reubano / ckanny

A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



ckanny is a command line interface for interacting with remote and local CKAN instances. Under the hood, it uses ckanutils.

With ckanny, you can

  • Download a CKAN resource
  • Create a CKAN package
  • Update a CKAN DataStore from data in the FileStore
  • Copy a FileStore resource from one CKAN instance to another
  • and much more...

ckanny performs smart updates by computing the hash of a file and will only update the datastore if the file has changed. This allows you to schedule a script to run on a frequent basis, e.g., @hourly via a cron job, without updating the CKAN instance unnecessarily.


ckanny has been tested on the following configuration:

  • MacOS X 10.9.5
  • Python 2.7.9

ckanny requires the following in order to run properly:


(You are using a virtualenv, right?)

 sudo pip install ckanny


ckanny comes with a built in command line interface ckanny.


 ckanny [<namespace>.]<command> [<args>]


show help

ckanny -h
usage: ckanny [<namespace>.]<command> [<args>]

positional arguments:
  command     the command to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

available commands:
  ver                      Show ckanny version

    delete                 Deletes a datastore table
    update                 Updates a datastore table based on the current filestore resource
    upload                 Uploads a file to a datastore table

    fetch                  Downloads a filestore resource
    migrate                Copies a filestore resource from one ckan instance to another
    upload                 Updates the filestore of an existing resource or creates a new one

    customize              Introspects custom organization values

    create                 Creates a package (aka dataset)

show version

ckanny ver

fetch a resource

ckanny fs.fetch -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> <resource_id>

show fs.fetch help

ckanny fs.fetch -h
usage: ckanny fs.fetch
       [-h] [-q] [-n] [-c CHUNKSIZE_BYTES] [-u UA] [-k API_KEY] [-r REMOTE]
       [-d DESTINATION]

Downloads a filestore resource

positional arguments:
  resource_id           the resource id

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           suppress debug statements
  -n, --name-from-id    Use resource id for filename
                        number of bytes to read/write at a time (default:
  -u UA, --ua UA        the user agent (uses `CKAN_USER_AGENT` ENV if
                        available) (default: None)
  -k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
                        the api key (uses `CKAN_API_KEY` ENV if available)
                        (default: None)
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        the remote ckan url (uses `CKAN_REMOTE_URL` ENV if
                        available) (default: None)
                        the destination folder or file path (default:

create a package

ckanny pk.create -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> <org_id>

create a package with resources

ckanny pk.create -k <CKAN_API_KEY> -r <CKAN_URL> -f 'file1.csv,file2.csv' <org_id>

show pk.create help

ckanny pk.create -h
usage: /Users/reubano/.virtualenvs/ckan/bin/ckanny pk.create
       [-h] [-q] [-u UA] [-k API_KEY]
       [-r REMOTE] [-e END] [-S START]
       [-L LOCATION] [-c CAVEATS] [-y TYPE]
       [-T TAGS] [-t TITLE]
       [-m {observed,other,census,survey,registry}]
       [-d DESCRIPTION] [-f FILES] [-s SOURCE]
       [-l LICENSE_ID]

Creates a package (aka dataset)

positional arguments:
  org_id                the organization id

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           suppress debug statements
  -u UA, --ua UA
                        the user agent (uses `CKAN_USER_AGENT` ENV if
                        available) (default: None)
  -k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
                        the api key (uses `CKAN_API_KEY` ENV if available)
                        (default: None)
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        the remote ckan url (uses `CKAN_REMOTE_URL` ENV if
                        available) (default: None)
  -e END, --end END
                        Data end date
  -S START, --start START
                        Data start date (default: 09/25/2015)
  -L LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Location the data represents (default: world)
  -c CAVEATS, --caveats CAVEATS
                        Package caveats
  -y TYPE, --type TYPE
                        Package type (default: dataset)
  -T TAGS, --tags TAGS
                        Comma separated list of tags
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Package title (default: Untitled 2015-09-25
  -m {observed,other,census,survey,registry}, --methodology {observed,other,census,survey,registry}
                        Data collection methodology (default: observed)
                        Dataset description (default: same as `title`)
  -f FILES, --files FILES
                        Comma separated list of file paths to add
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Data source (default: Multiple sources)
  -l LICENSE_ID, --license-id LICENSE_ID
                        Data license (default: cc-by-igo)


ckanny will use the following Environment Variables if set:

Environment Variable Description
CKAN_REMOTE_URL Your CKAN instance remote url
CKAN_USER_AGENT Your user agent

Hash Table

In order to support file hashing, ckanny creates a hash table resource called hash_table.csv with the following schema:

field type
datastore_id text
hash text

By default the hash table resource will be placed in the package hash_table. ckanny will create this package if it doesn't exist. Optionally, you can set the hash table package in the command line with the -H, --hash-table option, or in a Python file as the hash_table keyword argument to CKAN.


ckanny ds.update -H custom_hash_table 36f33846-cb43-438e-95fd-f518104a32ed


ckanny comes with a built in task manager and a Makefile.


pip install -r dev-requirements.txt


Run python linter and nose tests

manage lint
manage test

Or if make is more your speed...

make lint
make test




ckanny is distributed under the MIT License, the same as ckanutils.


A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances

License:MIT License


Language:Python 91.7%Language:Shell 6.1%Language:Makefile 2.2%