rhyswynne / ppvpp

PPV Press Play, the wp-content behind the site ppvpressplay.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PPV Press Play, the wp-content behind the site ppvpressplay.com

How To Use

  1. Upload repo to your wp-content folder.
  2. Change Consumer Key/Secret etc. to your own on twitter.php in ppvpressplay/inc/twitter.php
  3. On twitter.php line 17 change the twitter account you wish to pull from.
  4. Create PPV's in WordPress, giving them a start time and end time.


Feel free to fork this!


PPV Press Play, the wp-content behind the site ppvpressplay.com


Language:PHP 82.0%Language:CSS 15.9%Language:JavaScript 2.1%