchrnul_sse2/0x7ffb5213c820(0x55e321d1600f,0x25,0x1,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000458                 _IO_new_file_xsputn/0x7ffb5211a750(0x7ffb522746a0,0x55e321d1600f,0x1,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000464                   __mempcpy_sse2_unaligned_erms/0x7ffb52146d00(0x55e322290334,0x55e321d1600f,0x1,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000471                   _IO_file_overflow@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7ffb5211bf00(0x7ffb522746a0,-0x1,0xc00,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000480                   _IO_do_write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7ffb5211ba20(0x7ffb522746a0,0x55e322290330,0x5,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000486                     _IO_file_write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7ffb52119fe0(0x7ffb522746a0,0x55e322290330,0x5,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.000493                       write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7ffb521991d0(0x1,0x55e322290330,0x5,0x55e321d1600f,0x0,0x4) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
# python3 guider/guider.py  btrace -g yes -H -c \|getret

0.532473       0x2cf0/0x560d7fd28cf0(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532488         0x4c40/0x560d7fd2ac40(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532501           write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7faab22f1040(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.532516           write@GLIBC_2.2.5[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000015 -> 0x4c40/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532557         0x4c40[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000069 -> 0x2cf0/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532618       0x2cf0[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000145 -> 0x2580/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532678       0x2cf0/0x560d7fd28cf0(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532691         0x4c40/0x560d7fd2ac40(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532706           write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7faab22f1040(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.532721           write@GLIBC_2.2.5[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000015 -> 0x4c40/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532798         0x4c40[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000107 -> 0x2cf0/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532881       0x2cf0[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000204 -> 0x2580/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532946       0x2cf0/0x560d7fd28cf0(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532961         0x4c40/0x560d7fd2ac40(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/usr/bin/yes]
0.532975           write@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7faab22f1040(0x1,0x560d81815440,0x2000,0x7faab23c8640,0x560d81815440,0x7c) [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so]
0.532990           write@GLIBC_2.2.5[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000015 -> 0x4c40/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.533067         0x4c40[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000106 -> 0x2cf0/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
0.533194       0x2cf0[RET]=0x2000(8192)/0.000248 -> 0x2580/0x560d7fd26000 [/usr/bin/yes]
$ python3 guider/guider.py rtop &
$ cat /tmp/guider.report

  "task": {
    "nrThread": 397,
    "nrBlocked": 0,
    "nrCtx": 4290,
    "nrProc": 292
  "mem": {
    "kernel": 1432,
    "anonDiff": -1,
    "pgRclmFg": 0,
    "cache": 35332,
    "slabDiff": 0,
    "free": 26929,
    "anon": 698,
    "pgDirty": 28,
    "file": 31751,
    "freeDiff": -1,
    "pgRclmBg": 0,
    "total": 64391,
    "slab": 3581,
    "fileDiff": -1
    "procs": {
      "1954": {
        "text": 0,
        "pid": 1954,
        "rank": 2,
        "comm": "ruby1.9.1",
        "runtime": "110:43:32",
        "rss": 104
  "storage": {
    "total": {
      "read": 0,
      "mount": {},
      "favail": 133443655,
      "free": 1141633,
      "write": 1,
      "usage": 1152423,
      "total": 2294056,
      "usageper": 50
    "/dev/sdb1": {
      "read": 0,
      "mount": {
        "path": "/mnt/hdd1",
        "fs": "ext4",
        "option": "rw,relatime,data=ordered"
      "favail": 50709466,
      "free": 293649,
      "write": 0,
      "usage": 645251,
      "total": 938900,
      "usageper": 68
  "system": {
    "load5m": 2.38,
    "uptime": 4191643.92,
    "nrSoftIrq": 7405,
    "nrIrq": 7289,
    "load15m": 0.84,
    "interval": 1.029999999795109,
    "pid": 14578,
    "load1m": 9.39
  "event": {
      "14592": {
        "kernel": 0,
        "runtime": "0:0:47",
        "pid": 14592,
        "rank": 3,
        "comm": "yes",
        "user": 99,
        "total": 100
      "14593": {
        "kernel": 0,
        "runtime": "0:0:46",
        "pid": 14593,
        "rank": 10,
        "comm": "yes",
        "user": 99,
        "total": 100
  "swap": {
    "usage": 76,
    "total": 65491,
    "usageDiff": 0
  "net": {
    "inbound": 1479,
    "outbound": 392
  "cpu": {
    "kernel": 0,
    "iowait": 0,
    "nrCore": 24,
    "idle": 8,
    "user": 91,
    "irq": 0,
    "total": 92,
    "procs": {
      "14592": {
        "kernel": 0,
        "runtime": "0:0:47",
        "pid": 14592,
        "rank": 3,
        "comm": "yes",
        "user": 99,
        "total": 100
  "block": {
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0,
    "procs": {},
    "nrMajFlt": 0,
    "ioWait": 0
# python3 guider/guider.py limitcpu -g 22371:50 -v

[Info] limited cpu usage of yes(22371) process to 50%, it used 50%

[WARN] <guider(574420)> started 1th guider(574420)

[WARN] <guider(574420)> 1th guider(574420) took 0.421747 seconds to finish one job
# python3 guider/guider.py sigtrace -g a.out

[INFO] start profiling a.out(3100585)...

0.000130 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
0.000276 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
0.000287 [SIGRT1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
0.000307 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
0.000317 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
0.000326 [SIGRT2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955804 [SIGCHLD] {si_code=CLD_EXITED si_pid=3100586, si_uid=0, si_status=0 si_utime=0, si_stime=0}
1.955816 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955826 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955836 [SIGRT3] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955846 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955856 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955866 [SIGRT4] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955875 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955884 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955893 [SIGRT5] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955903 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955912 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955922 [SIGRT6] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955931 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955941 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955950 [SIGRT7] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955959 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955969 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955978 [SIGRT8] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955987 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.955997 [SIGUSR2] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.956006 [SIGRT9] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.956015 [SIGUSR1] {si_code=SI_USER si_pid=a.out(3100585), si_uid=root(0)}
1.956025 [SIGSEGV] {si_code=SEGV_MAPERR si_addr=0x4d2}

2.191489 +++ exited a.out(3100585) with 139 +++
# python3 guider/guider.py setsched r:90:22371

[Info] changed the priority of guider(22371) to 90[R]
# python3 guider/guider.py remote -g a.out -c usercall:write#1#HOOK#4

[usercall] write(7f94ed747140)(1, HOOK, 4) = 0x4(4)
# python3 guider/guider.py printenv -g systemd

[ systemd(1) ]

[ systemd(3310) ]

[ systemd(7094) ]
# python3 guider/guider.py kill -stop yes

[Info] sent SIGSTOP to yes(10594)
# python3 guider/guider.py printbind -g yes

[Function Bind Info] [Target: yes(410113)]
Path      Type Sym[Bind/Vis] => Link
	NOTYPE _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable@GLIBC_2.2.5[WEAK/DEFAULT] => NONE
	NOTYPE _ITM_registerTMCloneTable@GLIBC_2.2.5[WEAK/DEFAULT] => NONE
	  FUNC __ctype_b_loc@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __ctype_b_loc/0x7f474b600400[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x37400]
	  FUNC __cxa_atexit@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __cxa_atexit@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b612f60[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x49f60]
	  FUNC __cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5[WEAK/DEFAULT] => __cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b613090[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x4a090]
	  FUNC __fpending@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __fpending@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b658f80[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x8ff80]
	  FUNC __fprintf_chk[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __fprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.14/0x7f474b6fa110[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x131110]
	  FUNC __freading@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __freading@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b658e90[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x8fe90]
	NOTYPE __gmon_start__@GLIBC_2.14[WEAK/DEFAULT] => NONE
	  FUNC __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b5effc0[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x26fc0]
	  FUNC __printf_chk@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __printf_chk@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b6fa040[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x131040]
	  FUNC __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b6fbb00[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x132b00]
	  FUNC _exit@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => _Exit@GLIBC_2.3/0x7f474b6af290[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0xe6290]
	  FUNC abort@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => abort@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b5ee72e[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x2572e]
	  FUNC bindtextdomain@GLIBC_2.2.5[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => bindtextdomain@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b600920[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x37920]
	  FUNC calloc[GLOBAL/DEFAULT] => calloc@GLIBC_2.2.5/0x7f474b667c90[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so/0x9ec90]
# python3 guider/guider.py rec -a -e m,b

[Thread Info] [ Elapsed: 2.050 ] [ Start: 2849868.198 ] [ Running: 112 ] [ CtxSwc: 3357 ] [ LogSize: 4054 KB ] [ Unit: Sec/MB/NR ]
__________Thread Info___________|_____________CPU Info______________|______SCHED Info______|________BLOCK Info________|_____________MEM Info_____________|
                                |                                   |                      |                          |                                  |
            Name(  Tid/  Pid)|LF|Usage(    %)|Delay(  Max)|Pri| IRQ |  Yld| Lose|Steal| Mig| Read( MB/  Cnt)|WCnt( MB)| Sum(Usr/Buf/Ker)|Rcl|Wst|DRcl(Nr)|
# CPU: 12

          CORE/0(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.1)| 0.00( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|    7|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    1)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/1(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.1)| 0.10( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  147|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/2(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.1)| 0.16( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  211|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/3(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.1)| 0.11( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  181|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|  32(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/4(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.1)| 0.11( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  232|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/5(-----/-----)|--| 0.30( 14.8)| 0.18( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  179|    -|    -|   -| 1.26(  6/  495)|  19(  0)|  61( 57/  0/  3)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/6(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.0)| 0.35( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|   57|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/7(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.0)| 0.60( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|  100|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/8(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.0)| 0.44( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|   59|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          CORE/9(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.0)| 1.94( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|   37|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
         CORE/10(-----/-----)|--| 0.07(  3.4)| 0.00( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|    2|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
         CORE/11(-----/-----)|--| 0.00(  0.0)| 2.05( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|   39|    -|    -|   -| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|

# Hot: 4

        synergyc( 3604/ 3602)|  | 0.17(  8.5)| 0.00( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|    3|   14|    3|   0| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
 arm-starfish-li(16087/16087)|  | 0.13(  6.3)| 0.00( 0.00)|  0| 0.00|    0|   20|  157|   4| 1.26(  6/  496)|   0(  0)|  61( 57/  0/  3)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|
          guider(16088/16088)|  | 0.07(  3.4)| 0.00( 0.00)|R90| 0.00|    2|    0|    2|   0| 0.00(  0/    0)|   0(  0)|   0(  0/  0/  0)|  0|  0|0.00( 0)|

# python3 guider/guider.py iorec -s
# python3 guider/guider.py report -a

[Thread Block Info] (Unit: NR)
           ID               OPT    NrDev                TOTAL         SEQUENTIAL(    %)      FS              PATH        
                                                     [ACCESS]                     COUNT                                  
          TOTAL            READ      8:3               131.8M             131.3M( 99.6)      -       /dev/sda3
                                          [   4.0K -    7.0K]                       370                                  
                                          [  16.0K -   31.0K]                        11                                  
                                          [  32.0K -   63.0K]                         6                                  
                                          [  64.0K -  127.0K]                         5                                  
                                          [ 128.0K -  255.0K]                      1037                                  
                                   253:0               131.8M             131.3M( 99.6)     ext4     / <rw,relatime>
                                          [   4.0K -    7.0K]                       370                                  
                                          [  16.0K -   31.0K]                        11                                  
                                          [  32.0K -   63.0K]                         6                                  
                                          [  64.0K -  127.0K]                         5                                  
                                          [ 128.0K -  255.0K]                      1037                                  
                          WRITE    253:0                40.0K              20.0K( 50.0)     ext4     / <rw,relatime>
                                          [   4.0K -    7.0K]                        10                                  
                                     8:3                24.0K              20.0K( 83.3)      -       /dev/sda3
                                          [   4.0K -    7.0K]                         6                                  
          guider(4011197)  READ      8:3               100.0M             100.0M(100.0)      -       /dev/sda3
                                          [  16.0K -   31.0K]                         2                                  
                                          [  32.0K -   63.0K]                         1                                  
                                          [  64.0K -  127.0K]                         1                                  
                                          [ 128.0K -  255.0K]                       799                                  
                                   253:0               100.0M             100.0M(100.0)     ext4     / <rw,relatime>
                                          [  16.0K -   31.0K]                         2                                  
                                          [  32.0K -   63.0K]                         1                                  
                                          [  64.0K -  127.0K]                         1                                  
                                          [ 128.0K -  255.0K]                       799                                  

[Thread FS Info] (Unit: NR)
           ID                 OPT    NrDev        INODE         Size           FS PATH                                                                       
          TOTAL             WRITE                              16.0K 
                                     253:0                     16.0K         ext4 / <rw,relatime>                                                            
                                                      0        16.0K                                                                                         
                             READ                             131.8M 
                                       0:3                      1.4M            ? ?                                                                          
                                                      0         1.4M                                                                                         
                                     253:0                    130.4M         ext4 / <rw,relatime>                                                            
                                               24520383       100.0M              /home/peacelee/guider/guider/TEST2[100.0M]                                 
                                               24520372        20.0M              /home/peacelee/guider/guider/TEST[20.0M]                                   
                                               24520353        10.0M              /home/peacelee/guider/guider/TEST3[10.0M]                                  
                                                6030383        84.0K                                                                                         
                                                6819964        72.0K                                                                                         
                                                6029790        68.0K                                                                                         
                                                6031485        44.0K                                                                                         
                                                6031543        40.0K                                                                                         
                                                6819797        16.0K                                                                                         
                                                6035523        16.0K                                                                                         
                                                      0        16.0K                                                                                         
                                                6818557         4.0K                                                                                         
                                                6818689         4.0K                                                                                         
                                                7078584         4.0K                                                                                         
          guider(4011197)    READ                             100.0M 
                                     253:0                    100.0M         ext4 / <rw,relatime>                                                            
                                               24520383       100.0M              /home/peacelee/guider/guider/TEST2[100.0M]                                 
          guider(4011193)    READ                              20.0M 
                                     253:0                     20.0M         ext4 / <rw,relatime>                                                            
                                               24520372        20.0M              /home/peacelee/guider/guider/TEST[20.0M]                                   
# python3 guider/guider.py iorec -s
# python3 guider/guider.py report -q RALIST
# python3 guider/guider.py readahead readahead.list

[INFO] start readahead from '/home/peacelee/guider/guider/readahead.list'

[INFO] changed the CPU scheduling priority for guider(4011281) to 10[C]

[INFO] changed the I/O scheduling priority for guider(4011281) to IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE(0)[IOPRIO_WHO_PROCESS]

[INFO] finished readahead a total of 130.0M data for 0.002 sec
# python3 guider/guider.py sysrec 

[Thread Syscall Info] (Unit: Sec/NR)
            Name(  Tid)                        Syscall( ID)      Elapsed        Count        Error          Min          Max          Avg
 arm-linux-gnuea( 3000)
                                                 close(  3)     0.039396           69            0     0.000001     0.005353     0.000571
                                                  stat(  4)     0.011521           74            0     0.000001     0.009423     0.000156
                                                fchmod( 91)     0.000046            3            0     0.000002     0.000039     0.000015
                                           getpriority(140)     0.000017           33            0     0.000000     0.000001     0.000001
                                             lgetxattr(192)     0.000014            3            0     0.000003     0.000008     0.000005
                                              recvfrom( 45)     0.000004            1            0     0.000004     0.000004     0.000004

          guider( 3001)
                                                 pause( 34)     0.283474            1            1     0.283474     0.283474     0.283474
                                                select( 23)     0.100122            1            0     0.100122     0.100122     0.100122
                                                 write(  1)     0.000234            6            0     0.000031     0.000059     0.000039
                                                  open(  2)     0.000084            7            0     0.000007     0.000038     0.000012
                                                 ioctl( 16)     0.000009           14           14     0.000001     0.000001     0.000001
                                                 fstat(  5)     0.000006           14            0     0.000001     0.000001     0.000000
                                                 lseek(  8)     0.000006           21            0     0.000000     0.000001     0.000000
                                                 close(  3)     0.000005            7            0     0.000000     0.000001     0.000001
                                          rt_sigaction( 13)     0.000001            1            0     0.000001     0.000001     0.000001

          mysqld( 3237)
                                                 futex(202)     0.000000            1            0     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

          mysqld( 3238)
                                                 futex(202)     0.000002            1            0     0.000002     0.000002     0.000002

          screen( 9045)
                                                select( 23)     0.000082            4            0     0.000004     0.000069     0.000021
# python3 guider/guider.py rec -e L

[Thread Futex Lock Info] [ Elapsed : 1.225 ] (Unit: Sec/NR)
            Name(  Tid/  Pid)    Elapsed    Process      Block  NrBlock    CallMax       Lock    LockMax   NrLock   NrWait     LBlock NrLBlock   LastStat
          mysqld( 3236/ 3208)      0.469      0.000      0.469        1      0.469      0.000      0.000        0        1      0.000        0       Wait
          mysqld( 3237/ 3208)      0.890      0.000      0.890        1      0.890      0.000      0.000        0        1      0.000        0       Wait
          mysqld( 3238/ 3208)      1.075      0.000      1.075        1      1.075      0.000      0.000        0        1      0.000        0       Wait

[Thread File Lock Info] (Unit: Sec/NR)
            Name(  Tid)         Wait            Lock     nrTryLock    nrLocked
            smbd( 2631)        0.000           0.000             3           3
# python3 guider/guider.py rec -s . -K openfile:getname::**string

[Thread KERNEL Event Info]
             Event                           Comm( Tid )      Usage      Count    ProcMax    ProcMin   InterMax   InterMin
            openfile                        TOTAL(  -  )   0.000729       1012   0.000013   0.000001   1.979834   0.000109
                                               ps(10728)   0.000640        968   0.000013   0.000000   0.001636   0.000006
                                          python2(10727)   0.000038         26   0.000004   0.000001   1.979834   0.000020
                                             tmux( 6959)   0.000031          9   0.000006   0.000003   0.299492   0.201316
                                   PassengerAgent(23183)   0.000008          5   0.000002   0.000001   0.007375   0.000109
                                     sendmail-mta( 3419)   0.000007          2   0.000006   0.000001   0.000077   0.000077
                                   PassengerAgent(10729)   0.000003          1   0.000003   0.000003   0.000000   0.000000
                                             smbd(11086)   0.000002          1   0.000002   0.000002   0.000000   0.000000

[Thread KERNEL Event History]
             EVENT                TYPE     TIME                COMM(  TID)         CALLER            ELAPSED ARG
            openfile               EXIT   0.063942             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7969/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   0.137626          python2(10727)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   0.137628          python2(10727)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000002  1>"/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace"
            openfile              ENTER   0.363431             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   0.363437             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000006  1>"/proc/7197/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   0.510452             smbd(11086)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   0.510454             smbd(11086)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000002  1>"/var/log/samba/log.jhkim-z97x-ud3h"
            openfile              ENTER   0.564845             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   0.564848             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7969/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   0.864255             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   0.864258             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7197/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   1.065571             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.065574             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7969/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   1.364980             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.364984             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000004  1>"/proc/7197/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   1.437128     sendmail-mta( 3419)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.437134     sendmail-mta( 3419)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000006  1>"/proc/loadavg"
            openfile              ENTER   1.437205     sendmail-mta( 3419)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.437206     sendmail-mta( 3419)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000001  1>"/proc/loadavg"
            openfile              ENTER   1.566369             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.566372             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7969/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   1.865776             tmux( 6959)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.865779             tmux( 6959)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/proc/7197/cmdline"
            openfile              ENTER   1.955265   PassengerAgent(10729)                                 -
            openfile               EXIT   1.955268   PassengerAgent(10729)      porch_do_sys_open   0.000003  1>"/dev/fd"
# python3 guider/guider.py funcrec -s .
# python3 guider/guider.py report -a
# cat guider.out

[Function CPU Info] [Cnt: 394] [Interval: 8ms] (USER)
   99.0% |                    cpuTest                    | /media/disk/work/test/a.out
   +  100.0% | <- startTest [/media/disk/work/test/a.out] <- main [/media/disk/work/test/a.out]
                 <- __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so]
    0.5% |                    memset                     | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so
   +  100.0% | <- startTest [/media/disk/work/test/a.out] <- main [/media/disk/work/test/a.out]
                 <- __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so]
    0.3% |                  _int_malloc                  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so
    0.3% |               00007f756e3e7ee4                | ??
   +  100.0% | <- 000000000044676f [/media/disk/work/test/a.out]

[Function CPU Info] [Cnt: 394] [Interval: 8ms] (KERNEL)
  100.0% |                                                          hrtimer_interrupt
   +   99.5% | <- local_apic_timer_interrupt <- smp_apic_timer_interrupt <- apic_timer_interrupt
   +    0.3% | <- local_apic_timer_interrupt <- smp_apic_timer_interrupt <- apic_timer_interrupt <- do_page_fault <- page_fault
   +    0.3% | <- local_apic_timer_interrupt <- smp_apic_timer_interrupt <- apic_timer_interrupt <- __do_fault <- handle_mm_fault <- __do_page_fault
                 <- do_page_fault <- page_fault
# python3 guider/guider.py funcrec -e m -s .
# python3 guider/guider.py report -a
# cat guider.out

[Function Page Info] [Total: 11.4M] [Alloc: 11.4M(817)] [Free: 188.0K(47)] (USER)
 Usage ( Usr  / Buf  / Ker  )|___________________Function____________________|________________LifeTime________________|______________Binary_______________
 10256K(  2048/     0/  8208)|                    memset                     | AVR: 1.563 / MIN: 1.560 / MAX: 1.568   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so
  +  10256K(  2048/     0/  8208)| <- startTest [/media/disk/work/test/a.out] <- main [/media/disk/work/test/a.out]
                                     <- __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so]
   960K(   956/     0/     4)|                  _int_malloc                  | AVR: 1.559 / MIN: 1.554 / MAX: 1.560   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so
    56K(    16/     0/    40)|               00007f756e3e81e7                | AVR: 1.569 / MIN: 1.568 / MAX: 1.569   | ??
    44K(    36/     0/     8)|                   sysmalloc                   | AVR: 1.560 / MIN: 1.558 / MAX: 1.568   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so
    12K(    12/     0/     0)|           elf_machine_rela_relative           | AVR: 1.568 / MIN: 1.568 / MAX: 1.568   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so
  +     12K(    12/     0/     0)| <- dl_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so] <- _dl_sysdep_start [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so]
     8K(     8/     0/     0)|                    realloc                    | AVR: 1.568 / MIN: 1.568 / MAX: 1.568   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so
  +      4K(     4/     0/     0)| <- _dl_map_object [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so]
     8K(     4/     0/     4)|                    dl_main                    | AVR: 1.568 / MIN: 1.568 / MAX: 1.568   | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so
  +      8K(     4/     0/     4)| <- _dl_sysdep_start [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so]

[Function Page Info] [Total: 11.4K] [Alloc: 11.4K(817)] [Free: 188.0K(47)] (KERNEL)
 Usage ( Usr  / Buf  / Ker  )|___________________Function____________________|__________________________________LifeTime__________________________________
  8192K(     0/     0/  8192)|          do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page           |                    AVR: 1.563 / MIN: 1.562 / MAX: 1.564
  +   8192K(     0/     0/  8192)| <- handle_mm_fault <- __do_page_fault <- do_page_fault <- page_fault
  3084K(  3084/     0/     0)|                handle_mm_fault                |                    AVR: 1.563 / MIN: 1.554 / MAX: 1.569
  +   3076K(  3076/     0/     0)| <- __do_page_fault <- do_page_fault <- page_fault
  +      4K(     4/     0/     0)| <- __get_user_pages <- get_user_pages <- copy_strings.isra.17 <- copy_strings_kernel <- do_execve_common.isra.23
                                     <- SyS_execve <- stub_execve
  +      4K(     4/     0/     0)| <- __do_page_fault <- do_page_fault <- page_fault <- load_elf_binary <- search_binary_handler
                                     <- do_execve_common.isra.23 <- SyS_execve <- stub_execve
# python3 guider/guider.py filerec 

[File Usage Info] [ File: 281 ] [ RAM: 78.0M ] [ Keys: Foward/Back/Save/Quit ]
____RAM_____|___File___|__%___|_____________________________________________________Library & Process_____________________________________________________
      7,616 |    7,616 |  100 | /run/samba/locking.tdb [Proc: 10] [Link: 1]
                              |             smbd ( 2937) |             smbd ( 9178) |             smbd (21387) |             smbd ( 3356) |
                              |             smbd ( 2828) |             smbd ( 2417) |             smbd ( 3862) |             smbd ( 2631) |
                              |             smbd (11086) |             smbd (  729) |
      6,076 |    8,452 |   71 | /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so [Proc: 11] [Link: 1]
                              |  /usr/sbin/apach (13071) |  /usr/sbin/apach (13073) |  /usr/sbin/apach ( 3817) |  /usr/sbin/apach ( 9111) |
                              |  /usr/sbin/apach (20085) |  /usr/sbin/apach ( 7221) |  /usr/sbin/apach (  345) |  /usr/sbin/apach (  346) |
                              |  /usr/sbin/apach ( 7222) |  /usr/sbin/apach (14278) |  /usr/sbin/apach ( 9715) |
      5,784 |    9,828 |   58 | /usr/sbin/smbd [Proc: 10] [Link: 1]
                              |             smbd ( 2937) |             smbd ( 9178) |             smbd (21387) |             smbd ( 3356) |
                              |             smbd ( 2828) |             smbd ( 2417) |             smbd ( 3862) |             smbd ( 2631) |
                              |             smbd (11086) |             smbd (  729) |
      4,800 |   25,880 |   18 | /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-5.1.0/buildout/support-binaries/PassengerAgent [Proc: 3] [Link: 1]
                              |   PassengerAgent (23161) |   PassengerAgent (23176) |   PassengerAgent (23191) |
      3,612 |   12,016 |   30 | /usr/sbin/mysqld [Proc: 1] [Link: 1]
                              |           mysqld ( 3208) |
      2,988 |    2,988 |  100 | /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0 [Proc: 6] [Link: 1]
                              |               vi (18865) |               vi (28546) |               vi ( 7200) |               vi (22546) |
                              |               vi ( 8826) |               vi ( 8135) |
      2,228 |    2,884 |   77 | /usr/bin/python3.2mu [Proc: 1] [Link: 1]
                              |           guider (22637) |
      2,016 |    2,016 |  100 | /usr/lib/libruby-1.9.1.so.1.9.1 [Proc: 1] [Link: 1]
                              |        ruby1.9.1 (23294) |
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o guider.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py draw guider.out



# python3 guider/guider.py rec -s guider.dat
# python3 guider/guider.py draw guider.dat


# python3 guider/guider.py utop -g testTask -H -o guider.out
# python3 guider/guider.py drawflame guider.out


$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o test1.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o test2.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o test3.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o test4.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py top -o test5.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py drawavg "test1.out, test2.out, test3.out, test4.out, test5.out"


$ python3 guider/guider.py req "https://www.google.com|https://www.naver.com" -R 1000 -o guider.out
$ python3 guider/guider.py drawreq guider.out




How to use

Enter the following command to see all commands supported by the guider:
    $ python3 guider/guider.py --help
    $ python3 -m guider --help
    $ guider --help

Enter the following command to start tracing for all threads:
    # python3 guider/guider.py record -a

Enter the following command to start monitoring for all processes:
    $ python3 guider/guider.py top -a

Enter the command in the format shown bellow to see options and examples for each command:
    $ python3 guider/guider.py record -h
    $ python3 guider/guider.py top -h

Visit the following link to see the output of guider:
    - https://github.com/iipeace/guider/wiki

Build & Installation

If you can run 'pip' on your system then just enter the following commands:
    # pip3 install guider
and just run the following commands:
    # python3 -m guider
    # guider

Otherwise, download the source from https://github.com/iipeace/guider,
and just run "python3 guider/guider.py" on shell.

If you want to run guider faster and lighter after downloading the source,
then build and install it on your system as below.
    # cd guider && make && make install

Kernel Configuration

Enable kernel options as below to take advantage of all the features
And if CONFIG_STRICT_MEMORY_RWX is enabled then disable it





    $ ./guider.py COMMAND|FILE [OPTIONS] [--help]
    [CONTROL]       hook              <Function>      (Linux)
                    kill/tkill        <Signal>        (Linux/macOS)
                    limitcpu          <CPU>           (Linux)
                    pause             <Thread>        (Linux)
                    remote            <Command>       (Linux)
                    rlimit            <Resource>      (Linux)
                    setafnt           <Affinity>      (Linux)
                    setcpu            <Clock>         (Linux)
                    setsched          <Priority>      (Linux)

    [LOG]           logdlt            <DLT>           (Linux)
                    logjrl            <Journal>       (Linux)
                    logkmsg           <Kernel>        (Linux)
                    logsys            <Syslog>        (Linux)
                    printdlt          <DLT>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    printjrl          <Journal>       (Linux)
                    printkmsg         <Kernel>        (Linux)
                    printsys          <Syslog>        (Linux)

    [MONITOR]       atop              <All>           (Linux)
                    bgtop             <Background>    (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    btop              <Function>      (Linux)
                    cgtop             <Cgroup>        (Linux)
                    ctop              <Threshold>     (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    dbustop           <D-Bus>         (Linux)
                    disktop           <Storage>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    dlttop            <DLT>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    ftop              <File>          (Linux/macOS)
                    mtop              <Memory>        (Linux)
                    ntop              <Network>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    ptop              <PMU>           (Linux)
                    pytop             <Python>        (Linux)
                    rtop              <JSON>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    stacktop          <Stack>         (Linux)
                    systop            <Syscall>       (Linux)
                    top               <Process>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    ttop              <Thread>        (Linux)
                    utop              <Function>      (Linux)
                    wtop              <WSS>           (Linux)

    [NETWORK]       cli               <Client>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    event             <Event>         (Linux)
                    list              <List>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    send              <Signal>        (Linux)
                    server            <Server>        (Linux/macOS)
                    start             <Signal>        (Linux)

    [PROFILE]       filerec           <File>          (Linux)
                    funcrec           <Function>      (Linux)
                    genrec            <System>        (Linux)
                    iorec             <I/O>           (Linux)
                    mem               <Page>          (Linux)
                    rec               <Thread>        (Linux)
                    report            <Report>        (Linux)
                    sysrec            <Syscall>       (Linux)

    [TEST]          cputest           <CPU>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    iotest            <Storage>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    memtest           <Memory>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    nettest           <Network>       (Linux)

    [TRACE]         btrace            <Breakpoint>    (Linux)
                    leaktrace         <Leak>          (Linux)
                    pytrace           <Python>        (Linux)
                    sigtrace          <Signal>        (Linux)
                    strace            <Syscall>       (Linux)
                    utrace            <Function>      (Linux)

    [UTIL]          addr2sym          <Symbol>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    comp              <Compress>      (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    decomp            <Decompress>    (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    dump              <Memory>        (Linux)
                    exec              <Command>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    getafnt           <Affinity>      (Linux)
                    mkcache           <Cache>         (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    mount             <Mount>         (Linux)
                    ping              <PING>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    print             <File>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    printbind         <Funcion>       (Linux)
                    printcg           <Cgroup>        (Linux)
                    printdbus         <D-Bus>         (Linux)
                    printdbusintro    <D-Bus>         (Linux)
                    printdbusstat     <D-Bus>         (Linux)
                    printdbussub      <D-Bus>         (Linux)
                    printdir          <Dir>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    printenv          <Env>           (Linux)
                    printext          <Ext4>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    printinfo         <System>        (Linux)
                    printns           <Namespace>     (Linux)
                    printsig          <Signal>        (Linux)
                    printsvc          <systemd>       (Linux)
                    pstree            <Process>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    readahead         <File>          (Linux)
                    readelf           <File>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    req               <URL>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    strings           <Text>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    sym2addr          <Address>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    systat            <Status>        (Linux)
                    topdiff           <Diff>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    topsum            <Summary>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    umount            <Unmount>       (Linux)
                    watch             <File>          (Linux)

    [VISUAL]        convert           <Text>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    draw              <System>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawavg           <Average>       (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawcpu           <CPU>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawcpuavg        <CPU>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawdelay         <Delay>         (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawflame         <Function>      (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawio            <I/O>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawleak          <Leak>          (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawmem           <Memory>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawmemavg        <Memory>        (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawreq           <URL>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawrss           <RSS>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawrssavg        <RSS>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawtime          <Timeline>      (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawvss           <VSS>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)
                    drawvssavg        <VSS>           (Linux/macOS/Windows)

    Profile file (e.g. guider.dat)
    Report  file (e.g. guider.out)

    Check COMMAND with --help (e.g. ./guider.py top --help)


Performance Analyzer


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 98.6%Language:Vim Script 0.7%Language:C 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:BitBake 0.0%