rgesteve / bare_vscode

A bare-bones webview-using vscode extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A very basic extension that makes use of webviews to render a d3 chart.


Setting up

To get started with this codebase it's useful to create a node-based development environment. One way to do this is through a conda environment, which is the method outlined below. Here are the steps (tested on Windows and Linux):

  1. Download Anaconda
  2. Enter the anaconda environment and create a conda environment (denoted in this example as having name bare_vscode):
       > [PATH_TO_ANACONDA_INSTALLATION]\Scripts\activate.bat    # On Windows
(base) > conda create -n bare_vscode python=3.6  # the actual version of python is not too important
  1. "Activate" (start using) the environment:
(base)        > activate bare_vscode
(bare_vscode) > 
  1. Install the node stack in the environment:
(bare_vscode) > conda install nodejs
  1. In the directory where you've cloned this repo (at the level where the package.json file sits) install the dependencies
(bare_vscode) > cd [PATH_TO_THIS_CLONE]
(bare_vscode) > npm install
  1. To build the contents of the webview, you'll need to run webpack:
(bare_vscode) > npx webpack

If you get some errors, you're probably using the wrong branch, please make sure that webpack-cli is in "package.json"

  1. Open Visual Studio Code (heretofore "vsc") and start working with the extension as described in the official documentation
(bare_vscode) > code .

Code Architecture

This extension only contains the "front end" to have vsc communicate with VTune. The logic to locate, invoke and process VTune output is in a separate codebase.


A bare-bones webview-using vscode extension


Language:HTML 56.3%Language:TypeScript 43.7%