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bandwidthd for OpenWrt

I have been using OpenWrt for years. It’s on all my routers except the one that still has Gargoyle. I would like to switch it over to OpenWrt.

But I need to be able to report daily, weekly and monthly Internet data usage. I also need to be able to report totals and for all or an IP subset like the smart TVs. Also, if usage is over a given quota, I want to restrict the bandwidth for all or just some devices.

I have been searching for a while for something like this so I can migrate the final router from Gargoyle. I had not seen any posts here describing the package, soI made these notes and scripts during my Gargoyle migration.

I decided to use bandwidthd-sqlite to collect this data. The package seems to be well-supported in OpenWrt. The router can display reports in a web browser. It has built-in reports and graphs and I can easily pull the details I need from the SQLite database. I have created several scripts to do this at

Installation and Configuration

To install bandwidthd-sqlite on OpenWrt, use these commands:

opkg update; opkg install bandwidthd-sqlite sqlite3-cli

To configure, stop the service and adjust the configuration. Use the following commands:

/etc/init.d/bandwidthd stop
uci show bandwidthd

This shows the current bandwidthd configuration for the interface (or "device" - likely br-lan) and the LAN subnet (likely If your router is different, adjust using these commands:

uci set bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].subnets='192.168.n.0/24'
uci set bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].dev='br-lan'
uci commit bandwidthd

In addition, bandwidthd must be configured to collect packets that pass through the router, while ignoring traffic sent directly to or from it. To do this, use this command to get info from the network interface.

ifconfig `uci get bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].dev`

Make note of the MAC address (HWaddr:) and the IPv4 address (inet addr:). Use the configuration commands below, substituting the HWaddr for xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and the inet addr for 192.168.n.1

uci set bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].filter='ip and ether host xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and not host 192.168.n.1'
uci set bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].promiscuous='false'
uci commit bandwidthd
/etc/init.d/bandwidthd start

Persisting the database

The default path for the SQLite database is /tmp: it will be lost during a power cycle of the router. However, bandwidthd needs to preserve the data.

To save a copy of the database to an external device, insert and format a thumb drive. Create a bandwidthd folder on the thumb drive. Enter the following commands to LuCI → System → Scheduled Tasks (adjust path and schedule as needed.) This adds a command that saves a copy of the database every 10 minutes.

*/10 * * * * DEST=/mnt/sda1/bandwidthd/stats.db;rm $DEST;sqlite3 `uci get bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].sqlite_filename` "vacuum into '$DEST'"


At boot time, the database file must be copied back into /tmp before the bandwidthd service is started. Disable auto-start with this command:

/etc/init.d/bandwidthd disable

Then add the following commands via LuCI → System → Startup on the Local Startup tab. Adjust the path as needed.

mkdir /tmp/bandwidthd
cp /mnt/sda1/bandwidthd/stats.db /tmp/bandwidthd
/etc/init.d/bandwidthd start

Database cleanup

The database can grow quite large over time. The following commands can be used to clean it of older records. This example keeps totals for 26 weeks and details for 8 weeks. The commands can be placed in a script and scheduled to run weekly.

#! /bin/sh
# Cron job to clean up the bandwidthd database
NOWTS=`date '+%s'`
TOTALTS=$((NOWTS - TOTALWEEKS * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))
DETAILTS=$((NOWTS - DETAILWEEKS * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))
DB=`uci get bandwidthd.@bandwidthd[0].sqlite_filename`
sqlite3 $DB 'DELETE FROM bd_rx_log WHERE timestamp < $DETAILTS;'
sqlite3 $DB 'DELETE FROM bd_tx_log WHERE timestamp < $DETAILTS;'
sqlite3 $DB 'DELETE FROM bd_rx_total_log WHERE timestamp < $TOTALTS;'
sqlite3 $DB 'DELETE FROM bd_tx_total_log WHERE timestamp < $TOTALTS;'


To view the data in your browser, append /bandwidthd to the IP address of your router to look something like this:

You'll see a web page showing the image at the top of this page, as well as a chart below:


Reporting scripts

The data for the charts does not come from the database. So, after a power cycle, the charts will be missing older data. However, in this repo will query the database that contains all the data.

Syntax is: [arguments]
Arguments are as follows:
  -d --daily         Turnover is daily.  Default.
  -w --weekly[=n]    Turnover is weekly.  Default is Sat(0).
  -m --monthly[=n]   Turnover is monthly. For day of month, use n. Default is first(1).
  -h --hour=n        Turnover hour, 00-23.  Default is 12.
  -s --spans=n       Look back this many turnover spans.  Default is 10.
  -b --bytes=x       Scale the bytes, k, m or g.  Default is Kbytes.
  -q --quota=x       Report % of quota.  Also, return non zero if current span over quota.  Default 1 Tbytes.
  -x --exclude=s     Exclude comma separated list of dotted IP addresses from total in report.
  -i --include=s     Include only comma separated list of dotted IP addresses in report.
  -n --note=s        Include short note on the report title.

For example, to query the daily 6 AM usage of the smart TV at, with a quota of 8 Gbytes, use this command:

./ --note=TV --hour=06 --bytes=m --include= --quota=8192
Bandwidth Quota Daily TV Report for: 2022-28-29 15:28
Time span (from - to)	Total	Bytes	% of 8192 Mbytes
2022-08-29 06:00 - 2022-08-30 06:00	221	Mbytes	2%
2022-08-28 06:00 - 2022-08-29 06:00	6074	Mbytes	74%
2022-08-27 06:00 - 2022-08-28 06:00	0	Mbytes	0%
2022-08-26 06:00 - 2022-08-27 06:00	839	Mbytes	10%
2022-08-25 06:00 - 2022-08-26 06:00	3501	Mbytes	42%
2022-08-24 06:00 - 2022-08-25 06:00	7696	Mbytes	93%
2022-08-23 06:00 - 2022-08-24 06:00	0	Mbytes	0%
2022-08-22 06:00 - 2022-08-23 06:00	0	Mbytes	0%
2022-08-21 06:00 - 2022-08-22 06:00	0	Mbytes	0%
2022-08-20 06:00 - 2022-08-21 06:00	0	Mbytes	0%

To convert the report to HTML, pipe the report to the following awk command:

awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN { print "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><table>" }\
  { if (substr($1,1,9) == "Bandwidth")\
  { print "<tr><td colspan='4' align='center'><b><h3>" $1 "</h3></b></td></tr>"} else\
  { print "<tr><td>" $1 "</td><td align='right'>" $2 "</td><td>" $3\
    "</td><td align='right'>" $4 "</td></tr>"} } END { print "</table></body></html>" }'

I use the HTML version of the reports for a custom page under /www/bandwidthd and for emails.


Traffic Shaping

The above returns an error code of 250 if the current time span, first row of the report, is 100% or more. It can be used to trigger another script. The triggered script could, for example, perform traffic shaping so as to limit the data usage for some or all devices.

The script in this repo uses qdisc CAKE to limit the upload and download speed. It needs the traffic control packages. Use this command to install them:

opkg update; opkg install tc-full kmod-ifb kmod-sched-cake

Details of the script are as follows:

Syntax is: start | stop [arguments]
Arguments are:
  start | stop       Start or stop traffic shaping.  Required.
  -d --download=nbit Download speed in bits/s.  Default is 1Mbit.
  -u --upload=nbit   Upload speed in bits/s.  Default is 500Kbit.
  -x --exclude=s     Exclude comma separated list of dotted IP addresses from traffic shaping.
  -i --include=s     Include only comma separated list of dotted IP addresses in traffic shaping.

For example, to shape the data usage for the smart TV to the defaults, forcing it to standard definition, use the following command:

./ start --include=


These procedures and scripts have been tested on OpenWrt 21.02.3. They may work on older or future versions.

I want to send a big thank you out to the OpenWrt team and supporters plus all the contributors on the forms for all their hard work on the awesome open source project called OpenWrt.




Language:Shell 100.0%