richardrl / TSSOS

A sparse polynomial optimization tool based on the moment-SOS hierarchy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


TSSOS is a polynomial optimization tool based on the sparsity adapted moment-SOS hierarchies. To use TSSOS in Julia, run

pkg> add


TSSOS has been tested on Ubuntu and Windows.


Unconstrained polynomial optimization problems

The unconstrained polynomial optimization problem formulizes as $$\rm{Inf}\ \lbrace f(\mathbf{x}): \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^n \rbrace,$$ where $f$ is a polynomial with variables $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ and of degree $d$.

Taking $f=1+x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_1x_2x_3+x_2$ as an example, to compute the first TS step of the TSSOS hierarchy, run

using TSSOS
using DynamicPolynomials
@polyvar x[1:3]
f = 1+x[1]^4+x[2]^4+x[3]^4+x[1]*x[2]*x[3]+x[2]
opt,sol,data = tssos_first(f, x, TS="MD")

By default, the monomial basis computed by the Newton polytope method is used. If one sets newton=false in the input,

opt,sol,data = tssos_first(f, x, newton=false, TS="MD")

then the standard monomial basis will be used.

Two vectors will be output. The first vector includes the sizes of PSD blocks and the second vector includes the number of PSD blocks with sizes corresponding to the first vector.

To compute higher TS steps of the TSSOS hierarchy, repeatedly run

opt,sol,data = tssos_higher!(data, TS="MD")

nb: specify the first nb variables to be binary variables (satisfying $x_i^2=1$)
newton: true (use the monomial basis computed by the Newton polytope method), false
TS (term sparsity): "block" (using the maximal chordal extension), "MD" (using approximately smallest chordal extensions), false (without term sparsity)
solution: true (extract an (approximate optimal) solution), false (don't extract an (approximate optimal) solution)

basis: monomial basis
cl: numbers of blocks
blocksize: sizes of blocks
blocks: the block structrue
GramMat: Gram matrices (You need to set Gram=true)
flag: 0 if global optimality is certified; 1 otherwise

Constrained polynomial optimization problems

The constrained polynomial optimization problem formulizes as $$\rm{Inf}\ \lbrace f(\mathbf{x}): \mathbf{x}\in\mathbf{K} \rbrace,$$ where $f$ is a polynomial and $\mathbf{K}$ is the basic semi-algebraic set $$\mathbf{K}=\lbrace \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^n \mid g_j(\mathbf{x})\ge0, j=1,\ldots,m-numeq, g_j(\mathbf{x})=0, j=m-numeq+1,\ldots,m\rbrace,$$ for some polynomials $g_j, j=1,\ldots,m$.

Taking $f=1+x_1^4+x_2^4+x_3^4+x_1x_2x_3+x_2$ and $\mathbf{K}=\lbrace \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^2 \mid g_1=1-x_1^2-2x_2^2\ge0, g_2=x_2^2+x_3^2-1=0\rbrace$ as an example, to compute the first TS step of the TSSOS hierarchy, run

@polyvar x[1:3]
f = 1+x[1]^4+x[2]^4+x[3]^4+x[1]*x[2]*x[3]+x[2]
g_1 = 1-x[1]^2-2*x[2]^2
g_2 = x[2]^2+x[3]^2-1
pop = [f, g_1, g_2]
d = 2 # the relaxation order
opt,sol,data = tssos_first(pop, x, d, numeq=1, TS="MD")

To compute higher TS steps of the TSSOS hierarchy, repeatedly run

opt,sol,data = tssos_higher!(data, TS="MD")

nb: specify the first nb variables to be binary variables (satisfying $x_i^2=1$)
TS: "block" by default (using the maximal chordal extension), "MD" (using approximately smallest chordal extensions), false (without term sparsity)
quotient: true (work in the quotient ring by computing Gröbner basis), false
solution: true (extract an (approximate optimal) solution), false (don't extract an (approximate optimal) solution)

One can also exploit correlative sparsity and term sparsity simultaneously, which is called the CS-TSSOS hierarchy.

using DynamicPolynomials
n = 6
@polyvar x[1:n]
f = 1+sum(x.^4)+x[1]*x[2]*x[3]+x[3]*x[4]*x[5]+x[3]*x[4]*x[6]+x[3]*x[5]*x[6]+x[4]*x[5]*x[6]
pop = [f, 1-sum(x[1:3].^2), 1-sum(x[1:4].^2)]
order = 2 # the relaxation order
opt,sol,data = cs_tssos_first(pop, x, order, numeq=0, TS="MD")
opt,sol,data = cs_tssos_higher!(data, TS="MD")

nb: specify the first nb variables to be binary variables (satisfying $x_i^2=1$)
CS (correlative sparsity): "MF" by default (generating an approximately smallest chordal extension), "NC" (without chordal extension), false (without correlative sparsity)
TS: "block" (using the maximal chordal extension), "MD" (using approximately smallest chordal extensions), false (without term sparsity)
order: d (the relaxation order), "min" (using the lowest relaxation order for each variable clique)
MomentOne: true (adding a first-order moment matrix for each variable clique), false
solution: true (extract an (approximate optimal) solution), false (don't extract an (approximate optimal) solution)

You may set solver="Mosek" or solver="COSMO" to specify the SDP solver invoked by TSSOS. By default, the solver is Mosek.

You can tune the parameters of COSMO via

settings = cosmo_para()
settings.eps_abs = 1e-5 # absolute residual tolerance
settings.eps_rel = 1e-5 # relative residual tolerance
settings.max_iter = 1e4 # maximum number of iterations

and run for instance tssos_first(..., cosmo_setting=settings)

basis: monomial basis
cl: numbers of blocks
blocksize: sizes of blocks
blocks: the block structrue
GramMat: Gram matrices (You need to set Gram=true)
Mmatrix: moment matrices
flag: 0 if global optimality is certified; 1 otherwise

The AC-OPF problem

See the file runopf.jl as well as modelopf.jl in example.

Complex polynomial optimization problems

TSSOS also supports solving complex polynomial optimization via sparsity adapted complex moment-SOHS hierarchy. See Exploiting Sparsity in Complex Polynomial Optimization for more details.

The complex polynomial optimization problem formulizes as $$\rm{Inf}\ \lbrace f(\mathbf{z},\bar{\mathbf{z}}): \mathbf{z}\in\mathbf{K} \rbrace$$ with $$\mathbf{K}=\lbrace \mathbf{z}\in\mathbb{C}^n \mid g_j(\mathbf{z},\bar{\mathbf{z}})\ge0, j=1,\ldots,m-numeq, g_j(\mathbf{z},\bar{\mathbf{z}})=0, j=m-numeq+1,\ldots,m\rbrace,$$ where $\bar{\mathbf{z}}$ stands for the conjugate of $\mathbf{z}:=(z_1,\ldots,z_n)$, and $f, g_j, j=1,\ldots,m$ are real-valued polynomials satisfying $\bar{f}=f$ and $\bar{g}_j=g_j$.

In Julia, we use $x_i$ to represent the complex variable $z_i$ and use $x_{n+i}$ to represent its conjugate $\bar{z}_i$. Consider the example $$\rm{Inf}\ \lbrace 3-|z_1|^2-0.5\mathbf{i}z_1\bar{z}_2^2+0.5\mathbf{i}z_2^2\bar{z}_1 : z_2+\bar{z}_2\ge0, |z_1|^2-0.25z_1^2-0.25\bar{z}_1^2=1, |z_1|^2+|z_2|^2=3, \mathbf{i}z_2-\mathbf{i}\bar{z}_2=0\rbrace.$$ It can be represented as $$\rm{Inf}\ \lbrace 3-x_1x_3-0.5\mathbf{i}x_1x_4^2+0.5\mathbf{i}x_2^2x_3 : x_2+x_4\ge0, x_1x_3-0.25x_1^2-0.25x_3^2=1, x_1x_3+x_2x_4=3, \mathbf{i}x_2-\mathbf{i}x_4=0\rbrace.$$

using DynamicPolynomials
n = 2 # the number of complex variables
@polyvar x[1:2n]
f = 3 - x[1]*x[3] - 0.5im*x[1]*x[4]^2 + 0.5im*x[2]^2*x[3]
g1 = x[2] + x[4]
g2 = x[1]*x[3] - 0.25*x[1]^2 - 0.25 x[3]^2 - 1
g3 = x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4] - 3
g4 = im*x[2] - im*x[4]
pop = [f, g1, g2, g3, g4]
order = 2 # the relaxation order
opt,sol,data = cs_tssos_first(pop, x, n, order, numeq=3, TS="block")

nb: specify the first nb complex variables to be of unit norm (satisfying $|z_i|=1$)
CS (correlative sparsity): "MF" by default (generating an approximately smallest chordal extension), "NC" (without chordal extension), false (without correlative sparsity)
TS: "block" (using the maximal chordal extension), "MD" (using approximately smallest chordal extensions), false (without term sparsity)
order: d (the relaxation order), "min" (using the lowest relaxation order for each variable clique)
MomentOne: true (adding a first-order moment matrix for each variable clique), false
ipart: true (with complex moment matrices), false (with real moment matrices)

Non-commutative polynomial optimization problems


Analysis of sparse dynamical systems

Visit SparseDynamicSystem

Joint spetral radii

Visit SparseJSR


[1] TSSOS: A Moment-SOS hierarchy that exploits term sparsity
[2] Chordal-TSSOS: a moment-SOS hierarchy that exploits term sparsity with chordal extension
[3] CS-TSSOS: Correlative and term sparsity for large-scale polynomial optimization
[4] TSSOS: a Julia library to exploit sparsity for large-scale polynomial optimization


Jie Wang:
Victor Magron:


A sparse polynomial optimization tool based on the moment-SOS hierarchy.

License:MIT License


Language:Julia 100.0%