ricardoemerson / create-flutter-widgets-and-classes

Extension that creates Flutter Stateless or Stateful Widgets, Screens, MobX Store and Classes.

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What's new in Flutter Tools 4.0 πŸŽ‰

  • Added the command ✨ Read pubspec.yaml to enable Flutter Tools features.
  • Added the command Open User Settings for Flutter Tools.
  • Added the command Open Workspace Settings for Flutter Tools.
  • Added the command βž– Take Previous Value to decremente values between values (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240, 256, 288, 320, 384).
  • Added the command βž• Take Next Value to increment values between values (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240, 256, 288, 320, 384).
  • Added the event onSave:pubspec.yaml to execute the command ✨ Read pubspec.yaml to enable Flutter Tools features.
  • Added the context menu item πŸ“‚ Create Riverpod App Structure.
  • Added the context menu item πŸ“‘ Create Riverpod Feature.
  • Added the context menu item πŸ“ Create Final Class only for Dart 3+.
  • Added the context menu item πŸ“ Create Sealed Class only for Dart 3+.
  • Updated the Flutter Modular Module to support versions 5 and 6.
  • Added the item Wrap with Consumer.
  • Added the item Wrap with CustomScrollView and SliverList and SliverChildBuilderDelegate.
  • Added the item Wrap with SliverList and SliverChildBuilderDelegate.
  • Added the item Wrap with Offstage.
  • Added the setting projectArchitecture.
  • Added the setting projectViewsPath.
  • Added the setting viewModelSuffix.
  • Added Riverpod snippets.
  • Improve extension settings.
  • Removed the setting projectsPath.
  • Updated Widget snippets.

πŸš€ Support the Development of Our Flutter Tools Extension for Visual Studio Code! πŸš€

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Flutter Tools Extension in Visual Studio Code

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This extension creates Stateless Widgets, Stateful Widgets, GetX, Riverpod, Flutter Modular features as well as MobX Store, Classes, Interfaces, and you can also apply to existing widgets new wrappers in your Flutter projects.

Usage Examples

All the examples shown below were performed using the extension's default settings. In your project feel free to customize as you wish.

✨ Flutter Tools now read your pubspec.yaml file!

Since the Flutter Tools extension has many features, in order to prevent the context menu from becoming cluttered with items that won't be used in your projects, the Flutter Tools extension now reads the pubspec.yaml file and, based on the installed packages, enables or disables context menu items.

Among the supported packages, we have: GetX, Riverpod, Flutter Modular, and MobX.

So, let's begin the demonstration of using the extension, first without any of these packages installed, and then we'll see the role of each one.


Create Stateless Widget as Component:


Create Stateless Widget as Page:


Create Stateful Widget as Component:


Create Stateful Widget as Page:


Settings for Creating Pages with Widgets

Create folder for Widgets Pages


Suffix for Widgets as Pages (Page, Screen or View)


To create a Stateless Widget, right-click on the folder where the widget will be created, choose πŸ”Ά Create Stateless Widget and inform the name of the widget that will be created.


Create Stateful Widget Example:

To create a Stateful Widget, right-click on the folder where the widget will be created, choose πŸ”· Create Stateful Widget and inform the name of the widget that will be created.



Create GetX App Structure Example:

You need to have the get package installed in your pubspec.yaml

To create a GetX App Structure, right-click on the lib folder and choose πŸ“‚ Create GetX App Structure.


The folders that will be created by the command πŸ“‚ Create GetX App Structure:


If you not will use some folder, just delete it from your project.

Create GetX Feature Example:

You need to have the get package installed in your pubspec.yaml

To create a GetX resource that is composed of the view, controller, binding and route files, right-click on the modules folder or any subfolder inside it and choose πŸ“‘ Create GetX Feature.


You can create a folder to group GetX resources. In this case the name of the route file will be the name of the folder created, as we can see in the example below:


Create GetX Service Example:

You need to have the get package installed in your pubspec.yaml

To create a GetX Service, right-click on the desired folder and choose πŸ—ƒοΈ Create GetX Service.



Create MobX Store

You need to have the mobx and flutter_mobx package installed in your pubspec.yaml

To create a MobX Store, right-click on the desired folder and choose πŸ“¦ Create MobX Store.


Interface for Providers, Repositories and Services

Create Provider Interface Example:

Select the folder where the Provider Interface will be created and choose πŸ“„ Create Provider Interface and enter the name of the provider interface to be created.


Create Repository Interface Example:

Select the folder where the Repository Interface will be created and choose πŸ“„ Create Repository Interface and enter the name of the repository interface to be created.


Create Service Interface Example:

Select the folder where the Service Interface will be created and choose πŸ“„ Create Service Interface and enter the name of the service interface to be created.



Create Class Example:

Select the folder where the class will be created and choose πŸ“ Create Dart Class and enter the name of the class to be created.


Create Controller Example:

Select the folder where the controller will be created and choose πŸ“ Create Controller and enter the name of the controller to be created.


Create DTO Example:

Select the folder where the DTO will be created and choose πŸ“ Create DTO and enter the name of the DTO to be created.


Create Interface Example:

Select the folder where the interface will be created and choose πŸ“ Create Interface and enter the name of the interface to be created.


Create Model Example:

Select the folder where the model will be created and choose πŸ“ Create Model and enter the name of the model to be created.


Create Singleton Class Example:

Select the folder where the model will be created and choose πŸ“ Create Singleton Class and enter the name of the singleton class to be created.


Code Actions

Code action Implements Interface:

In interfaces files it is possible to use the code action Implements interface to create interface implementation file case it is not implemented yet or when already exists and you want create another implementation of interface.


Extra wrappers

Use the code actions of Visual Studio Code to wrap a widget with one of the following wrappers:

  • Wrap with LayoutBuilder
  • Wrap with Expanded
  • Wrap with Stack
  • Wrap with Positioned
  • Wrap with Align
  • Wrap with ClipRRect
  • Wrap with Hero
  • Wrap with GestureDetector
  • Wrap with SingleChildScrollView
  • Wrap with SafeArea
  • Wrap with Form
  • Wrap with Obx
  • Wrap with Observer

Wrap with LayoutBuilder


Wrap with Expanded


Wrap with Stack


Wrap with Positioned


Wrap with Align


Wrap with ClipRRect


Wrap with Hero


Wrap with GestureDetector


Wrap with SingleChildScrollView


Wrap with SafeArea


Wrap with Form


Wrap with Obx

In case of use of GetX, it is possible to wrapper a widget that uses an observable property with the widget Obx from lib get.


Wrap with Observer

In case of use of MobX, it is possible to wrapper a widget that uses an observable property with the widget Observer from lib flutter_mobx.


If wrap fails and breaks the code?

In some widgets structures by positioning the cursor over the widget which will be surrounded by new widget may cause breaking the code.


In this case, undo the last operation and select all the widget that will be wrapped using the shortcut Alt + W, then use Visual Studio Code code actions and choose the appropriate wrapper.



All snippets are available through prefix ft-.

Flutter and Dart

Snippet Description
ft-imp-dart-date Adds Dart Date import
ft-part Adds (.g) part file for main file
ft-part-of Adds part of main file
ft-get-file-name Adds current filename in pascal case
ft-class Creates a class for the current file
ft-constructor-class Creates a class constructor for the current file
ft-constructor-class-with-named-params Creates a class constructor for the current file with named params
ft-private-construtor Creates a private class constructor for the current file
ft-private-attribute Creates a private class attribute
ft-constr-inject-firebase-auth Creates an injection for Firebase Auth - Complete
ft-add-inject-firebase-auth Adds an injection for Firebase Auth - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-controller Creates an injection for Controller - Complete
ft-add-inject-controller Adds an injection for Controller - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-class Creates an injection for IClass - Complete
ft-constr-inject-class Creates an injection for Class - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-class Creates an injection for IClass - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-class Creates an injection for Class - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-service Creates an injection for IService - Complete
ft-constr-inject-service Creates an injection for Service - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-service Creates an injection for IService - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-service Creates an injection for Service - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-repository Creates an injection for IRepository - Complete
ft-constr-inject-repository Creates an injection for Repository - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-repository Adds an injection for IRepository - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-repository Adds an injection for Repository - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-session Creates an injection for Session - Complete
ft-add-inject-session Adds an injection for Session - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-provider Creates an injection for IProvider - Complete
ft-constr-inject-provider Creates an injection for Provider - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-provider Adds an injection for IProvider - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-provider Adds an injection for Provider - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-rest-client Creates an injection for RestClient - Complete
ft-add-inject-rest-client Adds an injection for RestClient - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-api-storage Creates an injection for ApiCacheStorageService - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-api-storage Adds an injection for ApiCacheStorageService - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-local-storage Creates an injection for ILocalStorageService - Complete
ft-constr-inject-local-storage Creates an injection for LocalStorageService - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-local-storage Adds an injection for ILocalStorageService - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-local-storage Adds an injection for LocalStorageService - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-i-session-storage Creates an injection for ISessionStorageService - Complete
ft-constr-inject-session-storage Creates an injection for SessionStorageService - Complete
ft-add-inject-i-session-storage Adds an injection for ISessionStorageService - Parts to include
ft-add-inject-session-storage Adds an injection for SessionStorageService - Parts to include
ft-constr-inject-rest-client-with-i-api-storage Creates an injection for RestClient and ApiCacheStorageService - Complete
ft-ifnot Creates an if denying the condition
ft-if-return Creates an if with return if condition was truthy
ft-ifnot-return Creates an if with return if condition was falsy
ft-ifnot-mounted Creates an if with return if StateFull Widget it'n mounted
ft-ifnull Creates an if for null condition
ft-ifnotnull Creates an if for not null condition
ft-ifcontains Creates an if for check if String contains term
ft-cm-basic Creates a basic comment
ft-cm-block Creates a block comment
ft-cm-section Creates a section comment
ft-cm-subsection Creates a subsection comment
ft-cm-section-footer Creates a footer comment
ft-cm-element-block Creates a documentation comment
ft-delayed-zero Adds a Future.delayed(Duration.zero) instruction
ft-delayed-seconds Adds a Future.delayed instruction
ft-delayed-seconds-with-callback Adds a Future.delayed instruction with a callback function
ft-duration Adds a Duration instruction
ft-final-void-function Adds property as a void Function()
ft-final-void-call-back Adds property as a VoidCallback function
ft-form-key Adds a variable of type GlobalKey()
ft-form-key-private Adds a private variable of type GlobalKey()
ft-focus-node Adds a variable of type FocusNode()
ft-focus-node-private Adds a private variable of type FocusNode()
ft-text-editing-controller, ft-editing-controller Adds a variable of type TextEditingController()
ft-text-editing-controller-private, ft-editing-controller-private Adds a private variable of type TextEditingController()
ft-list-from-map-and-json Adds two functions fromMap and fromJson to create lists from map data
ft-prop-eq Adds a key and value assignment to an object where the key and value are equal
ft-prop-eq-map Adds a key and value assignment to an map where the key and value are equal
ft-throw-exception Adds the instruction throw Exception()
ft-throw-app-exception Adds the instruction throw AppException()
ft-throw-auth-exception Adds the instruction throw AuthException()
ft-await Adds the instruction await
ft-final-simple Adds a simple assignment variable
ft-final-await Adds a future assignment variable
ft-final-future-wait Adds a future assignment variable for multiple futures processing
ft-build-context Adds a declaration for BuildContext
ft-date-format-dd-mm-yyyy Adds a variable of type DateFormat('dd/MM/y')
ft-future-method Adds a Future method
ft-future-void-method Adds a Future void method
ft-void-method Adds a void method
ft-form-is-valid Check if a form is valid
ft-get-property Adds a get property
ft-static-get-property Adds a static get property
ft-signature-static-method Add a signature to a static method
ft-signature-method Add a signature to method
ft-static-method Adds a static method
ft-signature-future-static-method Adds a signature of a future static method
ft-signature-future-method Adds a signature of a future method
ft-future-static-method Adds a future static method
ft-value-notifier Creates a ValueNotifier attribute
widgets-binding-add-post-frame-callback Adds WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback() to be used in initState()


Snippet Description
ft-border-side Adds borderSide property using BorderSide() with width and color
ft-border-side-color Adds borderSide property using BorderSide() with color
ft-shape-circle-border Adds a shape property using CircleBorder()
ft-shape-rounded-rectangle-border Adds a shape property using RoundedRectangleBorder()
ft-main-axis-size Adds mainAxisSize property using MainAxisSize to Row() or Column()
ft-main-axis-alignment Adds mainAxisAlignment property using MainAxisAlignment to Row() or Column()
ft-cross-axis-alignment Adds crossAxisAlignment property using CrossAxisAlignment to Row() or Column()
ft-alignment Adds alignment property using Alignment
ft-wrap-alignment Adds alignment property using WrapAlignment
ft-wrap-cross-axis-alignment Adds crossAxisAlignment property using WrapCrossAlignment
ft-font-weight Adds FontWeight
ft-text-decoration Adds TextDecoration for Underline, LineThrough, Overline and Combine Options
ft-text-decoration-thickness Adds TextDecoration Thickness
ft-text-align Adds TextAlign
ft-0xff, ft-hex-color Adds a Hexadecimal Color
ft-color-hex Adds a color property using a Hexadecimal Color
ft-color Adds a color property using Colors
ft-background-color Adds a backgroundColor property using Colors
ft-background-color-hex Adds a backgroundColor property using a Hexadecimal Color
ft-color-theme Adds a color property using Theme.of(context)
ft-theme-of Adds a color using Theme.of(context)
ft-text-overflow Adds an overflow property using TextOverflow.ellipsis
ft-space-vertical, ft-separator-vertical Adds a vertical spacing between widgets using SizedBox
ft-space-horizontal, ft-separator-horizontal Adds a horizontal spacing between widgets using SizedBox
ft-space-shrink Adds a SizedBox.shrink()
ft-margin-all Adds margin property using EdgeInsets.all()
ft-margin-symmetric Adds margin property using EdgeInsets.symmetric()
ft-margin-only Adds margin property using EdgeInsets.only()
ft-padding-all Adds padding property using EdgeInsets.all()
ft-content-padding-all Adds contentPadding property using EdgeInsets.all()
ft-padding-symmetric Adds padding property using EdgeInsets.symmetric()
ft-content-padding-symmetric Adds contentPadding property using EdgeInsets.symmetric()
ft-padding-only Adds padding property using EdgeInsets.only()
ft-content-padding-only Adds contentPadding property using EdgeInsets.only()
ft-padding-zero Adds padding property using EdgeInsets.zero
ft-content-padding-zero Adds contentPadding property using EdgeInsets.zero
ft-edge-insets-zero Adds EdgeInsets.zero
ft-border-all Adds border property using Border.all()
ft-border-symmetric Adds border property using Border.symmetric()
ft-bouncing-scroll-physics Adds physics property using BouncingScrollPhysics()
ft-direction Adds direction property using Axis
ft-scroll-direction Adds scrollDirection property using Axis
ft-navigator-pop Adds Navigator instruction using pop
ft-navigator-pop-until Adds Navigator instruction using popUntil
ft-navigator-pop-and-push-named Adds Navigator instruction using popAndPushNamed
ft-navigator-push-named Adds Navigator instruction using pushNamed
ft-navigator-push-replacement-named Adds Navigator instruction using pushReplacementNamed
ft-navigator-push-named-and-remove-util Adds Navigator instruction using pushNamedAndRemoveUntil
ft-navigator-of-pop Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using pop
ft-navigator-of-pop-until Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using popUntil
ft-navigator-of-pop-and-push-named Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using popAndPushNamed
ft-navigator-of-push-named Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using pushNamed
ft-navigator-of-push-replacement-named Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using pushReplacementNamed
ft-navigator-of-push-named-and-remove-util Adds Navigator.of(context) instruction using pushNamedAndRemoveUntil
ft-navigator-pop Adds Navigator instruction using pop
ft-navigator-push-named Adds Navigator instruction using pushNamed
ft-navigator-push-named-and-remove-util Adds Navigator instruction using pushNamedAndRemoveUntil
ft-navigator-push Adds Navigator instruction using MaterialPageRoute
ft-navigator-push-and-remove-until Adds Navigator instruction using PageRouteBuilder
ft-media-query Adds MediaQuery instruction using size
ft-app-bar-theme Adds appBarTheme property using AppBarTheme()
ft-app-bar-brightness Adds brightness property using Brightness
ft-text-style Adds style property using TextStyle() with color, fontSize and fontWeight
ft-text-style-weight Adds style property using TextStyle() only for fontWeight
ft-text-style-size Adds style property using TextStyle() only for fontSize
ft-text-style-color Adds style property using TextStyle() only for color
ft-text-style-theme-of Adds style property using Theme.of(context).textTheme
ft-image-asset Adds Image Widget from assets
ft-image-asset-plus Adds Image Widget from assets with properties height, width and fit
ft-image-network Adds Image Widget from network
ft-image-network-plus Adds Image Widget from network with properties height, width and fit
ft-fit-box-fit Adds fit property using BoxFit
ft-icon-button Adds IconButton Widget with properties icon, color, iconSize and onPressed
ft-elevated-rectangle-button Adds ElevatedButton Widget using BorderRadius()
ft-elevated-circ-button Adds ElevatedButton Widget using CircleBorder()
ft-decoration Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration
ft-input-decoration Adds decoration property using InputDecoration
ft-decoration-with-decoration-image Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration and DecorationImage
ft-decoration-asset-image Adds image property using DecorationImage and AssetImage
ft-decoration-network-image Adds image property using DecorationImage and NetworkImage
ft-shape-with-border-radius Adds shape property using RoundedRectangleBorder with BorderRadius.circular()
ft-decoration-with-border-radius Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BorderRadius.circular()
ft-border-radius Adds borderRadius property using BorderRadius.circular()
ft-shape-with-border-radius-only Adds shape property using RoundedRectangleBorder with BorderRadius.only()
ft-decoration-with-border-radius-only Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BorderRadius.only()
ft-border-radius-only Adds borderRadius property using BorderRadius.only()
ft-shape-with-border-radius-vertical Adds shape property using RoundedRectangleBorder with BorderRadius.vertical()
ft-decoration-with-border-radius-vertical Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BorderRadius.vertical()
ft-border-radius-vertical Adds borderRadius property using BorderRadius.vertical()
ft-shape-with-border-radius-horizontal Adds shape property using RoundedRectangleBorder with BorderRadius.horizontal()
ft-decoration-with-border-radius-horizontal Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BorderRadius.horizontal()
ft-border-radius-horizontal Adds borderRadius property using BorderRadius.horizontal()
ft-decoration-with-box-shadow Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BoxShadow
ft-box-shadow Adds boxShadow property using BoxShadow
ft-decoration-with-box-shadow-bottom-sheet Adds decoration property using BoxDecoration with BoxShadow for Bottom Sheet
ft-box-shadow-bottom-sheet Adds boxShadow property using BoxShadow for Bottom Sheet
ft-column Adds Column Widget
ft-row Adds Row Widget
ft-wrap Adds Wrap Widget
ft-stack Adds Stack Widget
ft-custom-scroll-view-with-sliver-to-box-adapter Adds CustomScrollView Widget with SliverToBoxAdapter
ft-custom-scroll-view-with-sliver-fill-remaining Adds CustomScrollView Widget with SliverFillRemaining
ft-text Adds Text Widget
ft-text-style-context Adds Text Widget with style from context. (Needs extensions created)
ft-text-span Adds TextSpan Widget with text property
ft-text-span-children Adds TextSpan Widget with children property
ft-outlined-icon-button Adds OutlinedButton Widget with Icon
ft-status-bar-icon-brightness Sets the color for statusBarIconBrightness
ft-text-input-action, ft-input-action Adds textInputAction property using TextInputAction
ft-text-capitalization Adds textCapitalization property using TextCapitalization
ft-keyboard-type, ft-input-type Adds keyboardType property using TextInputType
ft-ensure-initialized Adds the instruction WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
ft-scaffold Adds Scaffold Widget
ft-popup-menu-button Adds PopupMenuButton Widget
ft-constraints-box-constraints Adds constraints property using BoxConstraints
ft-add-initialize-date-formatting Adds initializeDateFormatting()
ft-add-locales-pt-br Adds localizations for pt-BR
ft-text-shadow Adds shadows property using Shadow to use in Text Widget
ft-text-rich Adds Text.rich Widget
ft-font-size-values Adds the font sizes values
ft-padding-values Adds the padding values
ft-space-values, ft-separator-values Adds the space/separator values
ft-border-radius-values Adds the border radius values
ft-border-side-values Adds the border side values
ft-icon Adds an icon from Google Fonts
ft-phosphor-icon Adds an icon from PhosphorIcon package
ft-navigator-context Get the Navigator.of(context)


Snippet Description
ft-imp-get Adds GetX import
ft-rx-attribute Creates a Rx attribute
ft-rxn-attribute Creates a Rxn attribute
ft-obs-attribute Creates a GetX Observable attribute
ft-get-size Uses GetX to get width or height of screen
ft-get-find Adds the Get.find() the get instance of class using GetX
ft-get-width Uses GetX to get width of screen
ft-get-height Uses GetX to get height of screen
ft-width-get-width Adds width property using Get.width
ft-height-get-height Adds width property using Get.height
ft-get-put-service Adds Get.put() instruction for Service()
ft-get-put-service-impl Adds Get.put() instruction for ServiceImpl()
ft-get-put-session Adds Get.put() instruction for Session()
ft-get-put-repository Adds Get.put() instruction for Repository()
ft-get-put-repository-impl Adds Get.put() instruction for RepositoryImpl()
ft-get-put-provider Adds Get.put() instruction for Provider()
ft-get-put-provider-impl Adds Get.put() instruction for ProviderImpl()
ft-get-view Adds GetView instruction for get instance of controller inside view
ft-get-put-controller Adds Get.put() instruction for Controller()
ft-get-lazy-put-controller Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for Controller()
ft-get-lazy-put-provider Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for Provider() used by a Service()
ft-get-lazy-put-provider-impl Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for ProviderImpl() used by a ServiceImpl()
ft-get-lazy-put-service Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for Service()
ft-get-lazy-put-service-impl Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for ServiceImpl()
ft-get-lazy-put-repository Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for Repository() used by a Service()
ft-get-lazy-put-repository-impl Adds Get.lazyPut() instruction for RepositoryImpl() used by a ServiceImpl()
ft-on-init Adds override for onInit method
ft-on-ready Adds override for onReady method
ft-on-close Adds override for onClose method


Snippet Description
ft-context-read-provider Adds the context.read() to get instance of class using Provider
ft-context-read-provider-data Adds the context.read() to get instance of Controller class using Provider
ft-context-watch-provider Adds the context.watch() to watch instance of class using Provider
ft-context-select-provider Adds the context.select<ClassName, type>() to select instance of class using Provider
ft-provider-create Adds Provider() instruction for Bloc, Cubit or Controller
ft-provider-create-class Adds Provider() instruction for for IClass
ft-provider-create-class-impl Adds Provider() instruction for for Class
ft-provider-create-controller Adds Provider() instruction for Controller()
ft-provider-create-provider Adds Provider() instruction for Provider() used by a Service()
ft-provider-create-provider-impl Adds Provider() instruction for ProviderImpl() used by a ServiceImpl()
ft-provider-create-service Adds Provider() instruction for Service()
ft-provider-create-service-impl Adds Provider() instruction for ServiceImpl()
ft-provider-create-repository Adds Provider() instruction for Repository() used by a Service()
ft-provider-create-repository-impl Adds Provider() instruction for RepositoryImpl() used by a ServiceImpl()


Snippet Description
ft-bloc-router Creates a Bloc Router Module
ft-bloc-router-with-args Creates a Bloc Router Module with args
ft-get-navigation-args Get args from ModalRoute


Snippet Description
ft-modular-get Adds the Modular.get() the get instance of class using Flutter Modular
ft-modular-get-data Adds the Modular.get() to get instance of Controller class using Flutter Modular
ft-modular-get-controller Adds the Modular.get() for controller the get instance of class using Flutter Modular
ft-modular-get-of-type Adds the Modular.get() to get instance of class using Flutter Modular
ft-modular-to-navigate Navigate to a new screen
ft-modular-to-push-named Navigate to a route
ft-module-route-v5 Adds ModuleRoute to Module
ft-child-route-v5 Adds ChildRoute to Module
ft-child-route-with-router-outlet-v5 Adds ChildRoute with RouterOutlet to Module
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-class-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for any Class using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-class-impl-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for any ClassImpl using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-controller-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for Controller using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-repository-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for Repository() used by a Service() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-repository-impl-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for RepositoryImpl() used by a ServiceImpl() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-service-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for Service() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-service-impl-v5 Adds Bind.lazySingleton() instruction for ServiceImpl() using Flutter Modular
ft-module-route-v6 Adds ModuleRoute to Module
ft-child-route-v6 Adds ChildRoute to Module
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-class-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for any Class using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-class-impl-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for any ClassImpl using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-controller-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for Controller using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-repository-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for Repository() used by a Service() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-repository-impl-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for RepositoryImpl() used by a ServiceImpl() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-service-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for Service() using Flutter Modular
ft-bind-lazy-singleton-service-impl-v6 Adds i.addLazySingleton() instruction for ServiceImpl() using Flutter Modular


Snippet Description
ft-riverpod-provider-rest-client Adds Riverpod provider for RestClient()
ft-riverpod-provider-class Adds Riverpod provider for class()
ft-riverpod-provider-session-class Adds Riverpod provider for Session class()
ft-riverpod-provider-repository Adds Riverpod provider for Repository()
ft-riverpod-provider-repository-impl Adds Riverpod provider for RepositoryImpl()
ft-riverpod-provider-service Adds Riverpod provider for Service()
ft-riverpod-provider-service-impl Adds Riverpod provider for ServiceImpl()

Linter (analysis_options.yaml)

Snippet Description
ft-linter-analyzer Configures the analyzer options
ft-linter-rules Includes many rules for the linter to improve development
ft-build-runner-options-bloc Configures the build-runner options for Bloc
ft-build-runner-options-riverpod Configures the build-runner options for Riverpod


The Flutter Tools has many settings that change it's behavior when creating Interfaces, GetX Features and MobX Store.

The previous name of extension was Create Widgets and Classes for Flutter and now the name it's Flutter Tools. So in your VSCode the name of extension in settings will be the new name.

Create Folder for Interfaces

Defines if it will create a folder to contain the interface and implementation only for Providers, Repositories and Services.


Create Implementation of Interface

Defines whether the implementation class of an interface will be created together.


GetX Display Context Menu

Defines if the context menu with GetX features will be displayed.


GetX Project Path

Default path for the GetX Project folders and files.


GetX Use Constructor Tear-offs

Defines if the Bindings and Routes files will use the new Dart language feature named Constructor tear-offs.


GetX View Suffix

Default suffix name for the GetX view layer.


MobX Display Context Menu

Defines if the context menu with MobX features will be displayed.


MobX File Suffix

Default suffix name for the MobX store.


Use I Prefix For Interfaces

Defines whether an interface will be created using I with prefix to the interface name..


That's all, Enjoy!


Extension that creates Flutter Stateless or Stateful Widgets, Screens, MobX Store and Classes.
