reubano / meeting-scheduler

Drop-in calendar event booking tool for your app's users that integrates with Google, Outlook, and Exchange.

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Kloudless Meeting Scheduler

The Kloudless Meeting Scheduler is a JavaScript library that allows your users to create and schedule meetings with each other. There are two main parts to the Meeting Scheduler:

  • First, the organizer sets up the meeting details: name, location, duration, and recurrence. The organizer will then connect their calendar to monitor any meeting conflicts in real-time. The organizer will lastly receive a link to invite attendees when finished with the setup.
  • Second, a user will choose available time slots and confirm the meeting.

The Meeting Scheduler is currently compatible with the following calendar providers using the Kloudless Calendar API:

  • Google Calendar
  • Outlook Calendar, and Exchange Online
  • Exchange Server 2016+
  • CalDAV

Integrate the Kloudless Meeting Scheduler widget into your app today by creating a Kloudless app, using our zero-configuration embed script, or importing and customizing it into your app!

Create Events Schedule events

Table of Contents

Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome 70.0+
  • Mozilla Firefox 63.0+
  • Microsoft Edge



There are 2 modes available for the Kloudless Meeting Scheduler widget.

The Setup View:

Allows the user to connect their calendar via Kloudless and describe an event. Users can add event details and available time slots in the widget. The widget then displays a public URL with a unique ID to share with others to schedule the event.

The Schedule View:

Launches the widget with a specific Event ID. Users can choose from the event's available time slots to schedule an event on their calendar. A meeting invitation will be sent from the event organizer to the user.

Meeting Window

A Meeting Window contains detailed information for a event, such as the event title, location, host's calendar and host's availability. This object is created when user clicks "Create Event" from the Setup View.

The information in this object is then used to schedule events in the Schedule View.

Getting Started

Create a Kloudless App

A Kloudless App is required to use the Kloudless Meeting Scheduler widget.

Embed the Widget

Add the following iframe to your web page to launch the Setup View without any additional code:

<iframe src="<app_id>" with="515px" height="695px">

Replace <app_id> with your Kloudless App ID. You can obtain the App ID by visiting the App Details page of the Kloudless developer portal.

The events created by the widget use URLs hosted by Kloudless, so you don't need to do anything else. (See this example for detailed explanation).

Embedded Widget Configuration

To launch the widget with additional options, follow the steps below to integrate the widget into your app:

Setup Trusted Domains for your Kloudless App

You need to add your website's domain to your Kloudless app's list of Trusted Domains on the App Detail Page. This allows your web page to receive access tokens to the Kloudless API.

Import the Stylesheet and Script

To launch the widget with additional options, you will need to include the widget's stylesheet and script:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The script will expose a window.Kloudless.scheduler object that can be used to launch the widget:

const scheduler = new window.Kloudless.scheduler();

// launch the Setup View
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {}

// launch the Schedule View
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  schedule: {
    // meetingWindowId is returned from Setup View
    meetingWindowId: '<meeting_window_id>'

If you'd like to use the widget in your webpack project instead, it can also be imported with the ES6 import/export syntax, as shown below. The CSS and JS files can be found in dist/ after building the code as described in the Building section.

import './meeting-scheduler.min.css';
import MeetingScheduler from './meeting-scheduler.min.js';

const scheduler = new MeetingScheduler();

// launch the Setup View
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {}

// launch the Schedule View
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  schedule: {
    // meetingWindowId is returned from Setup View
    meetingWindowId: '<meeting_window_id>'

Check the configuration examples below to see how the options can be configured in scheduler.launch() for different scenarios.

Configuration Examples

Launch the Setup View

A Kloudless App ID is required to launch the Setup View. You can obtain an App ID by visiting the App Details page of the Kloudless developer portal.

To launch the Setup view, set setup property as an empty object to apply default settings:

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {},

Launch with Attach Mode

By default, the widget will launch as a full-screen modal display. You can choose to attach the widget to any DOM element instead as well.

Set the mode option to attach and the element option to a CSS selector for the DOM element you'd like the widget to be included within:

<div id="kloudless-meeting-scheduler"></div>
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  mode: 'attach',
  element: '#kloudless-meeting-scheduler',
  setup: {},

Launch the Setup View with a Connected Calendar Account

If you would like to launch the widget with an existing calendar account, you can import the calendar with a specific Bearer token using the widget's configuration options. The user will not need to connect an account and the widget will instead use the imported account.

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {
    accountToken: '<account_bearer_token>'

Customize the Schedule URL

By default, after creating a Meeting Window in the Setup View, a url in format of is generated. Kloudless hosts this URL by default so your users can use this URL to launch the Schedule View and schedule events.

However, if you'd like to host your own page that launches the Schedule View, or if you'd like to customize the view in any way, you would need to configure the schedule URL by using the scheduleUrl option.

The scheduleUrl option is a template string that contains the text MEETING_WINDOW_ID as a placeholder for the actual Meeting Window ID. An example is shown below.

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {
    scheduleUrl: ''

The Meeting Scheduler will replace MEETING_WINDOW_ID with an actual ID to generate the appropriate URL for each Meeting Window.

Since the Schedule View is now accessible to users at a different URL, that page must take steps to launch the Schedule View as described below.

Launch the Schedule View

Kloudless launches the Schedule View for users visiting hosted event pages automatically. See how to customize the schedule URL for more information.

If you have the scheduleUrl option set and put meeting window id as a query param, you can use getQueryParams helper method to retrieve it:

// assume meeting window id is specified in meetingWindowId query param
const { meetingWindowId } = window.Kloudless.scheduler.getQueryParams();
  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  schedule: {
    meetingWindowId: meetingWindowId

Configure the Scheduler Beforehand

The above examples use launch(options) to configure and launch the scheduler. If you would like to configure and verify the options, but not launch the view immediately, you can use config(options) instead:

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {
    // you setup options here
/* do other things */

Advanced Usage

Handling Events

Your app can listen to the Meeting Scheduler's events to receive data created from the widget or perform certain actions at a desired time.

scheduler.on('open', (eventData) => {
  console.log('Scheduler', eventData.scheduler, 'is launched!');

Refer to Event List for available events and data provided for each event.

Save the Connected Account's Access Token

Make sure you have setup trusted domains for your app, otherwise your app won't receive access tokens.

To receive the connected account's access token from your app, add an event listener for the connectAccount event:

scheduler.on('connectAccount', (eventData) => {
  console.log('Account', eventData.account, 'is connected.');
  console.log('Account Token:', eventData.accountToken);
  // save the token into your App, or make additional requests with this token

This is useful to make additional requests to the Kloudless API for you app with the connected calendar account.

Edit Meeting Window

To edit a meeting window, you need to provide both the accountToken and meetingWindowId, which are all returned from the submitMeetingWindow event when a user creates a Meeting Window from the Setup View.

scheduler.on('submitMeetingWindow', (eventData) => {
  // put your own code to record account token and meeting window id
  console.log('Account Token:' eventData.accountToken);
  console.log('Meeting Window ID:',;
  appId: '<yout_app_id>',
  setup: {},

To launch the Edit Mode, pass these two values back to scheduler:

  appId: '<yout_app_id>',
  setup: {
    accountToken: '<saved_account_token>',
    meetingWindowId: '<saved_meeting_window_id>'

Display Your Own Result Screen

If you'd like to provide your own result screen instead of the default one, use the afterSubmit.showResult option to destroy the view, instead of showing the result after submit. You will need to add an event listener to the submitMeetingWindow event so that your app is notified when user finishes creating / editing a Meeting Window:

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  setup: {
    afterSubmit: {
      showResult: false

scheduler.on('submitMeetingWindow', (eventData) => {
  console.log('Meeting Window details:', eventData.meetingWindow);
  console.log('Schedule URL:', eventData.scheduleUrl);
  // create your own result screen here

Similarly, it is also possible to provide your own screen for the Schedule View instead of using the default one:

  appId: '<your_app_id>',
  schedule: {
    afterSchedule: {
      showResult: false

scheduler.on('schedule', (eventData) => {
  console.log('calendar event details:', eventData.scheduledEvent);
  // create your own result screen here

Refer to submitMeetingWindow and schedule event for details of the event data.

And More...

For more examples, please check launch(options) for a full list of available options and their usage.



Configure the Meeting Scheduler.


An object containing the following keys:

  • appId: Required: String
    Your Kloudless application App ID.

  • mode: Optional (default: 'modal'): 'modal' or 'attach'
    If set to 'modal', a modal window is shown and the widget is displayed inside the modal. If set to 'attach', the widget will be attached to the element specified in the element parameter. Failing to provide a valid element option will cause the widget to fail to be launched.

  • element: Required only for attach mode: String or Element
    The DOM element that the widget will be attached to. All contents under the element will be removed before attaching the widget. If a String is provided, it will be used to retrieve the DOM element by using document.querySelector. This option is ignored if mode is modal.

  • setup: Required for the Setup View: Object
    Options to launch Setup View, available options:

    • accountToken: Optional (default: null): String
      If you would like to launch the widget with an existing calendar account, you can import the calendar with a specific Bearer token using the accountToken option. The user will not need to connect an account and the widget will instead use this imported account.
      Required for Edit existing Meeting Window
    • scheduleUrl: Optional (default: ''): String
      A template string for the URL provided to users to schedule the event. The SCHEDULE_URL in the string will be replaced with the actual meeting window ID.
    • meetingWindowId: Optional (default: null): String
      If specified, the scheduler will launched in Edit mode to edit provided Meeting Window. Users can also delete this Meeting Window from the view.
      Note that accountToken is required for edit mode.
    • afterSubmit: Optional (default: see below): String
      • An object to specify the behavior after a Meeting Window is created/updated/deleted:
        • showResult: Optional (default: true): Boolean
          If true, a result page will be displayed. Otherwise, the scheduler is destroyed, you will need to use the submitMeetingWindow or deleteMeetingWindow event to catch the result.
        • actions: Optional (default: ['close']): Array
          A list of available actions for users to choose, supported actions include:
          • 'close': Close and destroy the scheduler
          • 'restart': Go back and create another Meeting Window. Note that this is not supported in the Edit Mode.
  • schedule: Required for the Schedule View: Object
    Options to launch the Schedule View, available options:

    • meetingWindowId: Required: String The Meeting Window ID .
    • afterSchedule: Optional: Object
      • An object to specify the behavior after an event is scheduler, available options:
        • showResult: Optional (default: true): Boolean
          If true, a result page would be displayed. Otherwise, the scheduler is destroyed, you will need to use the schedule event to catch the result.
        • actions: Optional (default: ['close']): Array
          A list of available actions for users to choose, supported actions:
          • 'close': Close and destroy the scheduler

Note: You must specify either setup or schedule to launch the Meeting Scheduler.


Launch the meeting scheduler widget. If options is provided, it will call config(options) to configure the scheduler before launching.


Remove the configured meeting scheduler widget from the page and free up memory.


Set global options. The widget is configured to work with default values, so these options should only be set when needed.


An object containing the following keys:

  • baseUrl: String, Kloudless API server URL, you only need this when hosting your own Kloudless API server.
  • schedulerPath: String, URL that hosts the scheduler page, you only need this when hosting the embedded scheduler page. See Host the scheduler page for more information.


Get the global options object.


Retrieve an object representing query parameters as key-value map from current URL.


Return version number string.


Events are emitted asynchronously when conditions are met. To register an event, use scheduler.on(eventName, callback). To unregister event, use, callback) or to unregister all callbacks from a certain event.

The callback function will receive an object as the first argument with the following properties:

  • scheduler: MeetingScheduler instance that received the event.
  • All event data for the event will be attached as additional keys to this object, please reference to Event List for details.

Event List


When the scheduler is launched


When the scheduler is closed


When the scheduler window and placeholders are destroyed


When a calendar account is connected

Event Data:

  • account: Object, Connected account
  • accountToken(*1): String, Bearer Token of this account


When a calendar account is removed


Before submitting a create or update Meeting Window request in the Setup View


When a Meeting Window is created or updated

Event Data:

  • meetingWindow: Meeting Window object
  • accountToken(*1): String, Bearer Token of this account


When a Meeting Window is deleted


Before scheduling an event in the Schedule View


When an event is scheduled

Event Data:

  • scheduledEvent: Object, scheduled calendar event details, including calendar event ID


When the view is restarted. Currently only emitted in the Setup View when a user has clicked 'Create another event' button after an event is created


When an error response or no response is returned from an API request

Event Data:

  • message: String, Error message

(*1) This data is only sent when the scheduler is launched from a trusted domain of your app.

Migration Guide

from v1.0, v1.1 to v1.2 and above

  1. Launch options have been redesigned to provide flexibility with configuration. Please refer to the following table to migrate your existing configuration.
Purpose v1.1 and below v1.2 and above
Pass the connected account's token for the Setup View accountToken setup.accountToken
URL template for users to schedule the event (*1) eventUrlFormat setup.scheduleUrl
Launch the Schedule View eventId schedule.meetingWindowId
  • *1: EVENT_ID in the URL template has to be changed to MEETING_WINDOW_ID in order to generate the schedule link properly.
  1. appId is now required for both the Setup and Schedule View.



Clone this repository

# install dependencies
npm install

# By setting KLOUDLESS_APP_ID, the test page will populate `appId` automatically
export KLOUDLESS_APP_ID=<your_app_id>
# Set this if you'd like to specify a non-default Kloudless API server URL
export BASE_URL=<your_kloudless_api_server_url>

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# or
npm start

Then, run the Vue debug server to debug with the widget:

npm run vue-devtools

If you encounter issues when inspecting components, try to click the refresh button on the top right.

When launching the dev server, the setup.scheduleUrl will be http://localhost:8080/meetingWindowId=MEETING_WINDOW_ID by default. You can use this URL to test the Schedule View locally.


# install dependencies
npm install

# build for production with minification.
# the result will be in /dist.
npm run build

Host the Scheduler Page

The build contains a scheduler folder which renders the actual HTML and functionalities of the widget; by default, this is hosted by Kloudless. If you would like to host it yourself, you can set SCHEDULER_PATH under build options to specify the scheduler hosting URL, or use Kloudless.scheduler.setOptions in runtime.

You will need to add your website domain to your Kloudless app's list of Trusted Domains on the App Detail Page.

This allows the hosted scheduler to receive access tokens to the Kloudless API.

Build Options

You can use environment variables to configure the build, for example:

# Set this if you'd like to specify a non-default Kloudless API server URL
BASE_URL=<your_kloudless_api_server_url> npm run build

Variable Name Purpose Default
BASE_URL URL to Kloudless API Server
SCHEDULER_PATH URL for the scheduler page
SCHEDULE_URL Default schedule URL

Test the Build

npm run dist-test

Open http://localhost:8080/test/dist to test the build


Feel free to contact us at with any feedback or questions.


  • 1.2.2
    • Event name corrections
  • 1.2.1
    • Fixed: Missing fields when editing Meeting Window
  • 1.2.0
    • Add new launch options to control the result page
    • Add event support
    • Ability to edit and delete existing Meeting Window objects
  • 1.1.0
    • Update README
    • Fixed: Available times were off due to daylight saving timezone
    • Render the widget inside iframe to preserve layout
    • Add new build options
    • Add setOptions to configure global options in runtime
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release


Drop-in calendar event booking tool for your app's users that integrates with Google, Outlook, and Exchange.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.2%Language:HTML 11.4%Language:CSS 4.5%