ricardoprotheus / django-clean-architecture

example of clean architecture with django

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This project is Python/Django example of a Clean Architecture implementation for pedagogical purposes.

Implementing the Clean Architecture patterns with Python / Django is not obvious, as Python and Django have not been natively designed to do it. That is why I wrote this example as a demo.

I used the Python type hints as much as possible (with the usual limitations).

To implement abstract classes and interfaces, I relied on the abc module as Python does not natively provide interfaces.

The private / protected / public statuses of class functions & variables are implemented with the usual Python namespace conventions (starting with a _ for protected methods and __ for private methods)

The application is a payment gateway integration REST API, as I designed a very similar system in PHP at iRaiser.

I used the Django REST framework in the webapps folder.

Only PayPal is implemented, I will add Stripe later to have several gateway implementations in the example.


The projects follow the Clean Architecture patterns, with these layers:

  • Entities: core domain objects, written in pure python.
  • Domain: use cases to interact with the domain data, written in pure python.
  • Application: concrete implementation of external dependencies (database, HTTP calls, etc.).
  • Infrastructure: the framework & third-party libraries.

The dependencies must follow this order: Entities <- Domain <- Application <- Infrastructure.

See the modules README.md files for details.

How to run

Start the server: python manage.py runserver

You will need to have your own PayPal sandbox account to test the application (you will need to have a developer account and a sandbox business account).

Put your PayPal credentials in the fileStorage folder.


You will find them in the PayPal developer back-office.

Usage Examples

Create a payment


    "first_name": "Donald",
    "last_name": "Duck",
    "address1": "199 route de clisson",
    "address2": "2nd Etape",
    "post_code": "44229",
    "city": "Saint Sébastien sur Loire",
    "country_code": "FR",
    "transaction_id": "CHANGE_THIS_FOR_EVERY_REQUEST",
    "lang": "fr-FR",
    "amount": 20.00,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "return_url": "https://YOUR_DOMAIN"


    "gateway_id": "YOUR_ID",
    "gateway_status": "",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "redirect_url": "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=YOUR_ID"

If you open the redirect_url, you will be able to authenticate on PayPal as a payer, and after be redirected on https://YOUR_DOMAIN?token=YOUR_ID&PayerID=YOUR_PAYER_ID.

Capture a payment



    "gateway_id": "YOUR_ID",
    "gateway_status": "COMPLETED",
    "status": "SUCCESSFUL"

Refund a payment



    "gateway_id": "YOUR_ID",
    "gateway_status": "REFUNDED",
    "status": "REFUNDED"

Get a payment status



    "gateway_id": "YOUR_ID",
    "gateway_status": "REFUNDED",
    "status": "REFUNDED"


example of clean architecture with django


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%