richardrowe / Mailer

KO3 E-mail Module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Usage:

1. Customize the congfiguration setting in /config/mailer.php

return array
	'transport'	=> 'smtp',
	'options'	=> array
						'hostname'	=> '',
						'username'	=> '',
						'password'	=> 'p@ssw0rd',
						'port'		=> '25',

2. Create a class that extends the Mailer class and save it to /classes/mailer/class_name.php (Minus the Mailer_)

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Mailer_User extends Mailer {

	public function welcome($args) 
		$this->to 			= array('' => 'Tom');
		$this->bcc			= array('' => 'Admin');
		$this->from 		= array('' => 'The Team');
		$this->subject		= 'Welcome!';
		$this->attachments	= array('/path/to/file/file.txt', '/path/to/file/file2.txt');
		$this->body_data 	= array('user' => array('name' => 'Tom')); //$this->body_data = $args;


3. Create the view for the email and save it to /views/mailer/class_name/method_name.php (Minus the Mailer_)

<p>Welcome <?= $user['name']; ?>,</p>

<p>We are glad you signed up for our web app.  Hope you enjoy.</p>

<p>The Team</p>

4. Use the Mailer_User class in one of your controllers

public function action_submit() 
	//you can also pass arguments to the mailer
	Mailer::factory('user')->send_welcome(array('user' => array('name' => 'Tom')));


KO3 E-mail Module


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