Create a world where everyone can contribute to an Artificial General Intelligence.
Library, tools, and server to manage local and remote Oxen repositories.
(command line interface)oxen-server
(remote server to sync data to)liboxen
(shared lib between cli and server)
First, make sure you have Rust version 1.62 installed. You should install the Rust toolchain with rustup:
If you are a developer and want to learn more about adding code or the overall architecture start here. Otherwise a quick start to make sure everything is working follows.
Build the binaries
cargo build
Generate a config file and token to give user access to the server
./target/debug/oxen-server add-user --email --name Ox --output user_config.toml
Copy the config to the default locations
mkdir ~/.oxen
mv user_config.toml ~/.oxen/user_config.toml
cp ~/.oxen/user_config.toml data/test/config/user_config.toml
Run the server
./target/debug/oxen-server start
The default sync directory is /tmp/oxen_sync
to change it set the SYNC_DIR environment variable to a path.
To run the server with live reload, first install cargo-watch
cargo install cargo-watch
Then run the server like this
cargo watch -- cargo run --bin oxen-server start
Make sure your server is running on the default port and host, then run
Note: tests open up a lot of file handles, so limit num test threads if running everything.
cargo test -- --test-threads=3
To run with all debug output and run a specific test
env RUST_LOG=warn,liboxen=debug,integration_test=debug cargo test -- --nocapture test_command_push_clone_pull_push
To set a different test host you can set the OXEN_TEST_HOST
environment variable
env OXEN_TEST_HOST= cargo test
oxen init .
oxen status
oxen add images/
oxen status
oxen commit -m "added images"
oxen push origin main
Directories with repository names to simply sync data to, same internal file structure as your local repo
/tmp/oxen_sync /repo_name
Server defaults to localhost 3000
You can grab your auth token from the config file above (~/.oxen/user_config.toml)
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "http://$SERVER/repositories"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -d '{"name": "MyRepo"}' "http://$SERVER/repositories"
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST --data-binary @/Users/gregschoeninger/Downloads/woof_meow.jpeg "http://$SERVER/repositories/MyRepo/entries?id=1234&path=woof_meow.jpeg&is_synced=true&hash=4321&commit_id=1234&extension=jpeg"
Create the docker image
docker build -t oxen/server:0.1.0 .
Run a container on port 3000 with a local filesystem mounted from /var/oxen/data on the host to /var/oxen/data in the container.
docker run -d -v /var/oxen/data:/var/oxen/data -p 3000:3001 --name oxen oxen/server:0.1.0
Or use docker compose
docker-compose up -d reverse-proxy
docker-compose up -d --scale oxen=4 --no-recreate
To inspect any of the key value dbs below
oxen inspect <PATH_TO_DB>
HEAD (file that contains name of current "ref")
ex) heads/main
refs/ (keeps track of branch heads, remote names and their current commits)
key,value db of:
# Local heads
heads/main -> COMMIT_ID
heads/feature/add_cats -> COMMIT_ID
heads/experiment/add_dogs -> COMMIT_ID
# What has been pushed in these branches
remotes/experiment/add_dogs -> COMMIT_ID
staged/ (created from `oxen add <file>` command)
dirs/ (rocksdb of directory names)
key: path/to/dir
value: { }
files/ (going to mimic dir structure for fast access to subset)
dir/ (rocks db of files specific to that dir, with relative paths)
key: filename.jpg
value: {"hash": "FILE_HASH", "tracking_type": "tabular|regular"} (we generate a file ID and hash for each file that is added)
history/ (list of commits)
dirs/ (rocks db of dirnames in commit, similar to staged above, but could include computed metadata)
key: path/to/dir
value: { "count": 1000, "other_meta_data": ? }
key: filename
value: {
"hash" => "FILE_HASH", (use this to know if a file was different)
... other meta data
commits/ (created from `oxen commit -m "my message"` command. Also generates history/commit_hash)
key,value of:
A Commit is an object that contains, can use parent for ordering the commit logs
- Message
- Parent Commit ID
- Author
- Timestamp
versions/ (copies of original files, versioned with commit ids)
// ex) 59E029D4812AEBF0 -> 59/E029D4812AEBF0
// 72617025710EBB55 -> 72/617025710EBB55
// TODO: use best lossless compression type based on file type, fall back to zlib or something for rest
// TODO: maybe create watcher program to catch and intercept on write? Is this possible?
COMMIT_ID_1 (dog_1.jpg)
COMMIT_ID_1 (dog_2.jpg)
Preparing the binary
cargo build --release
Create a tar archive that we will upload to github releases
cd target/release
tar -czf oxen-mac.tar.gz oxen
Get the sha256 hash of the archive
shasum -a 256 oxen-mac.tar.gz
Add release notes and tag in
$ cd ~/Code/oxen-release/
$ git add
$ git commit -m "add release notes for v0.2.0"
$ git tag -a v0.2.0 -m "version 0.2.0"
$ git push origin main
$ git push origin v0.2.0
Upload the tar.gz to our releases github repository through the webui here
Make a backup copy in here
$ mkdir ~/Code/oxen-release/release/v0.2.0/
$ cp oxen-mac.tar.gz ~/Code/oxen-release/release/v0.2.0/
Then update our homebrew Formula in this repository to point to the correct release.
fpm \
-s dir -t deb \
-p oxen-server-0.2.0-1-any.deb \
--name oxen-server \
--version 0.2.0 \
--architecture all \
--description "Oxen is a command line tool to version and manage large machine learning datasets" \
--url "" \
--maintainer "OxenAI" \