rezapour / OfficeManager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Office manager app

This is a simple app with 3 different screens. First screen shows a list of office rooms and then you can filter the list base on the department and type of the room. some of the rooms has some more details that you can see them by clicking "see more" option in the list. The architecture of the app is MVVM. with Model layer, viewmodel and view.

How to run the app

the project config is Gradle 8 JVM 17. So make sure that you have both of them on your machine the simply you can run the project from the android studio or if you do not access to android studio you can simply go to the root of the project with terminal and run this command "gradlew assembleDebug" you going to find the apk in CryptoPrices/app/build/outputs/apk/

if you need the prebuild version of the app you can find it in CryptoPrices/app/release

Setup Credential

Due to security reasons the credentials are not in the base code. so Please before run the app in root of your project in "" file on your machine please add them and then run then app. you can find an example in below:

apiUser="myUserName" apiPassword="myPassword"

Libraries that used in the project

  • Compose: for the Ui of the Application
  • Dagger Hilt: for dependency Injection. it is easy to use instead of dagger and other libraries
  • Retrofit: used for remote restApi. it is great for rest api and also works good with coroutine.
  • OkHttp: for internet connection as client for retrofit.
  • Coroutine: used int for thread handle. it is easy to understand and use instead of rxjava or
    other ways.
  • Navigation Component: for designing single activity app and also navigation of application and
    pass parameters screens.
  • architecture components
    • ViewModel
    • Lifecycle
  • Turbine: for unit testing flows
  • Truth: for unit test assertion
  • Junit: and Mockito for unit testing
  • Glide: for lazy loading the Images.
  • CI: github actions



Language:Kotlin 100.0%