richkevan / guestbook

Make your first open source contribution with this public repository. This repository is a simple step by step guide for beginners to make their first contribution to an open source repository. Eventually it will become a great networking tool as it grows and expands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Make your first open source contribution with this public repository

How to contribute

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine
    • 2a. copy the url from the forked repository
    • 2b. open your terminal
    • 2c. cd to the directory you want to clone the repository to
    • 2d. git clone <url>
  3. Create a new branch
    • 3a. git checkout -b <branch-name>
  4. Add your name to the file
    • 4a. open the file
    • 4b. add your name to the list
  5. Commit your changes
    • 5a. git add .
    • 5b. git commit -m "added <your-name> to the guestbook"
  6. Push to the branch
    • 6a. git push origin <branch-name>
  7. Create a new pull request
    • 7a. go to the forked repository
    • 7b. click on the pull request button
    • 7c. select the branch you want to merge into the master branch
    • 7d. add a title and description to your pull request
    • 7e. click on the create pull request button

Checkout the guestbook

  • If you have any questions,
  • connect with me on linkedin
  • feel free to reach out to me on twitter
  • shoot me an email
  • join the main channel on discord


Make your first open source contribution with this public repository. This repository is a simple step by step guide for beginners to make their first contribution to an open source repository. Eventually it will become a great networking tool as it grows and expands