rgobbel / rntn

Recursive Neural Tensor Network -- numpy-only version

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is an implementation of a recursive neural tensor net (RNTN), as described in:

  • Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank, Richard Socher, Alex Perelygin, Jean Wu, Jason Chuang, Christopher Manning, Andrew Ng and Christopher Potts, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2013)


  • rntn.py, the main program

  • rntn_dictionary.py, dictionary class for phrases

  • phrase_tree.py, classes for sentences, phrases, and individual tokens

  • binary_tree.py, not actually part of the program, but contains a postorder traversal method for binary trees that could be used to sort individual tree nodes to allow bottom-up or top-down traversal of a tree without recursion

  • toydata, a very small dataset (9 hand-made sentences), for debugging or demo purposes. The format of this is the same as that of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank, downloadable from Stanford.

  • checkpoints, a directory for storing parameter checkpoint files

To run the program:

###For a long list of options:

python rntn.py --help

(Note: the docopt options processor is unforgiving, and unfortunately not very informative if the options are not a perfect match for what it expects. My apologies, I didn't find out until I was committed to using it.

###Training (first time):

python rntn.py train --data-from=toydata --learning-rate=0.001 --wvlr=0.001 --lambda=1.0 --report-interval=100 --validate-interval=100 --checkpoint-interval=100 --checkpoint-base=rntn_test --checkpoint-dir=checkpoints --log-name=rntn-test.log --word-vector-size=10 --cost-threshold=1.0 --check-training=True --batch-size=3

###Training (continuing with saved parameters):

python rntn.py train --data-from=toydata --learning-rate=0.001 --wvlr=0.001 --lambda=1.0 --report-interval=100 --validate-interval=100 --checkpoint-interval=100 --checkpoint-base=rntn_test --checkpoint-dir=checkpoints --log-name=rntn-test.log --word-vector-size=10 --cost-threshold=1.0 --check-training=True --batch-size=3 --params-from=checkpoints/rntn_test_20160331_145700_700.pickle

###Gradient checking:

python rntn.py check-grad --data-from=toydata --epsilon=1e-4
Starting at Wed Apr 13 09:16:39 2016
Vocabulary size from toydata is 35 items.
Cost = 2.60940033377, epsilon=0.0001
   Value                  Numeric               Analytical                    Delta                    Ratio
       V:   0.00011167273623868823   0.00011167274614379296  -0.00000000000990510473   0.99999991130239851422
       W:  -0.00005486056397785433  -0.00005486045947551031  -0.00000000010450234401   1.00000190487547890861
      Ws:  -0.00001717166742309928  -0.00001717167076831377   0.00000000000334521449   0.99999980518992404033
  W_bias:  -0.00002682896047190297  -0.00002682896813902627   0.00000000000766712330   0.99999971422220712558
 Ws_bias:  -0.00000427663326263428  -0.00000429158334580571   0.00000001495008317143   0.99651641784237066091
       L:  -0.00007661323182941551  -0.00007661323182941551   0.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000
Largest difference was 0.000046003162424, at index 4211

###To check prediction accuracy:

python rntn.py accuracy validation --params-from=checkpoints/rntn_test_20160331_145718_800.pickle


Recursive Neural Tensor Network -- numpy-only version


Language:Python 88.6%Language:Lua 11.4%