rghamilton3 / dotfiles

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dotfiles for Arch Linux (BTW)

New machine setup:

  1. Ensure the following software is installed:
    • chezmoi - For dotfile management
    • wezterm - Terminal of choice
    • zsh - Shell of choice
    • zimfw - Zsh configuration framework
    • neovim - Editor of choice
    • yay - AUR helper
    • fzf - Fuzzy file finder
    • fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
    • ripgrep - A better silver-searcher and grep
    • zoxide - A smarter cd command
    • exa - A modern replacement for ls
    • bat - A cat clone with wings
    • btop - A better top
    • atuin - Sync, search, and backup shell history
    • vifm - A VIM-inspired terminal-based file manager
    • starship - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
    • lazyvim - LazyVim is a Neovim setup powered by đź’¤ lazy.nvim
  2. Initialize chezmoi

    $ chezmoi init --apply rghamilton3



Language:Shell 97.5%Language:Lua 2.5%