riccardobl / openagents-plugins-kv

A key-value storage that uses the nostr network to propagate the key-value pairs to the network, it is eventually consistent and can be used to store agent states, send data between agents or agent instances, or even to communicate with external services on nostr.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Key-Value storage for OpenAgents

A Key-Value storage plugin for OpenAgents that is eventually-consistent on nostr using NIP-78.


This plugin is a key-value storage that uses the nostr network to propagate the key-value pairs to the network, it is eventually consistent and can be used to store agent states, send data between agents or agent instances, or even to communicate with external services on nostr.

API calls need to specify a kvprovider, that is a nostr-kv instance, used to communicate with the nostr network.

Nostr-kv instances serve as a bridge and cache to reduce strain on the nostr relays, agents can use any nostr-kv instance (self hosted or public) and as long as they specify the same set of nostr relays, they will eventually sync with each other through the nostr network.

Event validation and signing happens on the plugin side, so the trust on the kvprovider is minimized.


npm i
npm run build


  1. Create a nostr public/private key pair We can use this tool for testing purposes
Nostr private key (hex): b2ad483c219271e3468096711fe12caf6c1b5ecebfb7e141d8d64a6a7ec81e1e
Nostr public key (hex): d545d5c59786ae5b62cee15947d6595a941e4932b1b4fa02f63ea9f88858cfa1
  1. Set a value
extism call plugin.wasm run --input '{
  "expireAfter": 60000,
}' --wasi --allow-host '*'
  1. Get the value
extism call plugin.wasm run --input '{
}' --wasi --allow-host '*'

Note: we can specify a list of relays to publish using the relays field, if not specified the default relays configured in the nostr-kv instance will be used.

  1. Check API for more details on the actions and their parameters.


Note: public and private keys are specified as hex strings, not as NIP-19 keys. Note2: The npm run start wrapper can be used in place of extism call dist/plugin.wasm run --input "$JSON" --wasi --allow-host '*' on linux hosts.


Set a value for a key and propagate the key-value pair to the nostr network. It is possible to specify an authorPriv to sign the event, if not specified a new key will be generated. If a known private key is used, the author field in the result will be the public key of the private key used, otherwise it will be the public key of the generated key.

  "kvprovider":"https://nostr.rblb.it:7778", // url to the nostr-kv instance
  "key":"testKey", // the key
  "value":"testValue", // the value 
  "expireAfter": 60000, // optional: the key-value pair will be deleted after this time in ms
  "relays":["wss://nostr.rblb.it:7777"], // optional: the nostr relays to use for finalization. The default relays configured in the nostr-kv instance will be used if not specified
  "authorPriv":"", // optional: the private key of the author, if not specified a new key will be generated
}' npm run start


  "status": true, // true if the request was accepted
  "submissionIds": [ // one id per relay in the same order as the relays array , can be used to check the propagation status in CHECK
  "authorPriv": "???", // the private key of the author
  "author": "46efb3fc36c26c18113479659a6b7890530950692b3acb5554e21c0bf631489a", // the author public key
  "key": "testKey", // the key of the key-pair
  "value": "testValue" // the value of the key-pair


Get a value for a key from the kvprovided. If the kvprovider doesn't have the value, it will query the nostr network. The array authors contains the public keys of the authors to filter the key-value pairs by, if it is unspecified or contains the wildcard "*" all authors will be considered.

Note: everyone can write to the same key, so the authors field is useful to filter values only from trusted sources. Custom filtering logic can be implemented by parsing the history field.

    "kvprovider":"https://nostr.rblb.it:7778", //  url to the nostr-kv instance
    "key":"testKey", // the key to get the value for
    "authors":["*"], // optional: an array of author public keys to filter the key-value pairs by, leave it empty or use the wildcard "*" for all authors.
    "maxHistory":10, // optional: the maximum number of old values to return, note: only the most recent value is kept for each author
    "relays":["wss://nostr.rblb.it:7777"], // optional: the nostr relays to query. The default relays configured in the nostr-kv instance will be used if not specified
}' npm run start


  "key": "testKey", // the key of the key-value pair
  "value": "testValue", // the value of the key-value pair
  "author": "9c1a523e79f4984c6103022bc7f5c57e6fe6faf932e29588a69fbbeb37791662", // the author public key
  "timestamp": 1711051487000, // the timestamp of the key-value pair event
  "localTimestamp": 1711051523218, // the timestamp of when the kvprovider received the key-value pair event
  "history": [ // an array of old states of the key-value pair, from newer to older. Note only one state per key per author is kept
    // {
    //     "key": "", 
    //     "value": "", 
    //     "author": "", 
    //     "timestamp": 1711051487000, 
    //     "localTimestamp": 1711051523218, event
    // }


Check the propagation status of a key-value pair in the nostr network. This is not required for common use cases.

  "kvprovider":"https://nostr.rblb.it:7778", //  url to the nostr-kv instance
  "submissionIds":[ // the submission ids to check
}' npm run start


[ // array of statuses
    "success or expired"

The array contains the statuses for each submissionIds in the same order as the submissionIds array in the request. The status can be:

  • "sucess or expired": the key-value pair was successfully propagated to the network or the request failed several minutes ago and was deleted
  • "failed": the key-value propagation failed
  • "pending": the key-value pair is still being propagated


A key-value storage that uses the nostr network to propagate the key-value pairs to the network, it is eventually consistent and can be used to store agent states, send data between agents or agent instances, or even to communicate with external services on nostr.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 83.7%Language:Shell 16.3%