rhnh / salior-remix

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Database Setup

you need this setup only once

Step 1

Install project with npm/pnpm/yarn

  npm install

step 2

setup with script

# after install with npm/yarn/pnpm

step 3

After running db-setup.sh, you are inside mongodb shell.

Step 3.1

replicaSet initialization


Create admin database

Step 4.1 Create admin user for the admin database

  use admin;
  //see the manual for more infos

Mongodb Manual

Step 4.1 Example


Step 4.2

  //enter the password

Step 4.3

Create new Users for the actual database.


The default Mongodb port for this project is 27001, if you want change to port you need in all 4 files: below

  • ./prisma/config1.yaml
  • ./prisma/config2.yaml
  • ./prisma/config3.yaml
  • ./script/db-setup.sh

Step 4

  npx prisma generate

Setting up Mongodb manually

  • generate a keyFile in ./prisma/config
 openssl rand -base64 756 > keyfile
  • create database and logs directories inside ./prisma

  • change permission of keyFile

  chmod 400 keyfile 
  mkdir data/db{1..3} && touch data/db{1..3} mongodb.log
  • Run the yaml files with mongod
mongod -f config1.yaml
  • Run mongo instance on given port for example 27001, which is defined in Config file
  mongo admin --host localhost:27001
  • initiate the ReplcaSet
  • Create the root User
  • authenticate the root user
  • create another user

How to install and run it ?

use yarn/npm

How to run ?

how to run this project ?

check if database is on 27001 or your given running

ps -aux | grep mongod 

if it is not running



Start the Remix development asset server and the Express server by running:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, which will purge the server require cache when Remix rebuilds assets so you don't need a process manager restarting the express server.


First, build your app for production:

npm run build

Then run the app in production mode:

npm start

Now you'll need to pick a host to deploy it to.



Language:TypeScript 82.9%Language:CSS 14.1%Language:JavaScript 2.7%Language:Shell 0.3%