ricardojmendez / lein-chromebuild

A leiningen plugin for building Chrome browser extensions

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A Leiningen plugin to build Chrome browser extensions.


If you're working on Chrome extensions in ClojureScript then this plugin applies the familiar syntax of lein-cljsbuild to the rest of the Chrome extension paths.

If you're looking for an entry point to setting up a Chrome extension project, have a look at the chrome-extension lein template.

Assuming your non-cljs files are located in resources/ - the following config targets them for bundling in target/unpacked alongside the compiled JS.

(defproject my-project "0.1.0"
  :plugins [[lein-chromebuild "0.3.0"]]
  :cljsbuild {:builds {:main
                        {:source-paths ["src"]
                         :compiler {:output-to "target/unpacked/my_project.js"
                         :output-dir "target/js"
                         :optimizations :whitespace
                         :pretty-print true}}}}
  :chromebuild {:resource-paths ["resources/js" "resources/html" "resources/images"]
                :target-path "target/unpacked"}

To create an unpacked Chrome extension once:

$ lein chromebuild once

To create an unpacked Chrome extension automaticaly when files change:

$ lein chromebuild auto

To cleanup files created by the above operations:

$ lein chromebuild clean

To create a ZIP file for publishing a Chrome extension on Chrome Web Store:

$ lein chromebuild zip


Copyright © 2014 Frazer Irving

Released under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0.


A leiningen plugin for building Chrome browser extensions


Language:Clojure 100.0%