rhenning / stakpark

An opinionated clone-and-go template for local cloud infrastructure development on Macs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


stakpark is an opinionated, clone-and-go environment template for local cloud infrastructure development on macs. package management is handled by homebrew, container runtime by docker, compose, and kind, and it includes other odds and ends like localstack, golang, and terraform, tfenv, terragrunt, tgswitch, and terratest.


i've grown tired of creating this structure from scratch each time i'd like an aws development sandbox.

up and running

psst... did you catch that first paragraph where i said this was an opinionated template? it installs a bunch of stuff with homebrew. i strongly suggest eyeballing the brewfile before continuing and making adjustments if you're not crazy about something there. that said...

: install dependencies
make dep

: start localstack
make up

: smoke test (from another terminal)
make check

: run legit tests (from same terminal as previous)
make test

more targets:

make tfinit
make tfvalidate
make tfplan
make tfapply
make tfdestroy

start a shell and use the AWS CLI against the local test environment:

poetry shell
awslocal sts get-caller-identity
awslocal ec2 describe-vpcs

what now?

feel free to copy test/envs/_example to a new directory and adjust as desired to create your own environment. a_test.go and Makefile contain references to _example, so be sure to update those.

have fun.


Q: i have purchased a localstack pro license. how can i use it? A: make up LOCALSTACK_API_KEY="t0ps3<r37"


An opinionated clone-and-go template for local cloud infrastructure development on Macs

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 45.4%Language:Makefile 41.0%Language:Go 12.0%Language:Ruby 1.5%