rgordeev / pandora

Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.

Pandora icon

Pandora is a lightweight and powerful plugin for OpenAI's ChatGPT. It provides a barebones API that allows ChatGPT to execute arbitrary shell commands and perform file operations, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of tasks.

Pandora is incredibly powerful but also dangerous.

🚨❗️⚠️ Pandora can access and modify all files on your host system! 🚨❗️⚠️

🚨❗️⚠️ Pandora can control other Docker containers! 🚨❗️⚠️

Pandora can be used for:

  • coding
  • data processing
  • connecting to the internet
  • interacting with other Docker containers
  • releasing curses upon mankind (please don't try this)

The idea for Pandora came from playing with Kaguya, a Node project with similar functionality. Pandora is more lightweight and is focused on letting the AI find and use tools itself, including letting it install software and run Docker containers.

Pandoras box icons created by Freepik - Flaticon.


Github discussion thread with demos and examples. More contributions are very welcome.

Image Description
screenshot Prompt: write hello world scripts in python and node. then run them. Pandora writes hello world scripts in Python and Node. It fails to run them, suggesting installing Python. Prompt: yeah. dont install node though - use docker to run that. It then installs Python locally and runs Node in a Docker container.

Security and Risks

Pandora is designed to be used in a standalone host environment and it should be used with caution!

Pandora has access to control Docker on your host, which means it can create a new container, mounting /!

There is not much that Pandora cannot do.

  • Do not expose the API to the internet, or the whole world will have full access to your machine
  • Only let ChatGPT access it if you trust ChatGPT
  • You have been warned!

That said, it's unlikely to do anything outside its own container unless you specifically ask it to.

Running Pandora


  • Docker. You may be able to run Pandora locally, without Docker
  • Access to ChatGPT plugin development (currently behind a wait list)


git clone https://github.com/dave1010/pandora.git
cd pandora

Pandora should now be running on http://localhost:8000

Add the plugin: go to the ChatGPT plugin store, click Develop your own plugin, and enter localhost:8000

Basic Usage

There's 3 commands:

  • exec - execute a command in the Pandora Docker container
  • writeFile - write a file. This is separate as ChatGPT struggles if it needs to escape special characters and new lines.
  • getGuide - fetch a guide. ChatGPT has limitations. This guide (the-guide.txt) helps it get better results.

ChatGPT should automatically read the guide early on. If it gets confused then tell it to read the guide.

See public/openapi.yaml for full API details.

Pandora will work in /pandora/WORKDIR by default but can access its own files if you tell it to go up a dir.

Run docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "ancestor=pandora") sh if you want to work in the Pandora container.

Mounting other directories

Pandora can work on files in other directories!

From your host, mount other projects into Pandora's MOUNTS directory.

ln -s $PWD/your-project /path/to/pandora/MOUNTS/

This needs to be done before the container is started (with docker-run.sh).

docker-run.sh will then mount them into /pandora/WORKDIR/, allowing ChatGPT to read and write them.

Side note: On a Mac, ls -l seems to show an extra metadata flag files that Pandora creates in mounted folders. This seems to have no effect. You can run xattr -d com.apple.provenance to remove the metadata flag if you want.

Usage with Other Docker Containers

Pandora mounts the host's /var/run/docker.sock, so it can control other containers running on the host.

It can manage and access containers just like the host can. The only caveat is that ChatGPT will need to prefix host paths with $PANDORA_CONTAINER_PATH for them to be mounted correctly. It should realise it has to do this when it reads the guide.

You can disable this behaviour by removing it from docker-run.sh.

How it works

Pandora is little more than a PHP file that executes what ChatGPT sends to it.

Design goals

  • Keep the API small, so ChatGPT has less context to deal with.
  • Minimal requirements and small Dockerfile.
  • Encourage ChatGPT to acquire tools itself, rather than giving it the kitchen sink.
  • Very little application code, so it's easier for ChatGPT to understand and modify.

Contributing and feedback

Please send PRs!

If you get ChatGPT to change the API endpoints then you may get UnrecognizedKwargsError until you refresh the plugin in the ChatGPT Plugin devtools sidebar.

Use Github Discussions for general feedback: https://github.com/dave1010/pandora/discussions

Please let me know how well it works, any success you've had and suggestions for the-guide.txt.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Dave Hulbert


Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 88.4%Language:Shell 9.4%Language:Dockerfile 2.3%