rhasspy / kaldi-align

A basic forced aligner using Kaldi and gruut

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kaldi Align

A basic forced aligner using Kaldi and gruut for multiple human languages.


git clone https://github.com/rhasspy/kaldi-align
cd kaldi-align

# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade wheel setuptool
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

kaldi-align --version

You will also need some system libraries for Kaldi and ffmpeg to convert audio:

$ sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base libgfortran5 ffmpeg


Create a JSONL alignment file from WAV files and a CSV file with the format id|text:

kaldi-align \
  --model en-us \
  --metadata /path/to/metadata.csv \
  --audio-files <(find /path/to/wavs -name '*.wav' -type f) \
  --output-file alignments.jsonl

Text from your metadata.csv file will be automatically cleaned using gruut (punctuation and non-words removed). You can save the cleaned metadata by providing a path to --clean-metadata (optional).

If your metadata CSV file has the format id|speaker|text, pass --has-speaker to kaldi-align.

With the alignment JSONL file, you can create:

  • A CSV file with phoneme ids using gruut that is suitable for training a Larynx
  • Trimmed versions of your WAV files with silence removed from front and back

Phonemes CSV File

Create a CSV file with the format id|P P P where each P is a phoneme id.

align2csv \
  --language <LANG> \
  --alignments alignments.json \
  --phoneme-ids /path/to/phonemes.txt \
  > /path/to/phonemes.csv

where <LANG> is one of gruut's supported languages. The align2csv script runs python3 -m kaldi_align.align2csv under the hood.

The --phoneme-ids path is optional, but recommended. It will write a text file with the map between IPA text phonemes and the integer ids used in the CSV output.

Trimmed WAV Files

Trim silence from WAV files:

align2wavs \
  --metadata /path/to/metadata.csv \
  --audio-files <(find /path/to/wavs -name '*.wav' -type f) \
  --alignments alignments.json \
  --output-dir /path/to/aligned/wavs/

Trimmed versions of all WAV files with at least one word will writen to --output-dir along with the metadata from --metadata. The align2wavs script runs python3 -m kaldi_align.align2wavs under the hood.

Note that --audio-files accepts a file path with an audio file path on each line. These paths should not contain spaces.

If your metadata CSV file has the format id|speaker|text, pass --has-speaker to align2wavs.

Supported languages

Kaldi models will be automatically downloaded on first use and stored in $HOME/.local/share/kaldi_align. You may also manually download them.

  • Czech (cs-cz)
  • German (de-de)
  • English (en-us)
  • Spanish (es-es)
  • Persian/Farsi (fa)
  • French (fr-fr)
  • Italian (it-it)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Russian (ru-ru)
  • Swedish (sv-se)



A basic forced aligner using Kaldi and gruut

License:MIT License


Language:Python 76.2%Language:Shell 23.3%Language:Makefile 0.5%