rezabojnordi / helloweb3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SRE/Devops Challenge


This challenge involves deploying a Node.js application that monitors the Polygon blockchain's block height on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using Terraform and CI/CD. The task will assess your skills in cloud infrastructure management, container orchestration, application deployment, monitoring, and automation.



  • Provision a GKE cluster in a dedicated VPC using Terraform.
  • Containerize and deploy a provided Node.js application to GKE.
  • Set up Prometheus and Grafana in the cluster for monitoring.
  • Ensure the application and Grafana dashboard are publicly accessible.

Task Details

1. GCP Project Setup

  • Create a new project on GCP.
  • Claim the $300 free credits.

2. Terraform Setup for GKE

  • Use existing Terraform modules or create a minimal setup for provisioning a VPC and GKE cluster.
  • Optionally, set up an IAM role for a read-only Kubernetes user.

3. Node.js Application Setup

  • Fork or clone the BCWResearch/HelloWeb3 repository.
  • Register for an API key from PolygonScan.
  • Create a Dockerfile for the application.
  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions for building and pushing the Docker image.

4. Helm Chart and Deployment

  • Develop a Helm chart for the application.
  • Deploy the application to GKE using CI/CD.
  • Ensure public accessibility and metrics exposure on port 3000.

5. Prometheus and Grafana Deployment

  • Deploy Prometheus in the GKE cluster.
  • Deploy Grafana with external access (IP or DNS) and SSL.
  • Configure Grafana for metrics visualization.


  • A GitHub repository with Dockerfile, Helm chart, CI/CD configuration, and Terraform code.
  • Public URLs for the application and Grafana dashboard.
  • Documentation on the setup process and access details.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Application deployment functionality.
  • Metrics integration in Grafana.
  • Best practices in Terraform, Kubernetes, monitoring, and CI/CD.
  • Documentation quality.

Git Action


name: Deploy to Kubernetes

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Check Out Code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # CI process without testing (We suppose there is no error exist in app. we must create github secrets)
    - name: Build and Push Docker Image
      run: |
        docker build -t myapp:${{ github.sha }} .
        echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
        docker push myapp:${{ github.sha }}
    # Manipulate Helm Chart to get New Image Tag
    - name: Update Helm Chart
      run: |
        sed -i 's/tag: .*/tag: "${{ github.sha }}"/' helm/myapp/Chart.yaml
        # Additional commands to update your Helm chart
    # Setup Google Cloud initiate parameters
    - name: Set up Google Cloud
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
        project_id: secret-medium-412918
        service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY_BASE64 }}
        export_default_credentials: true
    # Login Gcloud
    - name: Configure Docker
      run: gcloud auth configure-docker
    # Get K8s kubeconfig
    - name: Get GKE credentials
      run: |
        echo '${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY_BASE64 }}' | base64 -d > gcloud.json
        gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=gcloud.json
        gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster  --project secret-medium-412918
        rm gcloud.json
    # Deploy Helm on GKP (We recommend that separate helmchart repository from code base repository to avoid unwanted change on helm deployment)
    - name: Deploy to Kubernetes
      run: |
        helm upgrade --install myapp-release helm/myapp
        # Additional Helm commands for deployment

    # This Is beginner CI Action I suggest we Must Separated CI/CD Process From Each Other To manage multiple rollover polices.

Deploying Prometheus and Grafana on your Kubernetes cluster"

This section guides you through the process of deploying both Prometheus and Grafana on your Kubernetes cluster. By following the provided instructions, you can set up robust monitoring and visualizations for your cluster using Prometheus to collect metrics and Grafana to create insightful dashboards for data visualization and analysis.

Installing Prometheus

This section provides instructions for installing Helm on either your deployment server or Linux client using the snap package manager. After Helm is installed, you can add the Prometheus Community repository using the helm repository add command, enabling you to access and install Prometheus using Helm charts from the repository.

  • installing helm on your deployment server or your Linux client
snap install helm --classic

Installing helloweb3

cd /helloweb3/helm/helloWeb3
helm install helloweb3 .
# Adding repository for prometheus
helm repo add prometheus-community

Prometheus Configuration

This section provides a YAML configuration snippet and the corresponding Helm command to set up and deploy Prometheus with custom configurations. By modifying the values.yaml file to meet your specific requirements and executing the provided Helm command, you can install Prometheus in the desired namespace (prometheus) using the Prometheus Community Helm chart. This allows for flexible configuration of scrapes, including targets for both Prometheus itself (localhost:9090) and the application Exporter (helloweb3.default.svc.cluster.local:80), along with relabeling configurations for customization.

extraScrapeConfigs: |
  - job_name: prometheus1
    - targets:
      - localhost:9090

  - job_name: 'node'
    metrics_path: '/metrics'
      - targets: ['helloweb3.default.svc.cluster.local:80']

And finally run the following command:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm upgrade --install prometheus --values values.yaml \
     --namespace prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus \
     --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n prometheus --create-namespace

This section provides the necessary commands to install Grafana using Helm. By adding the Bitnami repository and upgrading the Grafana chart, you can easily deploy Grafana and begin visualizing and analyzing your Prometheus metrics in a Kubernetes environment.

helm repo add bitnami
helm upgrade -i  grafana -n prometheus bitnami/grafana ---values values.yaml

Additional Resources

  • Terraform, GitHub CI, and Helm references are provided in this repository to illustrate the basic structure. Feel free to modify these as needed.

How To Run Terraform"

This section provides instructions on running Terraform to create a Kubernetes cluster. It advises starting with the command terraform init to initialize Terraform and download necessary plugins and dependencies. Then, by executing terraform plan followed by terraform apply, you can review the execution plan and proceed with creating the infrastructure as specified in your Terraform configuration files. The accompanying image demonstrates the output of the terraform init command.

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure all deliverables are committed to your repository.
  • Provide clear documentation in the repository.
  • Submit the repository URL upon completion.

Good luck!



Language:HCL 50.9%Language:Smarty 22.4%Language:JavaScript 19.6%Language:Dockerfile 7.2%