rhowlett / kicad_scripts

A bunch of kicad scripts to do tedious task :)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Note to the reader. I generally write CLI scripts in bash, python, perl, C, and C++. This is some really old stuff I just wanted to document and it gave me an excuse to learn a little about git.

  • This is a number of CLI scripts written in various languages like c, bash, perl, and python. These scripts are workarounds for things that are not easy to do or take a long time to do in the kicad GUI.
  • Most of the script modifies either the sch or kicad_pcb files directly. Thus modifing the source code to eeschema or pcbnew require closing the program and relaunching...
  • As questions come up regarding how to run programs I will write a quick HOW TO or post the program.pl -help :)
  • Also, very interested in hearing what other people would like to see

File What it does
README.md The file you are reading
extract_pcbnew.pl CLI program using perl to modify Kicad pcbnew files (just wanted to write a s-expression parser)
kicad_sch_standardize.sh Example of how you can used kicad_sch_font_resize.pl and kicad_sch_page_order.pl
kicad_sch_update_bom.sh Example of how you can use kicad_bom2sch.pl
kicad_pcb_change_ref_num.sh Changes refence number based on sheetnumber*100 numbering style
kicad_pcb_rename_references.sh Same as above but for a range
bom2groupedCsv.xsl This is the format for a bom used in kicad_bom2sch.pl
kicad_bom2sch.pl Takes the input of a CSV bom file and updates fields in the schematic to match exactly
kicad_sch_font_resize.pl CLI program using perl to modify the font sizes of a schematic
kicad_sch_page_order.pl CLI program to change to order of the pages in a hierarchial schematic


I think it worked... It's been too long since I played with this. This was written before most of this stuff could be done in python. Just a nice reference to a S-Expression parse and modification (technique can be used for other things too.)


kicad_sch_standardize.sh - Kicad Project schematic global font standardizer
kicad_sch_standardize.sh project_name
This tool is designed to take the top level of a schematic in Kicad and find all assoiated schematics and run kicad_sch_font_resize.pl on each of the schematics. Line 40 of this script can be modified to fit your needs. This line holds a few of the fonts that can be changed in your project schematics. For full documentation of what fonts can be changed run help on: kicad_sch_font_resize.pl -help
Requires perl and kicad_sch_page_order.pl to be in you path
Sure there might be some, I'm not perfect, just hacking my way on
Richard Howlett @ I get too much email
kicad_sch_font_resize.pl, kicad_sch_update_bom.sh, kicad_pcb_change_ref_num.sh, kicad_pcb_rename_references.sh


kicad_sch_font_resize.pl - Kicad Schematic global font modifier
kicad_sch_font_resize.pl -file schematic_name.sch [OPTION VALUE]
This script is used resize all fonts for a given attribute for the given schmatic file. This only works on the file give, it does not modify child schematics. Font changes are applied globally for every instances of the given option(s). This script does not modify the original Schematic file. This scripts generates a new file and sends it to STDOUT
Option Value Description
-help this message
-file file_name KiCad input file .sch format [REQUIRED] (add full path if needed)
-sheet int Change the text size of all Sheet Name(s)
-sch int Change the text size of all sheet's Schematic Name(s)
-pin int Change the text size of all sheet's Port/Pin Name(s)
Text Lables
-glabel int Change the text size of all Global Label(s)
-hlabel int Change the text size of all Hierachial Label(s)
-wlabel int Change the text size of all Wire Label(s)
-note int Change the text size of all Note(s)
Power Symbols
-power int Change the text size on all Power symbol(s)
Schematic Symbols Attributes
-ref int Change the text size of all symbol Reference Name(s)
-value int Change the text size of all symbol Value Name(s)
-footprint int Change the text size of all symbol Footprint Name(s)
-doc int Change the text size of all symbol Document Name(s)
-debug int If things don't go your way (=1) goes to STDERR
-verbose Flow information with no data and goes to STDERR
-file requires a Kicad schematics file. Full path might be required.
Requires perl
-debug and -verbose options should send info the STDERR
Sure there might be some, I'm not perfect, just hacking my way on
Richard Howlett @ I get too much email
$>(path to script)/kicad_sch_font_resize.pl -file filename.sch -hlabel=50 > temp.sch
$>eeschem temp.sch

If this file looks correct then: $>mv temp.sch filename.sch


A bunch of kicad scripts to do tedious task :)


Language:Perl 92.7%Language:Shell 4.1%Language:XSLT 3.2%