This is the authors' implementation of [1].
The code is implemented in MATLAB and includes:
- main.m - a demo script that super-resolves a breathing lung sequence
- ./hs/ - Horn and Schunck image registration algorithm
- README - this file
If you use this software please cite the following in any resulting publication:
[1] Super-resolution reconstruction of electrical impedance tomography images
R.A. Borsoi, J.C.C. Aya, G.H. Costa, J.C.M. Bermudez.
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 69, pp. 1-13, 2018.
Just start MATLAB and run main.m.
- The Horn and Schunck image registration algorithm was provided by D. Sun and coauthors, and is available at Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles D Sun, S Roth, MJ Black. CVPR, 2010.