rhurkes / blog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/for-the-love-of-pipes/ https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/containers-security-and-echo-chambers/ https://jesseduffield.com/beginners-guide-to-abstraction/

+'s for toml front matter: https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/

https://lise-henry.github.io/articles/optimising_strings.html https://codepen.io/sosuke/pen/Pjoqqp

Front matter: date: autogen draft: bool keywords: updated: autogen summary: title: url: tags: []

TODO code

all links should be target blank handle drafts Twitter embed isn't aligned on wide screen How to get footnotes and other Tufteisms working Code syntax highlighting: non-pre code blocks like single words How to get images on the site? dead link checking RSS feed

TODO tasks

Use rsync to move files over Site structure? Look at how zola/hugo do it. static, content. copy DO nginx config stuff over, blow away droplet, recreate freebsd droplet

code/self/sigtor.org posts tags 404.html index.html all.html static css/, img/, favicon.ico, robots.txt


https://amio.github.io/embedded-google-fonts/ https://codepen.io/sosuke/pen/Pjoqqp



Language:CSS 48.5%Language:HTML 45.9%Language:Rust 5.6%