node-printer fork to be used with electron. It's a fork from node-printer which binary are released on github. It's a temporary solution until binary package will be available for node 5.1.x and windows / linux platforms for node-printer on electron runtime. Please refer to on how to use these APIs.
Install the node version used by electron (currently is 5.1.1 for electron 0.36.7).
must be set as env variable.
Remember to change the binary host with the correct version (see After the release, build the binaries for each OS.
On Ubuntu 15.10, install:
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev g++-multilib libudev-dev:i386 libcups2-dev
And then run npm run release-linux
(x64) or npm run release-linux-ia32
(ia32) to publish
the binary build
Use a Windows 7 on x64. Install Visual Studio (2013 is OK on Windows 7) and Python 2.7.x
Always specify the VisualStudio version using --msvs_version=xxxx
, foor instance
npm i --msvs_version=2013
Release using npm run release-win --msvs_version=2013
(x64) or npm run release-win-ia32 --msvs_version=2013
After npm i
, just use npm run release-darwin
(npm run release
should work)