rhpds / gitea-operator

Gitea Operator to deploy to OpenShift 4

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Gitea Operator

This repository holds the source code for the Red Hat Porfolio Marketing Gitea Operator. The operator can be recreated by following the steps in https://github.com/redhat-cop/openshift-lab-origin/blob/master/OpenShift4/Building_Ansible_Operator_for_Gitea.adoc.

Installing the Operator

The V2 operator can now be installed into its own namespace gitea-operator instead of just openshift-operators.

  1. You can create the operator by simply applying the YAML files from the Github repository

    oc apply -k https://github.com/rhpds/gitea-operator/OLMDeploy
  2. This installs the operator cluster wide - which means you (or your users) can greate instances of Gitea in any project on the cluster. See below for examples of how to create Gitea instances.

Creating Gitea instances

  1. Create a new project for your Gitea instance:

    oc new-project gitea
  2. All following examples can be combined. For example you can have a Gitea installation with self-managed PostgreSQL database, with e-mail integration, selecting specific storage classes for the PVCs, an Admin user created and self-provisioning turned off.

Integrated Setup

The Gitea Operator can set up a PostgreSQL database alongside the Gitea Pod. This is the default deployment.

To deploy a simple Gitea instance:

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: simple-gitea
  giteaImageTag: 1.20.0
  giteaVolumeSize: 4Gi
  giteaSsl: true
  postgresqlVolumeSize: 4Gi

Note that you can specify specific properties for postgresqlServiceName, postgresqlDatabaseName, postgresqlUser and postgresqlPassword. If you do however you must also specify the relevant properties for Gitea to connect to the database and they must match the PostgreSQL properties: giteaPostgresqlServiceName, giteaPostgresqlDatabaseName, giteaPostgresqlUser and giteaPostgresqlPassword

To deploy a simple Gitea instance using OpenShift Container Storage (if the storage class ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd is not the default storage class):

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: simple-gitea-ocs
  giteaImageTag: latest
  giteaVolumeSize: 4Gi
  giteaVolumeStorageClass: ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
  giteaSsl: true
  postgresqlVolumeSize: 4Gi
  postgresqlVolumeStorageClass: ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd

Create Admin User

The Operator can create an Admin User in the Gitea instance. If a Admin User ID is specified you can specify a password for the admin user as well. If no password is specified a password is generated with a certain length. The length of the generated password can be set via the password length variable.

If an Admin user has been created then you can set the variable giteaDisableRegistration: false. This will disable user self-registration - only the admin user will be able to create other users on Gitea.

The operator will report the status of the admin user creation as well as the user password in the fields .status.adminSetupComplete: true and .status.adminPassword.

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-with-admin
  giteaSsl: true
  giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
  giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com
  giteaAdminPassword: ""
  giteaAdminPasswordLength: 32

Create Admin user with password from secret

The operator can use a password from the admin user that has been pre-created in a secret. The secret must be in the same namespace as the gitea instance - and the key for the admin password must be adminPassword.

  1. Create a secret with the password:

    oc create secret generic gitea-admin-password --from-literal=adminPassword=myPassw0rd
  2. Tell the operator to use the password from the secret:

    apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
    kind: Gitea
      name: gitea-with-admin
      giteaSsl: true
      giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
      giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com
      giteaAdminPasswordSecretName: gitea-admin-password

It may be useful to hide the admin password from the status section of the Gitea custom resource. In that case set the variable giteaAdminPasswordExpose: false. For compatibility reasons the default for that variable is true which means that whatever password has been set for the admin user will be visible in status.adminPassword.

Create regular users

The Operator can also create regular users in the Gitea instance. It is a requirement that an admin user is also being created.

The operator can create a single user - or a number of users based on a username template.

You can specify a common password for all regular users. If no password is specified a password is generated with a certain length. The length of the generated password can be set via the password length variable.

If an users have been created then you can set the variable giteaDisableRegistration: false. This will disable user self-registration - only the admin user will be able to create additional users on Gitea.

The operator will report the status of the user creation as well as the user password in the fields .status.userSetupComplete: true and .status.userPassword.

Create a single user, lab-user with a generated password of length 16:

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-with-admin
  giteaSsl: true
  giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
  giteaAdminPassword: ""
  giteaAdminPasswordLength: 32
  giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com
  giteaCreateUsers: true
  giteaGenerateUserFormat: lab-user
  giteaUserNumber: 1
  giteaUserPasswordLength: 16

Create a three users, student1, student2 and student3 with password openshift:

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-with-users
  giteaSsl: true

  giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
  giteaAdminPassword: ""
  giteaAdminPasswordLength: 32
  giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com

  giteaCreateUsers: true
  giteaGenerateUserFormat: "student%d"
  giteaUserNumber: 3
  giteaUserPassword: openshift

Create users with password from secret

The operator can use a password for the created users that has been pre-created in a secret. The secret must be in the same namespace as the gitea instance - and the key for the user password must be userPassword.

  1. Create a secret with the password:

    oc create secret generic gitea-user-password --from-literal=userPassword=myPassw0rd
  2. Tell the operator to use the password from the secret (this example also generates a new 16 character password for the admin user):

    apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
    kind: Gitea
      name: gitea-with-users
      giteaSsl: true
      giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
      giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com
      giteaAdminPassword: ""
      giteaAdminPasswordLength: 16
      giteaCreateUsers: true
      giteaGenerateUserFormat: "student%d"
      giteaUserNumber: 3
      giteaUserPasswordSecretName: gitea-user-password

It may be useful to hide the user password from the status section of the Gitea custom resource. In that case set the variable giteaUserPasswordExpose: false. For compatibility reasons the default for that variable is true which means that whatever password has been set for the users will be visible in status.userPassword.

Migrating repositories for created users

If users are being created it is also possible to seed all users with repositories from another github (compatible) source. Every user will get the same repositories in their account. You can specify the source URL of the repository, the name of the migrated repository in Gitea and if the migrated repository should be a private repository or not.

If the migration was successful the operator sets the field .status.repoMigrationComplete: true.

Create 2 users lab-user-1 and lab-user-2 and migrate two repositories from GitHub to Gitea for each user:

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-with-repositories
  giteaSsl: true

  giteaAdminUser: opentlc-mgr
  giteaAdminPassword: ""
  giteaAdminPasswordLength: 32
  giteaAdminEmail: opentlc-mgr@redhat.com

  giteaCreateUsers: true
  giteaGenerateUserFormat: "lab-user-%d"
  giteaUserNumber: 2
  giteaUserPassword: openshift

  giteaMigrateRepositories: true
  - repo: https://github.com/repository1.git
    name: repository1
    private: false
  - repo: https://github.com/repository2.git
    name: another-repository
    private: true

Set up e-mail Service

See https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/email-setup for more information on how to set up e-mail services with Gitea.

  1. Set the variable giteaMailerEnabled: true. If this is set to true then the other giteaMailer* variables need to be set as well. If the e-mail account you are using uses two-factor authentication (for example GMail) you may need to create an app-specific password to be used.

    Once e-mail is enabled you can use the variables giteaRegisterEmailConfirm and giteaEnableNotifyMail to turn on e-mail verification and notification.

    Example for GMail
    apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
    kind: Gitea
      name: gitea-with-email
      giteaMailerEnabled: true
      giteaMailerFrom: gmail-user@gmail.com
      giteaMailerProtocol: smtps
      giteaMailerHost: smtp.gmail.com
      giteaMailerPort: 465
      giteaMailerUser: gmail-user@gmail.com
      giteaMailerPassword: gmail-user-app-specific-password
      giteaMailerHeloHostname: example.com
      giteaRegisterEmailConfirm: true
      giteaEnableNotifyMail: true

Unmanaged PostgreSQL database

If you want to manage your PostgreSQL database separately from the Gitea pod then you can deploy it first. You can either use the OpenShift template or you can use a PostgreSQL operator to manage your database.

  1. Create a PostgreSQL database from the OpenShift template:

    oc new-app postgresql-persistent \
       --param DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=postgresql-gitea \
       --param POSTGRESQL_USER=gitea_user \
       --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=gitea_pass \
       --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=gitea \
       --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=10Gi
    You can not specify a storage class when using the OpenShift template. If you need a specific storage class make that storage class the default storage class before creating the database. You can switch back to another default storage class once the persistent volume has been created.
  2. Create a Gitea instance. When using a self-managed database you must set postgresqlSetup: false and specify connection information to the database.

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-unmanaged-db
  postgresqlSetup: false
  giteaPostgresqlServiceName: postgresql-gitea
  giteaPostgresqlDatabaseName: gitea
  giteaPostgresqlUser: gitea_user
  giteaPostgresqlPassword: gitea_pass
  giteaVolumeSize: 10Gi

Provide app.ini in ConfigMap

A rather advanced use case is to create the app.ini configuration for Gitea yourself rather than having the operator create it.

Usually the operator generates the app.ini configuration file based on the content of the variables in the Gitea custom resource. However not every single configuration option for Gitea is exposed as Gitea variables. Maybe because they are rather uncommon or because they only got added to a Gitea version that got released after the operator was built.

One use case could be enabling ssh cloning capability for the Gitea repository.

Another use case could be setting up OAuth2 authorization for the repository.

The suggested approach is this:

  • Set up a Gitea instance with all variables that are available.

  • Wait until the Gitea instance is running

  • Extract (save) the ConfigMap that has been created (usually in <gitea-name>-config)

    oc get configmap gitea-config -n gitea -o yaml >$HOME/configmap.yaml
  • Edit the file app.ini in the configmap as desired (the file name always must be app.ini).

  • Delete the Gitea config.

Now you can re-create the configuration from scratch. You can have the Gitea operator create the PostgreSQL database - but of course you must specify a user name and password for the PostgreSQL database that matches what you will provide in your app.ini config map.

  1. Create the project

  2. Determine what the hostname of your Gitea installation will be. This hostname must match in the configmap’s app.ini file and in the parameter giteaHostname (which must be provided in case an external configmap is provided)

  3. Create the ConfigMap (from file or otherwise) making sure the URLs match the desired hostname and the database connectivity matches your PostgreSQL database (either pre-setup of setup by the operator)

        DB_TYPE  = postgres
        HOST     = postgresql-gitea:5432
        NAME     = giteadb
        USER     = gitea_user
        PASSWD   = gitea_pass
        SSL_MODE = disable
        ROOT_URL         = https://gitea-gitea.apps.cluster-hyper.hyper.dev.redhatworkshops.io
        SSH_DOMAIN       = gitea-gitea.apps.cluster-hyper.hyper.dev.redhatworkshops.io
        DOMAIN           = gitea-gitea.apps.cluster-hyper.hyper.dev.redhatworkshops.io
  4. Create Gitea making sure the giteaHostname is part of the spec.

apiVersion: pfe.rhpds.com/v1
kind: Gitea
  name: gitea-ext-config
  postgresqlSetup: true
  giteaPostgresqlServiceName: postgresql-gitea
  giteaPostgresqlDatabaseName: giteadb
  giteaPostgresqlUser: gitea_user
  giteaPostgresqlPassword: gitea_pass

  giteaImageTag: 1.20.0
  giteaVolumeSize: 4Gi
  giteaAdminUser: wkadmin
  giteaAdminPassword: ""
  giteaAdminUserPasswordLength: 16

  giteaConfigMapName: custom-gitea-config
  giteaSsl: true
  giteaHostname: gitea.apps.cluster-hyper.hyper.dev.redhatworkshops.io

API Reference:

Below is a list and description of all possible parameters that can be set for the Gitea custom resource.

  description: 'Set up a PostgreSQL database alongside the Gitea instance. Default is true. If set to false the values for giteaPostgresqlServiceName, giteaPostgresqlDatabaseName, giteaPostgresqlUser and giteaPostgresqlPassword need to be specified to connect to an existing PostgreSQL database. If set to true no values need to be specified for database name, database service, database user and database service.'
  type: boolean
  description: Name of the PostgreSQL database service. Default is 'postgresql-' followed by the name of the Gitea resource.
  type: string
  description: Name of the PostgreSQL Database to be created. Default is 'giteadb'.
  type: string
  description: Username to be created in the PostgreSQL database. Default is 'giteauser'.
  type: string
  description: Password to be used for the PostgreSQL database user. Default is 'giteapassword'.
  type: string

  description: Size of the persistent volume claim for the PostgreSQL database. Default
    is '4Gi'.
  type: string
  description: Storage Class to be used for the PostgreSQL persistent volume claim. Default is empty - which will create a PVC using the currently available default storage class on the cluster.
  type: string

  description: Container image for the PostgreSQL database. Default is 'registry.redhat.io/rhel8/postgresql-12'.
  type: string
  description: Image tag for the PostgreSQL container image. Default is 'latest'.
  type: string
  description: Pull policy for the PostgreSQL container image. Default is 'IfNotPresent'.
  type: string

  description: Memory request for the PostgreSQL database. Default is '512Mi'.
  type: string
  description: Memory limit for the PostgreSQL database. Default is '512Mi'.
  type: string
  description: CPU request for the PostgreSQL database. Default is '200m'.
  type: object
    - type: integer
    - type: string
    pattern: "^(\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))))?$"
    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
  description: CPU limit for the PostgreSQL database. Default is '500m'.
  type: object
    - type: integer
    - type: string
    pattern: "^(\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))))?$"
    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true

  description: Name of the Gitea Service to be deployed. Defaults to the name of the Gitea custom resource.
  type: string
  description: Create an HTTPS terminated route for Gitea. Default is 'false'
  type: boolean
  description: Specify the hostname for the Gitea Route. Default is ''. Make sure the route is reachable from outside the cluster.
  type: string

  description: Size of the persistent volume claim for Gitea. Default is '4Gi'.
  type: string
  description: Storage Class to be used for the Gitea persistent volume claim. Default is empty - which will create a PVC using the currently available default storage class on the cluster.
  type: string

  description: Container image for Gitea. Default is 'quay.io/rhpds/gitea'.
  type: string
  description: Image tag for the Gitea container image. Default is 'latest'.
  type: string
  description: Pull policy for the Gitea container image. Default is 'IfNotPresent'.
  type: string

  description: Memory request for Gitea. Default is '1Gi'.
  type: string
  description: Memory limit for Gitea. Default is '1Gi'.
  type: string
  description: CPU request for Gitea. Default is '200m'.
  type: object
    - type: integer
    - type: string
    pattern: "^(\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))))?$"
    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
  description: CPU limit for Gitea. Default is '500m'.
  type: object
    - type: integer
    - type: string
    pattern: "^(\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\\\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\\\.[0-9]+))))?$"
    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true

  description: 'Name of the PostgreSQL service. Only required when PostgreSQL is not set up by the operator. Default: postgresql- followed by the Gitea resource name.'
  type: string
  description: 'Name of the PostgreSQL database. Only required when PostgreSQL is not set up by the operator. Default: giteadb'
  type: string
  description: 'Name of the PostgreSQL user. Only required when PostgreSQL is not set up by the operator. Default: giteauser'
  type: string
  description: 'PostgreSQL password. Only required when PostgreSQL is not set up by the operator. Default: giteapassword'
  type: string

  description: Name of a config map in the same namespace as the Gitea custom resource. The config map must contain one file called app.ini to configure Gitea. If this variable is set then giteaHostname must also be set. giteaSsl should be set but will default to false.
  type: string

  description: 'User ID for the Admin User to be created. If not specified no admin user will be created. Note that if giteaDisableRegistration is set to false and no admin user will be created you will not be able to create any users for Gitea. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'Password for the Gitea admin user. If not specified or empty a random password will be created with length of giteaAdminPasswordLength random ASCII characters. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'If a giteaAdminUser is provided but no giteaAdminPassowrd is provided a random ASCII password with the length specified will be created. Default: 16'
  type: integer
  description: Name of a secret containing the Gitea admin user's password in secret key adminPassword. If this variable is set it takes precedence over all other ways to specify/generate an admin password.
  type: string
  description: Expose the final Gitea admin password in the custom resource status section. Default is true for compatibility. Set to false to not show the password in the status section.
  type: boolean
  description: 'e-mail address for the Gitea Admin User. Default: "notset@notset.org"'
  type: string

  description: 'Create users in Gitea. Only possible if an admin user is also being created. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Number of users to create in Gitea. If 1 then only one user will be created with the username from giteaGenerateUserFormat. If more than one then users will be created according to the format in giteaGenerateUserFormat. Default: 2'
  type: integer
  description: 'Format for user names to be created. This will be taken literally if only one user is to be created (e.g. lab-user). If more than one user is to be created the format needs to include a "%d" to set the user number. Default: "user%d"'
  type: string
  description: 'Password for all created Gitea users. If not specified or empty a random password will be created with length of giteaUserPasswordLength random ASCII characters. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'If a giteaCreateUsers is set but no giteaUserPassowrd is provided a random ASCII password with the length specified will be created. Default: 16'
  type: integer
  description: 'e-mail domain for the created Gitea users. Default: "example.com"'
  type: string
  description: Name of a secret containing the Gitea user common password in secret key userPassword. If this variable is set it takes precedence over all other ways to specify/generate a user password.
  type: string
  description: Expose the common Gitea user password in the custom resource status section. Default is true for compatibility. Set to false to not show the password in the status section.
  type: boolean

  description: 'For created users migrate repositories from another location, e.g. GitHub. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'List of repositories to be created. Each repository is an array of "repo: <source URL", "name: <name of migrated repository>" and "private: true | false". Default: []'
  type: array
    type: object
        description: 'Source repository URL to clone.'
        type: string
        description: 'Name of the repository in Gitea.'
        type: string
        description: 'Create private repository in Gitea.'
        type: boolean

  description: 'Port for Gitea to listen on. Default: 3000'
  type: integer
  description: 'Port for Gitea to start an SSH server on. Default: 2022'
  type: integer
  description: 'Disable SSH for Gitea. Default: true'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Start SSH Server in the Gitea container. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Start LFS Server in the Gitea container. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Disable user self-registration. If this flag is set an Admin User should be specified to be created. Otherwise no users can be created at all. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Display Captcha when users are registering a new account. No effect if giteaDisableRegistration is set to false. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Allow users to create organizations in Gitea. Default: true'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Allow migration of repositories hosted on local network IPs as defined by RFC 1918, RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291. Default: false'
  type: boolean

  description: List of hosts that a web hook is allowed to call. See https://docs.gitea.com/next/administration/config-cheat-sheet#webhook-webhook for more details. Default is 'external,private'.
  type: string
  description: Set to 'true' to skip validation of the webhook target URL certificate. Default is false.
  type: boolean

  description: 'Enable e-mail integration for Gitea. If set to true the other giteaMailer* properties need to be provided. See https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/email-setup/ for example values. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'E-mail integration. FROM e-mail address to be used. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'Protocol of e-mail provider to be used. Default: smtps'
  type: string
  description: 'Hostname of the e-mail server to be used. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'Port of the e-mail server to be used. Default: ""'
  type: integer
  description: 'User ID on the e-mail server to use. Frequently the same as the value for giteaMailerFrom. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'Password for the User ID on the e-mail server to be used. May need to be an app-specific password if two-factor authentication is enabled on the e-mail server. Default: ""'
  type: string
  description: 'Helo Hostname for the e-mail server. Not required for all e-mail providers. Default: ""'
  type: string

  description: 'Send e-mail confirmation to users when self-registering. Users must click a link to validate their e-mail address before the account gets created. Requires the mailer to be configured correctly. Default: false'
  type: boolean
  description: 'Send e-mail notifications to users for various tasks in Gitea. Requires the mailer to be configured correctly. Default: false'
  type: boolean


Gitea Operator to deploy to OpenShift 4


Language:Makefile 45.3%Language:Jinja 42.4%Language:Shell 6.6%Language:Dockerfile 5.8%