This repository can be used as a module to create a ROSA cluster with the following components:
- ROSA networking in either private/public architecture
- ROSA cluster in either Classic or Hosted Control Plane architecture
- Default machine pool with desired replica count
- Local HTPasswd identity provider with an "admin" user with Cluster Admin privileges
- Local HTPasswd identity provider with an "developer" user with basic privileges
The following Terraform is an example file to deploy a public ROSA cluster via this module. This file
can be created wherever you would like to run Terraform from as a
file. A complete list of variables
and modifications is available via the file:
NOTE: this is an overly simplistic file to demonstrate a simple installation. You will need to tailor your automation to your needs. If there is functionality that is missing that you would like to see, please open an issue!
variable "token" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "admin_password" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "developer_password" {
type = string
sensitive = true
module "rosa_public" {
source = "git::"
hosted_control_plane = false
private = false
multi_az = false
replicas = 2
max_replicas = 4
cluster_name = "my-rosa-cluster"
ocp_version = "4.15.14"
token = var.token
admin_password = var.admin_password
developer_password = var.developer_password
pod_cidr = ""
service_cidr = ""
compute_machine_type = "m5.xlarge"
tags = {
"owner" = "me"
Once the above has been created, normal Terraform commands can be run:
terraform init
terraform plan rosa.out
terraform apply rosa.out