rhythm55 / graphql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is graphQL

  • graph query language
  • data is represented as graph
  • all graphql calls by default are HTTP POST call
  • image

Why graphql

  • avoid over-fetching : can fetch selective data. ex: we have 10 fields and we just want to fetch topArtist.
  • avoid under-fetching
    • to fetch topArtist, topAlbum etc we need to make seprate API calls. Using graphQL in one api call only we can fetch both.
  • Better mobile performance
    • mobiles dont have hardware and ram like desktops. fetching is a costly operation. with graphql we can limit data to be loaded on mobile and on desktop.
  • Efficiency and precision
  • Declarative data fetching
  • Hierarichal structure
  • Strongly typed
    • Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 4 58 57 PM
  • Introspection - documentation is available
    • Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 4 59 20 PM
  • Real time capabilities subscription

Rest VS graphQL

Aspect #Rest #GraphQL
Data fetching Multiple endpoint Single Endpoint
Request structure Fixed structure + HTTP methods Flexible (Query + Mutation)
Over fetching / Under fetching Issue Resolved
Response Size fixed flexible
Versioning Explicit versioning Flexible (can depricate the field in existing one)
Schema Definition Not well defined explicit Schema Definition
Real time capabilities web sockets subscription
Tooling support postman playground
Caching Relies on HTTP cache Fine Grained - apollo client provides it
Client control no Yes

GraphQL building blocks

  • schema/types
  • Query/Mutation
  • Resolver

Apollo client

  • Initialize ApolloClient
    •   const client = new ApolloClient({
          uri: 'https://flyby-router-demo.herokuapp.com/',
          cache: new InMemoryCache(),    // cache query results after fetching them.
  • Connect your client to React
    •       <ApolloProvider client={client}>
              <App />
